Happy Homemaker Monday, Second Week of January

Well, we did it. We survived the first week of January 2021. Shall we see what the second week holds?  I’m hoping it’s a little bit of calm, both here and around the world.

Joining in with Sandra over at Diary Of A Stay At Home Mom for this fun and encouraging weekly link-up.

The Weather

The sun is coming! The sun is coming! And warmer temperatures as well. It’s a balmy 26 degrees as I type this around 7:00a.m. but we’re supposed to hit the 50’s by Wednesday of this week. A welcome break from the cold. Even better, a break from dreary gray skies.

On The Breakfast Plate

Nothing yet but my plan is for apple cinnamon oatmeal, a blueberry English muffin, followed by vitamins. Already drinking the coffee, of course.

As I Look Outside My Window

The backyard is still in the fuzzy outlines of the dawning day. Birds (and squirrels) not quite yet awake. It’s just past peak sunrise so nothing really photo worthy though I’m happy to see that blue sky.

As I Look Around The House

I see a multitude of small messes and projects requiring my attention. Most of it appears to be mine.

What I’m Wearing Today

Black, long-sleeved tee shirt and my elephant pants plus I’ve went ahead and put on my tennis shoes. High aspirations for a productive day.

Currently Reading

Excited to pick out two books containing my word of the year. One fiction and one non-fiction. The fiction one is titled Less by Andrew Greer. And it won the Pulitzer Prize in 2018. And can I just say so far I have no idea why. In the interest of following my word of the year, it may become a “DNF” for me. (Did Not Finish). I might read “less” of Less and more of something I find enjoyable.

The non-fiction book I tried is titled The Sweet Spot: How To Accomplish More by Doing Less by Christine Carter. It also risks becoming a DNF. Seems aimed at a different time period than pandemic times. I’ll give it another chance today and see if my mind changes.

I’m mostly excited to seek out and read the new Daisy James novel, Tuscan Dreams at the Cornish Confetti Agency. It’s not exactly Pulitzer Prize material but I’ve been waiting for it to release and am more excited to read it than either of the two books currently (not) holding my attention.

On The TV For This Week


I’m super excited they renewed this show and the new season starts on Tuesday. Prodigal Son is smart and sometimes funny, all the things you want in a show about the son of a serial killer who works as a criminal profiler now. (Also, sometimes a bit gory) I’ve already went and refreshed my memory by watching the last show of season 1 on Hulu (the whole first season is there and I highly recommend this one if you like murder mystery type shows, each episode ties up in the end with season having an on-going mystery).

Watched a little Fargo over the weekend, finally got around to finishing season 3. Ugh, what was with the ending of that season? Started season 4.  Also, in lighter TV viewing, watched all the Chronicles of Narnia movies on Disney Plus (The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe, Prince Caspian, and finally, The Voyage of the Dawn Treader). Might need to go re-read that series as it’s one of my all-time favorites (much to G’s aggravation, he’s not a big fan. Prefers The Lord of the Rings series. To each their own.)

On The Menu This Week


Last week I followed the entire menu plan! This week, not sure that’s going to happen, thinking I’ll be re-arranging these meals a bit based on the weather. And switching the oven meal to a grill meal.

Of course, it’s an on-line school week and I turned down my work for today so I could be here to oversee things (SIGH, wish me luck as I’ve traded love and hugs from 3-6 year old children for surly teenage angst. I’m where I need to be though I’m already missing my coworkers and the kids.) Long way to say, there’s hope for this menu plan.

MONDAY: 20 minute skillet sausage and zucchini, salad *J has a baritone lesson at 6:30*

TUESDAY: Lemon Artichoke Chicken and Rice (by request from J!)

WEDNESDAY: Flank steak in the oven, asparagus (I bought frozen in a bag), baked potatoes *maybe a MNO, warm enough weather to be outside around a fire pit*

THURSDAY: Seared pork chops with turnips, baked sweet potatoes?

FRIDAY: Homemade or Frozen Pizza or OUT

Something Fun To Share

During the opening sequence of a season 3 episode of Fargo, they played Peter and the Wolf narrated by Billy Bob Thornton. This immediately took me back to when I was a kid in the late 70’s/early 80’s. My mom had the album. Not narrated by Billy Bob Thornton, of course.  So I looked it up and my mom’s album was narrated by non other than David Bowie. Had no idea.

I remember liking the music and thinking it slightly scary all at the same time. Here’s the full you-tube recording:

(Note: I think someone simply put his narration to the Disney cartoon as the original cartoon dates back to 1946 with Sterling Holloway as narrator)

Favorite Photo From The Camera

Frozen lake at the end of the street:

Quote For The Week

A friend posted these verses on her Facebook wall last week and it stuck with me.

Ephesians 4:31-32 put away all bitterness and wrath and anger and wrangling and slander, together with malice, and be kind to one another, tender hearted, forgiving one another as God in Christ has forgiven you.


So, what kind of things does your second week of January hold?


12 Replies to “Happy Homemaker Monday, Second Week of January”

  1. I like your word of the year! Less has so many possible connotations that are all possible! Even your word last year had positive aspects! 😀

    I sure hope you like the pork chops and turnips! I used pork chops because they were what I had on hand, but pork tenderloin medallions would be wonderful! And I’m equally please that the Lemon Artichoke Chicken was a hit at your house.

    David Bowie was an interesting man, an enigma to the “character” he became. Have you heard his Little Drummer Boy duet with Bing Crosby? If not, look it up, I think you’ll like it.

    I hope you have a WONDERFUL week! Oh, and that cloud picture is gorgeous.

    1. Thank you! I’m trying very hard to apply my word this year. My husband looked at me funny when I said we were having turnips, said he thought they were okay raw. We’ll see what they all think. I always tend to have pork chops on hand here as they’re one of the easier (and cheaper) things I can find in the stores. Going to have to look up that duet. Hope you’re having a great Monday!

  2. What a great looking menu especially that Lemon Artichoke Chicken rice! can’t wait to check it out. Have a great week!

      1. Fixed it for you! I don’t like to have my last name on the Internet either. Thanks for commenting!

    1. Thank you. The lemon artichoke chicken recipe is one from Tamy over at Chasing My Life, it’s definitely a keeper 🙂 Hope you have a great week as well.

  3. That’s a good word, LESS. Muffins look good. I have a hard time STOPPING when reading a book I don’t like, I don’t know I feel like I have to finish it but when it’s done I just think that I wasted my time. I am trying to get better at that.
    Have a great week
    Lucie recently posted…Happy Homemaker 2021-01-11My Profile

    1. Thank you. I’m working really hard on applying my word. I have the same struggle with books, probably why I’ve not returned either one yet. Hope you are enjoying your Tuesday!

    1. I agree it’s nice to see new faces but I’m an “old” face. I just changed blogs 😉 (Used to be So Not Organized, probably stopped putting the note about it on the bottom of the blog a bit too soon) Hope your Tuesday is off to an amazing start!

  4. Playing serious catch up my Lovie!
    I hope you had a great week! What a blast from the past about the Peter and the Wolf album. I absolutely remember that old one and listening to it in school and being kind of afraid too. Lol I love your inspiration. The best words of loving wisdom. 🙏 See you soon for this week! Lol

    1. Last week was actually pretty nice and relaxing. Hope you had a great week as well. Time to move forward and look at this week 🙂
