Happy Homemaker Monday, Spring Has Sprung!

Been a busy first day of spring around here so I’m a bit late getting to things today. Are you excited for the new season? I know I am so happy and ready for warmer days, green grass, and flowers.

Let’s just get straight to joining in with Sandra over at Diary Of A Stay At Home Mom for this planning post.

The Weather

It’s currently 60 degrees and sunny. We couldn’t have asked for better first day of spring weather. Maybe a little less windy but I don’t mind as I’m too busy soaking up the sunshine and warm temperatures. There are chances for rain the rest of the week until Friday, cooler tomorrow with a high of only 48 but then, we bounce to 67 before leveling off in the 50’s for the rest of the week.

As I Look Outside My Window 

I see a robin! A sure sign of spring. All the winter birds are still here but I I’m thinking they should be packing their suitcases soon (looking at you little snowbirds!)

Right Now

Trying to get this post done before I have to throw together dinner and take J to his lesson tonight.

Thinking And Pondering

Too much on my mind. One of the things: I was just in the grocery store thinking how sad it is that my go-to cheap meals are now some of the more expensive ones. French Toast used to be such an easy thing but now the bread, eggs, and milk make it cost as much as a “normal” meal. And still with the random things they don’t have at times. I just want my normal taco seasoning packet (and yes, I know I can make my own but I like this kind)

On My Bedside Table

Currently the camera bag. I should have my phone on the charger but just remembered it.

On My TV Tonight

Probably just The Voice. 

Listening To

Nothing at the moment. Earlier the cat was meowing mad at me for forgetting her outside when I came back inside. I got an earful of meows! Ha.

On The Lunch Plate

The boys and I had McDonald’s, one of those days.

On The Dinner Plate

No idea, grocery store chicken, leftovers (pork chops or tacos), cereal. We ate lunch kind of late. My husband had a root canal so is not super excited about eating. It’s an on  your own type of night, I think.

On The Menu This Week

MONDAY: OYO *J had to take a test for school off-site at 9:30* *J has a lesson at 6:30*

TUESDAY: Chicken and noodles, mashed potatoes *I might go to Bunco*

WEDNESDAY: Homemade sub sandwiches, chips, fruit

THURSDAY: Might make fajitas or finally the pepper steak I keep moving around on the menu *I work 2:30-5 and then, have CPR training, I think…need to make sure*

FRIDAY: Pancakes (might switch this with Wednesday depending on how my husband feels)

On My Reading Pile

Just the spring magazines. I really need to find a book for tonight.

On My To Do List

  • Spring cleaning
  • Grocery store 
  • Pay a couple bills
  • Get some seeds started
  • Other stuff…?

Plans This Week

wash living room curtains, shower curtain, (all the curtains!), clear off a few tall surfaces, go to Bunco depending on how tomorrow goes, work

What I’m Creating

Way too early but I’m anxious to get the garden going. Also, I did buy a new diamond art painting to try.

Simple Pleasure

Warm spring days with sunshine, birds, flowers, and bees!

(See that little yellow ball on the bee? I had to look that one up as I’d never noticed that on my early spring bees before. Interesting explanation of it all in this article about why bees have pockets.)

Looking Around The House

Ugh. Let’s do that after a bit of spring cleaning happens. We did get a new dresser for J’s room at Ikea but I forgot to take a photo before we set it up in there. I’ll have to sneak in one day when he’s not home.

From The Camera

Last sunset of winter over a local lake.


On My Prayer List

A peaceful, positive spring season for all. J to graduate high school, we’re inching closer. My husband to not be in too much pain after his dental work. Friends, family, strangers.

Quote For The Week

Some old-fashioned things like fresh air and sunshine are hard to beat. (Laura Ingalls Wilder)


Day 77/365


6 Replies to “Happy Homemaker Monday, Spring Has Sprung!”

  1. It was a lovely first day of spring here, too, today, Jean! Love your photos of the little blue flowers. What are they? I’ve never tried the diamond art, but would like to. I have a ‘Starry Night’ one that Amanda made for me and I love it! I hear you about too much on the mind. My mind seems to swirl around day and night to the point that, sometimes, it’s almost impossible to focus on anything. I’m just thankful that spring is here and am looking forward to brighter and healthier days ahead for all of us! Blessings!

    1. Those little blue flowers are called Scilla or sometimes Siberian Squill. I’ve also seen them referred to as Spanish bluebells and glory of the snow. In some places, I think they may be invasive. They’ve been in our yard for as long as we’ve lived here. And in the past, I tried to get rid of them and/or move them (as they bloom all over the front yard, not really in any planned location) but now I do enjoy them Definitely not ones to plant unless you want them in your yard forever. Yes, excited for the brighter days of spring. Though a rainy day today, spring showers make everything greener though, right? 🙂

  2. OOoooh, robins, flowers galore and feeling warm sunshine. Enjoying the beauty so much so thank you for sharing it. That is so cool to learn about bees. What a great shot of that one! I hope you have a very blessed week ahead my dear Friend. xo

    1. I was thinking of you and all that snow while taking the pictures. Just think how green and pretty your area is going to be once it all melts (and the mud dries as well, I guess?). Happy Spring!

  3. Thank you Jean, for this lovely blog. I find spring flowers so beautiful to see. Yesterday I saw daffodils along the side of the ditch. They were leaning all the way over the water. Later I thought, why didn’t I stop to take a photo. But well, I didn’t. Other cyclists were coming and I thought it was a bit weird to do. And imagine if I tumbled into the ditch. On Monday, I would like to participate in this challenge again.

    Finally found your correct blog. I will put it in my side bar.
    Greetings from the Netherlands.

    1. Thank you! And I’m glad you didn’t fall into the ditch. Hope you do join in on Monday, I enjoy reading your blog so much. Hope your weekend has been wonderful so far!
