Spring Cleaning

My plan for today is to do some spring cleaning. However, right now I’m reading about it. Why actually do the cleaning when you can peruse a million different ideas about it on the Internet?

My thoughts for a quick spring cleaning this year are really to just do a top to bottom cleaning and clearing of the entire house.

The top part usually presents challenges as I’m not super tall. So, the ceilings and ceiling fans might not get the treatment they deserve. A little is better than none, I think.

Some of the spring cleaning I’d like to do in the coming weeks:


Clean the vent fan in the bathroom

Dust some light fixtures/ceiling fans

Clean off the top of the fridge (maybe the cabinets as well *if* I can get my husband to help)

Clear the ceiling corner cobwebs

Bonus item: I’d love it if I could talk my husband into repainting a few of our ceilings but that’s low odds


Wipe off all the kitchen cabinets

Dust pictures

Clean windows/curtains (I know I have this on my to do list for the week for some reason)

Clear off some cluttered surfaces/clean them when clear/hopefully get rid of some stuff

Refresh the mattresses


Finally, we are almost to the end of the spring cleaning!

Wash all the floors and vents and add a drop of peppermint oil to them

Basement Bonus

Last one, clean off the desk down here and go through more tubs


Before I leave here to actually go do this cleaning, tell me do you do a full spring cleaning? What’s on your list?


Day 78/365


7 Replies to “Spring Cleaning”

  1. Sounds like a good plan to me, Jean! I plan to start spring cleaning here soon, but, have to admit, it doesn’t seem as important as it did now that I live alone. I do want to brighten stuff up though…do a thorough cleaning of each room, decluttering as I go, of course, but, to be honest, there’s not much clutter left. It’s much easier to keep up with now. Anyway, clean, declutter, wash curtains, clean windows, wash all the glass and knick-knacky-type stuff, shampoo the carpets. That’s pretty much the plan here. Have a great day! Are you getting the rain today, too?

    1. I really need to get rid of more clutter around here or at least find some new homes for things we do use that are taking up too much space. Yes, we had rain almost all day! It was kind of chilly as well but I keep thinking about how pretty and green everything is going to be soon.

  2. Hello! Yep. The vent fan!! I was literally looking at that yesterday! I will think of you when I am cleaning mine! I will try to go through drawers and cupboards and purge. Soon. : )

    1. Did the best I could with mine this morning though spraying the cleaner at it instead of on the cloth was not my best idea ever. Ha. Oh, I need to purge so much stuff. Where does it all come from? Happy Wednesday!

  3. Translation results
    It’s interesting the way you’ve divided the cleaning, top to bottom.

    I admit I don’t do much organizing beforehand and that usually gives me a headache.

    My husband is on the other extreme, planning everything down to the smallest detail, like he’s defending his PhD thesis.

    Good luck and enjoy!

    1. Thank you! The more time organizing the cleaning, the less time I am actually doing the cleaning. Of course, sometimes that ends up with all organizing and no cleaning, ha ha.
