A Few More Flowers

Today didn’t go exactly as planned. No recycle event trip for us. A bit of a miscommunication this morning (code for argument) so I went flower shopping instead. Started in on getting the front porch ready for summer sitting. 

Of course, now the wind’s picked up and there’s a cold front moving in overnight. At least no freeze/frost warnings!

First, I went to a little garden event they were having locally. Picked up some pepperoncini peppers for the garden, a bit of mint and lambs ear for the front porch. And this fun little pot made by a friend.

Then, I went over to Tractor Supply, not a place I usually go to buy my flowers but they had lemon and olive trees on sale. So, I am trying again with a lemon tree. Hopefully, this one won’t suffer the same fate as the other one.

Finally, I went to my favorite local garden spot. I’ve been waiting impatiently for them to open for the season! Inspired by my fairy garden pot, I decided sweet asylum made the perfect topping for my cup planter.

And picked up my usual pink petunias. Except, don’t shop for pink petunias while upset. I bought the wrong ones! Now, I’ll need to go back and get my usual bubblegum pink “super” petunia ones. However, petunias are never a bad buy so I just planted the wave petunias in a different pot.

Three Last Things

I added a bit to my herb wall between purchases at all three places. It’s not finished yet but getting closer. Peppermint and lemon thyme pictured below.

Plus, I didn’t forget about a certain little cat that likes to sit out on the front porch with me. Bought her some catnip. In typical appreciative cat fashion, she’s ignoring it.

And I bought my hummingbirds a fuschia for whenever they finally get here. The feeder is also hanging up and ready. Hopefully, it will get warm and I’ll see my fun little birds soon.

Do you have certain plants/flowers you must have for each season?




3 Replies to “A Few More Flowers”

  1. How nice, Jean! I really like the plants you bought and I love that you always think about birds and cats, etc.
    I hope the upset is over.
    Hugs to you!

    1. Thank you! Just one of those weekends, start of the week seems better 🙂
