A Quick Walk

Probably should have posted this yesterday. Tuesday I found myself by one of my favorite parks. Wrong shoes. Wrong time of day. No camera besides the phone. However, I went for a very quick walk anyway. Pretty short walk because I also had no water and it was a bit hot.

Thought I’d share the few phone photos I took before I leave for work.

Happy Thursday!





2 Replies to “A Quick Walk”

  1. I can just feel the heat in your photos ☀️. It’s not advisable to go for long walks without water. But hey, what a beautiful butterfly 🦋. And that bird, it’s unfamiliar to me 🐦. Nice blog. I love looking at pictures 📷.

    1. Thank you! Don’t worry, I didn’t take a very long walk in the heat, just basically around the corner of the path to see if the little lake had survived the drought/high heat of our summer. Sadly, it hadn’t but we’re getting lots of rain this morning so maybe it will return. Hope your week is off to a great start!
