Another Fall Bucket List

Last year, I made a small fall bucket list. Hadn’t thought too much about making one this year but my friend, Rebecca, inspired me. You can see her list over at Rebecca’s Hearth and Home. 

One of my favorite things about her bucket list is how she has items that will happen (planning autumn menus, celebrating birthdays and holidays) along with her dream items (fall getaways, etc.)

My Fall Bucket List For Autumn 2022

  1. Bake oatmeal butterscotch cookies
  2. Follow the Four Week Fall Cleaning Schedule
  3. Maintain a fall garden
  4. Visit with family during Halloween time (my brother is supposed to be coming back into town!)
  5. Go on a weekend getaway to Arkansas with my husband and some friends
  6. Bring a few plants in from their “outdoor vacation” before it gets too cold for them
  7. Make some pumpkin things. Not too many, I’ve managed to marry the 1 person in the world who is “not a huge fan of pumpkin”
  8. Plant some flower bulbs/sow my wildflower seeds for spring color
  9. Crunch through the leaves once a lot of them start to cover the ground
  10. Watch for migrating birds
  11. Visit a few of my favorite local farmer’s markets before they close down for the season
  12. Clean the basement (ugh, not part of the fall cleaning schedule but it needs it)
  13. Participate in the, no longer active, Write 31 days blog challenge. I already have a topic!
  14. Bake bread, maybe with herbs or other garden veggies
  15. Sort through my summer/fall clothes as I switch them over
  16. Watch some fun (but not too scary) Halloween movies
  17. Read some cozy mysteries
  18. Learn to take a decent photo of purple asters (pick up camera a bit more often)
  19. Go either apple picking, to a pumpkin patch, or go buy local pecans.
  20. Go to at least one local fall festival
  21. Last item, bonus one as I planned originally to stop at 20. Just grab a blanket, a book or the remote control, a cup of hot tea, and relax!


What things are you planning to do this autumn?

5 Replies to “Another Fall Bucket List”

  1. OOH I like the idea of breaking up into seasons! I was just updating the list you inspired me to do back in January 😀 Sounds like you have this thing called FALL handled

    1. Thank you. I really do need to go back and look at my 22 for 2022 list. Kind of scared to see it as I don’t think I’ve managed many (if any) of the items I listed. Maybe I’ll glance it at right now while I have a minute. Or I’ll make yet another list 😉 of all the fall garden chores I need to do. That list keeps getting longer and longer…

  2. I enjoyed reading your fall bucket list, Jean. Thanks for sharing my link! I love the four-week cleaning list and may follow along myself. I think your aster pictures are beautiful! I will be at the arts, crafts, and music festival at Missouri Town this weekend (on Saturday). How about you? Will you be there? Have a lovely fall! I know we’ll both enjoy marking things off our lists throughout the season! Blessings!

    1. Thanks for the inspiration. The camera just won’t pick up the right shade of purple for me (I know it probably has to do with gray scale but that’s about all I know…LOL). We just drove by the signs for the Missouri Town festival last night, be warned they were also paving the streets around the area. Hopefully, they’ll be long finished with that project by Saturday! Not sure what our weekend plans might be yet. If we go there, I’ll definitely let you know 🙂 Hope your week is off to a wonderful start!

  3. Thanks for the heads up about the roads around Missouri Town. As for the right shade of purple on the asters…rarely, if ever, do mine come out right until I play with the color. Sometimes just messing with color does it; at other times I have to open color and mess with the highlights, shadows, saturation, etc. Keep working at it. Your pictures are lovely. Have a great week and, yes, if you make it to Mo Town let me know. I plan on meeting my aunts there at 10:00. Have a good one! 🙂
