I know I’m not alone (hopefully) over here looking around going wait, it’s Halloween tomorrow and then, it’s November 1st. What happened? Does anyone else feel like you’ve just awoken from some sleeping spell?
Bit of a busy week around here already with Halloween, a college band concert for J, and us having dinner plans on Friday night instead of our usual first of the month Saturday night. Time to join up with Sandra over at Diary Of A Stay At Home Mom and plan this week!
The Weather
Not my favorite. Um, COLD. It’s 26 degrees out there right now. And it’s supposed to be colder for trick or treating tomorrow. Those poor kiddos, coats over costumes! I’m happy to be at home on door duty this year. Rest of the week gradually warms us back up to the low 60’s for the weekend.
As I Look Outside My Window
The sun is shining brightly at least. Not outside my window but I took this photo of downtown off the tv, I was trying to catch the weather chart but was too late. You can see the 26 degrees in the lower left corner, brrr!
Right Now
I’m cold! And stalling on my Monday morning trip to the store. I should go early as I know everyone else is doing the same.
Thinking And Pondering
All the things! My massive to do list though none of it is critical (yet).
How I Am Feeling This Morning
Did I mention I’m cold? Ugh. Actually, thankfully, I’m in a nice, warm home with fresh hot coffee and plenty of blankets. Still freezing but grateful.
On The Breakfast Plate
Coffee (lots), vitamins, and a croissant.
On The Lunch Plate
Undecided, maybe some sort of pasta or just a sandwich
On The Dinner Plate
chicken and noodles
What I’m Wearing Today
a black marled long-sleeved t-shirt, olive green pants, and tennis shoes. However, my alter ego game person is dressed like this:
On My Reading Pile
Read a great one called Zero Days by Ruth Ware last week, super interesting murder mystery. And a trainwreck of a book by David Baldacci called The 6:20 Man. For this week, I’ve started one called The Measure by Nikki Erlick that has me intrigued so far.
On My TV This Week
I don’t think I want to talk about the Chiefs game or the local news reporter saying they needed to “shake it off” this morning. Ugh. Just ugh. Why to Denver? Okay, done whining. I also watched some Halloween movies.
Thank you to Billie Jo over at Afternoon Coffee And Evening Tea for introducing me to Halloweentown last year. I’d never heard of it but it’s now one of my Halloween must watch movies, perfect for someone who doesn’t like scary. I ended up watching all of them except Return to Halloweentown (They changed the main actor and it just didn’t work for me, I tried and turned it off). And since the weather was cold and rainy (sometimes ice fell from the sky, too early!), lots of tv watching. I also watched Twitches and Twitches Too. Go Twitches, go twitches! Loved those movies as well. Finally, I also watched Dr. Who episodes (I’m to the season 4 specials), Fear the Walking Dead, The Voice, and The Masked Singer.
On The Menu This Week
Well, at least cold weather puts us in the mood for fall foods a bit. And can I just say how happy I was to wake up to additions to my grocery list? G has decided to cook a couple meals this week! Hooray. Less planning for me though I need to discuss the days with him.
MONDAY: Chicken and noodles
TUESDAY: *HALLOWEEN* taco soup, cornbread, sugar cookies, and of course, too much candy! Depending on plans, I might see if G would rather cook this day (he’s not a big taco soup fan and I feel like we just had it anyway). French Dip Sandwiches
WEDNESDAY: likely OUT as this is the day of J’s concert
THURSDAY: Garlic Butter Chicken Tenderloin with Lo Mein
Looking Around The House
Well, at least my pretend dressing room is nice and tidy and ready for a Halloween party.
Need a Halloween Scare? Here’s the real view of the living room:
I did get a new plant stand for all the plants I had to bring inside. Still trying to make things fit though.
On My To Do List
WHO: Still need to write my pen pal that letter, J’s birthday is coming up fast, need to figure out what we’re going to do, SIL, need to get her a birthday card and mail it as well.
WHAT: Figure out bills for the next couple of months (insurance and taxes due right around the holidays, why?!), Clean the house and laundry, and a bit (a lot) of decluttering needs to happen, clean out email
WHERE/WHEN: J’s concert on Wednesday evening (still need to figure out where we’re going and if he has class prior), Dinner plans on Friday night (need time and place)
So while it feels busy, there’s really not all that much going on this week. Might be a good week to try and get things cleaned and organized. Of course, everything is subject to change around here.
From The Camera
The weather messed with my walking plans last week. Only got a brief walk in on Tuesday and then, too much rain during my other chances so the photos in the post are pretty much all from today.
Quote For The Week
(found on pinterest)