Author: jehdld

Happy Homemaker Monday, Halloween Time

I know I’m not alone (hopefully) over here looking around going wait, it’s Halloween tomorrow and then, it’s November 1st. What happened? Does anyone else feel like you’ve just awoken from some sleeping spell? 

Bit of a busy week around here already with Halloween, a college band concert for J, and us having dinner plans on Friday night instead of our usual first of the month Saturday night. Time to join up with Sandra over at Diary Of A Stay At Home Mom and plan this week!

The Weather

Not my favorite. Um, COLD. It’s 26 degrees out there right now. And it’s supposed to be colder for trick or treating tomorrow. Those poor kiddos, coats over costumes! I’m happy to be at home on door duty this year. Rest of the week gradually warms us back up to the low 60’s for the weekend.

As I Look Outside My Window

The sun is shining brightly at least. Not outside my window but I took this photo of downtown off the tv, I was trying to catch the weather chart but was too late. You can see the 26 degrees in the lower left corner, brrr!

Right Now

I’m cold! And stalling on my Monday morning trip to the store. I should go early as I know everyone else is doing the same.

Thinking And Pondering

All the things! My massive to do list though none of it is critical (yet).

How I Am Feeling This Morning

Did I mention I’m cold? Ugh. Actually, thankfully, I’m in a nice, warm home with fresh hot coffee and plenty of blankets. Still freezing but grateful.

On The Breakfast Plate

Coffee (lots), vitamins, and a croissant.

On The Lunch Plate

Undecided, maybe some sort of pasta or just a sandwich

On The Dinner Plate

chicken and noodles

What I’m Wearing Today

a black marled long-sleeved t-shirt, olive green pants, and tennis shoes. However, my alter ego game person is dressed like this: 

On My Reading Pile

Read a great one called Zero Days by Ruth Ware last week, super interesting murder mystery. And a trainwreck of a book by David Baldacci called The 6:20 Man. For this week, I’ve started one called The Measure by Nikki Erlick that has me intrigued so far.

On My TV This Week

I don’t think I want to talk about the Chiefs game or the local news reporter saying they needed to “shake it off” this morning. Ugh. Just ugh. Why to Denver? Okay, done whining. I also watched some Halloween movies.

Thank you to Billie Jo over at Afternoon Coffee And Evening Tea for introducing me to Halloweentown last year. I’d never heard of it but it’s now one of my Halloween must watch movies, perfect for someone who doesn’t like scary. I ended up watching all of them except Return to Halloweentown (They changed the main actor and it just didn’t work for me, I tried and turned it off). And since the weather was cold and rainy (sometimes ice fell from the sky, too early!), lots of tv watching. I also watched Twitches and Twitches Too. Go Twitches, go twitches! Loved those movies as well. Finally, I also watched Dr. Who episodes (I’m to the season 4 specials), Fear the Walking Dead, The Voice, and The Masked Singer.

On The Menu This Week

Well, at least cold weather puts us in the mood for fall foods a bit. And can I just say how happy I was to wake up to additions to my grocery list? G has decided to cook a couple meals this week! Hooray. Less planning for me though I need to discuss the days with him.

MONDAY: Chicken and noodles

TUESDAY: *HALLOWEEN* taco soup, cornbread, sugar cookies, and of course, too much candy! Depending on plans, I might see if G would rather cook this day (he’s not a big taco soup fan and I feel like we just had it anyway). French Dip Sandwiches

WEDNESDAY: likely OUT as this is the day of J’s concert

THURSDAY: Garlic Butter Chicken Tenderloin with Lo Mein


Looking Around The House

Well, at least my pretend dressing room is nice and tidy and ready for a Halloween party.

Need a Halloween Scare? Here’s the real view of the living room:

I did get a new plant stand for all the plants I had to bring inside. Still trying to make things fit though.

On My To Do List

WHO: Still need to write my pen pal that letter, J’s birthday is coming up fast, need to figure out what we’re going to do, SIL, need to get her a birthday card and mail it as well.

WHAT: Figure out bills for the next couple of months (insurance and taxes due right around the holidays, why?!), Clean the house and laundry, and a bit (a lot) of decluttering needs to happen, clean out email

WHERE/WHEN: J’s concert on Wednesday evening (still need to figure out where we’re going and if he has class prior), Dinner plans on Friday night (need time and place)

So while it feels busy, there’s really not all that much going on this week. Might be a good week to try and get things cleaned and organized. Of course, everything is subject to change around here.

From The Camera

The weather messed with my walking plans last week. Only got a brief walk in on Tuesday and then, too much rain during my other chances so the photos in the post are pretty much all from today.

Quote For The Week

(found on pinterest)




Friday Five

Hey, another 2 posts week! Hooray. Thought I’d just do this post in the Five on Friday style.


I barely got a quick walk in on Tuesday morning before the rain started. We finally had a few days of decent rainfall. It rained all day on Tuesday and Wednesday. Much needed. Speaking of delays, I am sharing this picture I didn’t get a chance to share in my Monday post. It’s just a random zinnia picture from our yard and I really like it. Maybe you’ll like it as well.


Am I channeling Bob Ross?  Tuesday afternoon and Wednesday were work days for me. It’s nice being home more. However, it’s such a joy to go into work and see the kids as well. Tuesday was just a few hours in the pre-primary classroom, just slightly crazy because of the rainy day. And thankfully, we did get to go outside for a few minutes while I was there.

Wednesday, I worked in the kitchen. Ugh, not my thing. At home or at work. I’d even given one of my shifts away to another sub who was in need of more hours. However, upon arrival, I learned that they’d fixed the dishwasher. It’d been broken for a long time. If you’ve worked in any sort of commercial kitchen, you’ll relate to the “joy” of the three part handwashing sinks…wash, rinse, sanitize. Kills the hands. So hooray for commercial sanitizing dishwashers that are quick and efficient!

The regular cook had left the two of us who were supposed to be in there the most a little gift as well! These lemon wafer cookies might be my new favorites! 

And of course, spending some time in the primary classroom areas was such a joy. The kids asking me: when was I going to be back in their classroom made my day. Along with the hugs, overhearing little conversations (and on occasion stepping away from my kitchen duties to offer a bit of input–no, you should not hide from your teacher! ).


Another surprise yesterday, my husband had a day off work. We mainly did outdoor things. And frankly, I prefer to bring my plants in for the season when he’s not home. There is not such a thing as too many plants is there?  Funny, I never used to be a plant person as far as indoors. However, I can’t bear to let my plants go for the winter. Especially the clearance bargains I “rescued” from the garden center.

The weather people predict a hard freeze for us over the weekend so I spent all day yesterday (thankfully, it was a warm day with the rain leaving) bringing in my plants. Did you know that if you vacation your houseplants outside over the summer, they grow?!

This monstera (a bargain from Sam’s Club two years ago, husband says it’s the worst $8 he ever spent) is getting so big…not sure if you can see the top of the rocking chair back there. Basically, this thing is halfway covering the window in height.

I also made this little pot of begonias for our bedroom. The ladies at one of my favorite flower stores told me they would keep over the winter. Worth a try. I neglected them all summer, never even taking them out of their garden center containers. And they just continued to bloom. 

I also harvested up the rest of our garden “bounty” ha. More herb drying in my future.


I woke up to a quiet dark house so I plugged in my little ghost lights.

My leaf lights finally gave out and I’ve struggled to find new ones so this year for fun, I hung up the little ghost lights. We’ve had these since the boys were little. Usually, I put them around the window frame but was in the mood for something different.  Also, lit my pumpkin clove candle for a bit. And yes, it smells as good as you think it might. 

Here’s my fun basket filler found at Target that doesn’t really work because I didn’t buy enough but I still like it.


So, I bought bulbs a couple weeks ago. And while I was in Menards, our yard grew! Oops. Does that happen to anyone else?

My weekend plans include:

  • watching a Halloween movie (or two), the boys think it’s funny that I’d like to see Five Nights At Freddy’s. I’ve been told “it’s a generational thing” and I’m not sure how to take that.
  • Finding homes for all the plants I moved indoors yesterday
  • Visiting some of the last Farmer’s Markets of the season. Last week I went to one a bit further out and had the best honey lavender latte, hoping the mobile coffee place is there again. Might be worth the drive!
  • Planting 114 flower bulbs (maybe not that many but that’s apparently how many I bought) if it’s not raining
  • Cheering on the Chiefs!

We still aren’t sure if we’re going to a bonfire tomorrow night, thinking my husband isn’t overly enthused. Do you have any fun weekend plans?





Happy Homemaker Monday, Lots to Do This Week

I’ve lots to do this week. Unfortunately, none of it is all that exciting. Just the basics. Sometimes that’s nice though. And look, I’m posting on an actual Monday! Sort of morning still on top of that. 

Let’s just get to it by joining in with Sandra over at Diary Of A Stay At Home Mom.

The Weather

Well, the weather app on my phone and the local news told us it was raining this morning. However, not at our house. Must have been all around us. There’s more in the forecast for the coming week. Sure hope it falls here. Otherwise, it’s warmer this week with a predicted high in the mid 80’s for today. Then, by Friday the high is 68. Decent chances of rain the next 3 days. Looking ahead to next week, it looks COLD. Better stop procrastinating on bringing my plants inside.

As I Look Outside My Window

My visiting birds are still sporadic. Did see a cardinal and the sparrows last night. Hoping to at least see a few migrating birds one day soon. Speaking of that, I spotted this little bird in the oak tree one day last week:      Some sort of warbler, I think.

Thinking And Pondering

A serious declutter of the house. Need to get it in some order prior to the holidays but I feel so behind in everything. Also, trying to get my calendar sorted a bit for the next few months, J has 3 concerts plus we have 2 birthdays (his and mine), G’s college graduation, plus all the usual holidays (Halloween, Thanksgiving, and Christmas). Maybe a bit of house cleaning will be my focus for the next two weeks.

How I Am Feeling

I’m actually feeling pretty motivated this morning. Woke up early but must have slept somewhat decent. Adding frustrated because somebody is ready to play after their nap and keeps walking on the keyboard!

On The Breakfast Plate

English muffin with sausage, coffee, plus extra Pumpkin Cream Chai Latte from Starbucks (so good!)

On The Lunch Plate

Not sure, maybe just leftovers (so BBQ pulled pork sandwich)

On The Dinner Plate

Huli Huli Chicken is marinating in the fridge, rice, maybe broccoli on the side?

What I’m Wearing Today

Red Chiefs tee shirt, jeans, and tennis shoes

On My Reading Pile

Between books! Over the weekend I finished the stack of Catherine Ryan Howard books I’d checked out of the library. And also finished Mistletoe and Mystery (The Paradise Cookery School book 3)  by Daisy James.

On My TV This Week

The Chiefs! (Actually, more on the radio for me as I was out and about a bit during the game), The Voice, Masked Singer, Loki, and today I’ll start watching the last of Fear The Walking Dead. The rest of season 4 of Doctor Who. Not sure what else.

On The Menu This Week

I don’t know why I was struggling to put one together for the week, maybe the weather?

MONDAY: Huli Huli Chicken (Just a note, I’ve checked a Six Sisters Stuff cookbook out of the library and so far almost all the recipes have been winners. A bonus is that they all seem to be online as well).

TUESDAY: Tacos *I work 2-4:30*

WEDNESDAY: Husband’s Choice (either BLT’s or French Toast) *I work 8-3:30*

THURSDAY: Pork Schnitzel, sweet potatoes

FRIDAY: Either BLT’s or French Toast or maybe Waffles, depends on what my husband makes on Wed

Looking Around The House

Ugh. Need to clean the kitchen, clear the living room clutter, clean the bathrooms, make the bed. You know all the basics and then actually deep clean.

On My To Do List

Need to glance back to see if my new to do list strategy worked….sort of. Giving it a bit more time.

WHO: my pen pal, write her a very overdue letter.

WHAT: pay a few more bills, clean the house, laundry, work

WHERE/WHEN: work on Tuesday/Wednesday so far, Bonfire on Saturday (maybe? Still need details, I was off a week for it last week)

So not a lot really going on this week which is nice.

From The Camera

Thanks to some unexpected road construction, I was still walking at the park when the Chiefs game started but I was able to see these planes circling for the fly over prior to kickoff so kind of fun. There were all kinds of gulls circling in the air as well so my first photo captured the planes and the birds.

Then, here they are in a row. Not as clear as I’d like but I was fighting with a tree line, wind, and moving planes so not as awful a photo as it probably should be either…

Quote For The Week

I thought of this quote on my walk yesterday as the leaves rustled in the wind:

Wild is the music of the autumnal leaves Amongst the faded woods. (William Wordsworth)



Happy Friday

Just thought I’d do a random chit chat type post today and just throw in a hodgepodge of pictures to go along with it.


It’s been a bit of an odd week where there were a few days where I wasn’t even sure what day it actually was. J didn’t have classes on Tuesday so I think that’s what threw me off a bit.  And I’ve never managed to get it right. Just realized today that this is not the last week of October. Geez. Do you ever get the days and weeks mixed up? Please tell me I’m not alone in doing this.

I’ll also blame the stores. Had some errands to run and felt like Rip Van Winkle. Wondering if I slept through Halloween and Thanksgiving because it’s Christmas!


Monday, I ended up not working. A bit of a communication mix up. While I didn’t mind not working, the lack of communication frustrated me a bit. Tuesday was walking day (I shared photos from my walk here) We did not have enough players for our Bunco night so four of us went out for dinner instead.

It was okay, the company was nice but the food was just average. And with the price of dining out/food lately, that was a bit disappointing. I did get a complimentary drink with my dinner since they were out of my first choice of an adult “beverage.” So not all bad.


Wednesday, I didn’t do much of anything. Posted here, watched the season finale of Daryl Dixon. Have you been watching it? I’m not sure what to make of the episode…The last episodes of Fear the Walking Dead start on Sunday so I’ll be watching that now. Don’t even ask me to explain how I can’t do scary but love the zombie shows.  Oh, I forgot I did make this apple cake minus the custard sauce (too many egg yolks for me, melted ice cream works fine) though it turned out a bit dry. My husband and the boys weren’t big fans. It’s not super sweet so I’ve just ate it for breakfast the past two days.

Thursday, I went on another walk in the morning. Worked in the afternoon. And in the evening a friend and I went to see the Taylor Swift: The Eras Tour movie. Really enjoyed it. Not a big Swiftie but she is super talented and I’d go to that movie again. Wow, I imagine it was a spectacular live show.  My friend and I did wonder if at the live show the time between sets might have been a bit longer. After the movie, we stood in the parking lot visiting for a bit. Then, at home, J wanted to talk. Not about anything serious. However, I feel like if your older kid wants to share things with you, you listen even if the pillow is begging for your attention as well.


I’m calling it Frittata Friday instead of red Friday because somehow all my Chiefs gear is in the wash. SIGH. At least I’ll have a shirt ready for Sunday. Actually, I was proud of the frittata as we used the last of a bag of mini peppers which means I managed to not let it go bad. We had a pepper popper pizza (recipe off the bag) for lunch one day, pepper steak for dinner another night, and then the frittata for lunch. Oh, I should probably share that I use this recipe for my frittata base. We don’t care for potatoes in our frittatas so leave them out.

And after running to the store earlier, it seems like prices went up again? And how about a sale on Halloween candy?  I had to run to the store because I’m making ranch chicken enchiladas using the slow cooker for dinner tonight and had somehow picked up a Hidden Valley Ranch “Dill” dip mix instead of the original stuff. Thought that probably wouldn’t work so went and picked up the right mix plus some yellow rice (forgot it on Monday), chips, and salsa to round out our meal. Curious to see how it turns out.


Tonight after J and I return from his class (he goes to class, I sit in a sunny/shady spot in the car and read), I’ll probably not do much. TV viewing I imagine, the new episode of Loki is out so I’ll watch that and maybe a not too scary Halloween movie.

Now that I know it’s not the last week of the month, our weekend is open as our friends won’t be hosting a bonfire until next weekend. Tomorrow morning I’ll visit the local farmer’s markets in search of some good bread, maybe do some more yard work and work on getting more plants ready to transition inside.

Sunday’s the Chiefs game in the afternoon and then, depending on whether J wants to drive himself to band practice or not, a Target trip in the evening.

A pretty low-key weekend on our horizon and I’m okay with that. Do you have exciting weekend plans?




Autumn Walk

A few photos from yesterday morning’s walk on the trail at the nature center. J didn’t have classes but I decided to go and walk anyway, I enjoy it so much. It was chilly yesterday morning as well!

The nature center puts on a Halloween event the last two weekends in October each year. A not so scary forest with a fairy tale theme along the paved trail, aimed at younger children. The trails are still open during the day. These pumpkins were there to cheer on the start of my walk:

I was in the mood to get off of the concrete and ventured onto the unpaved trail.

Still lots of green leaves but…

The color is slowly arriving.

The lookout:

I found it on my own this time though I did have to let the phone camera take this one. (Not sure how to make it pretty with the “real” camera.)

Need a minute?

Hungry? Walnuts!

I’ll pass, aside from these being green and way too high on the tree, I have proper Halloween candy around here.  Time to go back to the car.

Look it’s a finch hiding out.

And we’re back toward the parking lot. This tree near one of the buildings is showing off some beautiful fall color.

Hope you enjoyed the photos. No time to walk today, back to laundry and “taxi” service for J as he’s not quite comfortable enough yet for the 30 minute drive to today’s class. I don’t mind though, it’s a beautiful fall day, not quite 70 degrees, and I have a great book to sit and read while I wait for him. (Current book: Rewind by Catherine Ryan Howard, she’s fast becoming one of my favorite authors with her twisty thrillers)

Seeing any fall colors? Book recommendations for me? How’s your Wednesday going?



Happy Homemaker Monday

I took a bit of a break from this spot last week (not necessarily a screen break but a break from coming down here and sitting at the desk top). Somehow, I just never found the motivation to come down here and do a proper post. However, I’m ready to post this week (hopefully, I’ll manage more than today but no promises). 

So let’s get on with planning the week by joining up with Sandra over at Diary Of A Stay At Home Mom.

The Weather 

Well, my husband kicked the heat on this morning. Think that’s a bit extreme (he did it last week as well) but he’s not wrong in us needing to know if it works now rather than when it is truly cold. We’ve had lows in the 40’s and yesterday I don’t know that we made 60 degrees plus some so very much needed rain! Not enough of that. Today started out cold again but the week is supposed to jump into the mid-70’s.

As I Look Outside My Window

Hummingbird is long gone though I’ve yet to take down the feeder. Happily, my sparrows and a cardinal have at last returned. My birdfeeders sat empty a bit longer than usual back in August/September and my birds left. Looks like they are returning now.

Right Now

I’m getting a head start on my post before I run to the grocery store (needs to be soon).

Thinking and Pondering

I made my “big list of to do’s” last week (finally). I threw a reminder or two in there while I was writing it. Maybe  you needed to see it in capital letters as well that boundaries are okay? As well as that your own stuff matters. 

This morning I was pondering a new way to organize my weekly to-do list. I’m going to try it out here when I get to that category.

How I Am Feeling

Not too bad. I was a little achy yesterday (weather) but I think today will be different.

On The Breakfast Plate

Saturday’s breakfast from the farmer’s market: carrot cake parfait. A bit too rich as it was layered with buttercream but it was sure pretty!

Cinnamon toast croissant, coffee, vitamins. Might treat myself to a pumpkin spice latte after shopping depending on the line. UPDATE: I treated myself to a pumpkin cream chai…so good!

On The Lunch Plate

Just enough white chicken chili leftover from Saturday for one bowl.

On The Dinner Plate

Roast in the crock pot

What I’m Wearing Today

Long-sleeved Kansas City Chiefs shirt (red), black linen pants from Old Navy, socks and tennis shoes. If it warms up a lot by noon, I’ll probably change to a short-sleeved shirt of some sort (not Chiefs though as they are all in the wash).

On My Reading Pile

I’ve been slowly re-reading this one:

And some thrillers, too!

On My TV

Only G could’ve managed to get me to watch the movie, Scream last week. Have to admit, I enjoyed it despite not doing scary. It wasn’t too scary at all, more on the goofy side. Daryl Dixon finale, Dr. Who, The Voice, Masked Singer, whatever happens to be on at night. Oh, I’m also watching the 2nd season of Loki, pretty good so far.

On The Menu This Week

I know I didn’t post last week but I still made a menu and am still in a bit of shock because we actually made everything on it! We didn’t follow the days but still cooked each dinner at some point last week. That hardly ever happens around here.

If you’re interested: Korean hot dogs, spaghetti, asian marinated pork chops, grilled chicken, and hamburgers on the grill (husband made these).

Wondering if I can go 2 for 2?

MONDAY: Roast in the crockpot *I work 1-3:30*

TUESDAY: Pepper steak and rice

WEDNESDAY: Ribs in the crockpot

THURSDAY: Husband’s choice (I’m sure we’ll follow this day, LOL) *I work 1:30-4:30 and have evening plans with a friend*

FRIDAY: Ranch chicken enchiladas in the crock pot

Looks like it’s gonna be crockpot week!

Looking Around The House

I did finally get out some Halloween/fall decor! Not as much as usual but there’s enough peeking out from the mess.

On My To Do List


I’ve decided to organize my weekly priority list by who, what, and where/when for each week. Thinking it will help. I’ll let you know. Maybe it will at least make for a more interesting blog post?


FIL, birthday on Tuesday. Need to order something/send gift. DONE. Sent a ghoulish garden (air plants in fun pumpkin/gourds plus a grocery store gift card. He used to love Halloween so I’m hoping he still does.)

Friend. Need to call/text and finalize our plans to see the Taylor Swift Eras movie on Thursday.

SIL. Call/text family to see how she’s doing. Found out last week she’d been ill and hospitalized (out of state)


Pay bills

Clean the kitchen (as soon as I finish this post)

Find out more about bonfire husband and I are supposed to attend on Sat.


Work today and Thursday

Tomorrow/go with J to music store for part for his euphonium (nothing major). Also, get a cannoli from the deli by the store. That is a BIG priority!

Go see Taylor Swift movie with friend on Thursday after work. (Possibly go get spiced cider mix from store in that area as part of a housewarming gift for different friend).

Saturday, go to an annual bonfire with husband at friend’s place a little bit out of town.

From The Camera

Convinced my husband to go on a hike with me Thursday afternoon as I wasn’t sure how far it was to the “lookout” on the unpaved trail. (Not that far) My phone camera made me a real pretty picture of it!

On My Prayer List

Friends, family, strangers. Those impacted by the war in Israel. The families of the awful car wreck on the interstate Saturday morning (I drove by as they were clearing the cars and learned later one person did die in the crash). Peace, Love, Light, and Kindness to fill the world leaving no room for the darkness.

Quote For The Week

May the joy of simple things color the canvas of your soul. (Mary Davis)




Happy Homemaker Tuesday, Hello, October

I don’t think I even took my shoes off until after 8:30 at night yesterday. Worked, took J to his class (it’s 30 minutes both ways so takes a big chunk of the afternoon), came home and went grocery shopping. And finally, stopped to watch a bit of tv/read.

Today feels more like the start of the week to me where I stop and plan it all out. Does it ever go according to the plan? Nope. Do I keep doing this anyway because I’m stubborn? Yep. Plus, I enjoy it. So, let’s get on with this Happy Homemaker Monday hosted by Sandra over at Diary Of A Stay At Home Mom even though it’s Tuesday.

The Weather

Really hard to get the fall feels when it was still in the 90’s over the weekend. Right now it’s 74 and partly cloudy. Might rain tonight and be cooler for the rest of the week. Maybe even cooler than normal for the weekend?

As I Look Outside My Window

Not much to see as I’m in the basement. However, when I walked outside to the front porch this morning (view I’d kind of have if privacy film didn’t cover basement window), I saw some of these flowers:

Right Now

I just returned from my walk on the paved trail at the nature center, threw in a load of laundry, and sat down to put together this post.

Thinking And Pondering

Honestly, I’m feeling so much overwhelm from things I need to do that I’m pondering doing one of those “brain dump” kind of lists using actual pen and paper.

How I Am Feeling This Morning

My knees were hurting a little when I woke up but I feel better after my walk.

On The Breakfast Plate

Apple cinnamon bagel, vitamins, and coffee.

On The Lunch Plate

Probably something using the leftover taco meat from Sunday’s dinner. Perhaps these burritos.

On The Dinner Plate

French toast, sausage or bacon

What I’m Wearing Today

Just realized I’m wearing the exact same outfit I wore last Monday. And I didn’t exactly dress up for work yesterday either opting to wear jeans and a white tee shirt with yellow flowers (changing into shorts as soon as I arrived home).

On My Reading Pile

Over the course of last week, I read a couple pretty good ones. My turn for Hello, Beautiful by Ann Napolitano finally came up at the library as did my turn for 56 Days by Catherine Ryan Howard. The first one was enjoyable although a little different than my typical thriller kind of choice (not a thriller at all), not sure I get all the 5 star reviews but definitely worth reading. The second one captivated me. It used the Covid lockdown as a plot device and did it very well. Basically two people who start to date but barely no each other move in together as the lockdown begins in Dublin. Is one or the other a serial killer? Is something else going on? So twisty and good. Immediately, requested the rest of the books by Catherine Ryan Howard from the library.

On My TV

Lots of Zombies, caught up on all the Walking Dead shows during my less than productive moments. Watched the new Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles movie with G and really enjoyed it. A bit of The Voice, Doctor Who episode, and I’m casually watching The Irrational, last night’s episode wasn’t as good as the first one but I’ll give it another week or two.

On The Menu This Week

It’s hard to think fall/plan fall menus when the temp outside is still in the 90’s…

MONDAY: Husband grilled hamburgers, sweet potato fries *I worked 9-3:30*

TUESDAY: French Toast, sausage or bacon

WEDNESDAY: Minestrone in bread bowls

THURSDAY: Husband’s choice *I have an evening activity, shopping event at nearby town*

FRIDAY: Chicken enchilada in crockpot, maybe?

Looking Around The House

We might own a sofa. I’ll let you know after I get things cleaned. Really ready to put out the fall decor but need to clean first. Hopefully, it happens before Christmas decor comes out.

On My To Do List

Too much. Short list for here:

  1. Laundry
  2. Clean the house
  3. Pay bills
  4. Call friend about Thursday night
  5. Pull out a few fall clothing items/put away serious summer items (sleeveless shirts, tank tops, things like that)

From The Camera

A few from the unpaved trail…

On My Prayer List

Friends, family, strangers. The former teacher from my work to continue improving and healing. A kinder, gentler world to take over.

Quote For The Week

And the sun took a step back, the leaves lulled themselves to sleep and Autumn was awakened. (Raquel Franco)

Happy Homemaker Tuesday, Autumn Days

I’m a day late (nothing new there) but still ready to plan my week. 

Last week ended up a bit busier with work than I expected but so far (fingers crossed) this week is shaping up to be a bit quieter (except yesterday, I did work). I have lots of “homework” I need to do as in actually working in my home. Hoping this post inspires me to do some of it.

Joining in as always with Sandra over at Diary Of A Stay At Home Mom.

The Weather

Cool mornings and warm afternoons. Thankful the mornings aren’t cool enough to need a jacket, just cool enough to notice. We are supposed to maybe get rain one day this week and by the weekend, maybe highs in the low 90’s one day. Otherwise, it’s the 80’s. A good decade and a good weather temperature. Right now, 75 and sunny.

As I Look Outside My Window

Hummingbird landing last week at the nature center

Lots of things I need to do but the flowers are still blooming and the little hummingbird was out there. I didn’t see any at the nature center though so I’m sure my little guy is counting down as well.

Right Now

Washer is going, cat is keeping me company (I’m sorry I had to edit out her long row of 5’s but I guess she was trying to high 5 you all?). Soon, I need to go get J from his classes. He still needs to get a parking pass for the college.

Thinking and Pondering

Nothing too serious. I was glancing at Instagram earlier (I enjoy following lots of nature/garden accounts) and this reel popped up where a baby boomer lady was making a joke about their kids lunches vs the lunches millennials pack for their children. And I went down the rabbit hole of reading the comments. Never read the comments. Ugh, so many upset people over a joke about school lunches. I don’t get the whole generational conflict thing anyway. As a Gen X, I just live my life and take people as individuals without worrying too much about the generations before or after me. Hopefully, I’ve taught my Gen Z kids to do the same.

On The Breakfast Plate

Did you know today is Johnny Appleseed day? Me either. However, I did have an apple cinnamon bagel and coffee for breakfast.

On The Lunch Plate

Grilled ham and swiss sandwich

On The Dinner Plate

Tacos are on the board but I’m not sure…

What I’m Wearing Today

I looked nicer yesterday wearing my blue denim dress with tennis shoes for work. However, today, I’m wearing a striped floral tee-shirt, olive green shorts, and my tennis shoes.

On My Reading Pile

I have a stack of new library books, actual books! However, I was on a Mary Burton kick over the weekend and read The House Beyond the Dunes (really good) and Don’t Look Now (not quite as good but I still enjoyed it). Currently, I just started another e-book called The Day I Disappeared by Brandi Reeds.

On My TV

Football, The Voice (for a while), tried the new show The Irrational, really liked it. Doctor Who, Daryl Dixon, and Only Murders in the Building. Whatever else happens on while I’m folding laundry.

On The Menu

For the record, I think walnuts are yucky, the squirrels can have them all!


Pretty basic this week, still not quite cool enough to heat the house up with oven baked dinners.

MONDAY: grilled chicken legs, salad

TUESDAY: tacos…maybe

WEDNESDAY: some form of pork chops, potatoes

THURSDAY: chicken fried steak, maybe with mashed potatoes?

FRIDAY: No idea, maybe French Toast

I really need to have a look in the freezer and see what needs cleared out of it.

Looking Around The House

I have two bags full of cleaning stuff I bought at Target on Sunday evening. They are sitting right there with the rest of the mess on the sofa. I did light my apple machiatto candle (from Bath and Body Works, not Target) so hopefully, the house smells better than it looks right now.

Why don’t these creatures I see on the nature trail ever come home with me and help clean like in the Disney films? SIGH.

On My To Do List


  1. This post
  2. Clean the house!
  3. Grocery store (DONE yesterday right after work)
  4. Lalala laundry
  5. Blog post/letter writing
  6. Decorate for fall/Halloween if I ever manage to get the house clean
  7. Outside stuff/start preparing plants to come inside, the weather is thankfully giving me a break with this by staying warmer for a bit.
  8. Lots of little things nagging at me, stuff leftover from previous to-do lists

From The Camera

All photos in this post are again from my walks on the path at the nature center near J’s college campus. Mostly from last week but a few from today.

On My Prayer List

Former teacher from my work who was in the auto accident, she is making tiny progress but has a very long way to go to heal. Friends, family, strangers. The world to be a kinder, gentler place.

Quote For The Week


Happy Homemaker Monday, Adieu to Summer

One last week of my favorite season though it’s feeling more like the upcoming one each early morning and late evening. Oddly, I am quite ready for fall this year. Well, in regards to the weather, baking, and the cozy nights inside and out. Am I actually ready as far as the house/wardrobe (I am not a coat person, thus my love for summer)? No.

Let’s get on with planning our week with Sandra over at Diary Of A Stay At Home Mom.

The Weather

I see lots of chances for much needed rain this week but I’m not holding my breath that it’ll happen. Highs in the upper 70’s to mid 80’s.

As I Look Outside My Window 

I’ve yet to see our hummingbird when I look outside the back door.  It makes me sad. Hopefully, he’s not already gone and is just mad that I didn’t get the feeder cleaned yesterday like I normally do. (The hummingbird photos in this post are from a local nature center) *UPDATE: I did see a hummingbird briefly this evening but I’m not sure he was one of “our” hummingbirds.*

Right Now

I’m trying to get a start on this post before J and I head off to the DMV. He passed his driver’s license test on Thursday afternoon but the administrative side was so slow that we didn’t get the picture/fees paid. I worked on Friday but my husband and J tried again on that day, again so slow in the afternoon. So, we’re going early (by teenage definitions) this morning almost right after they open so we can get it done. *UPDATE: We lined up 5 minutes before the office opened at 9 and two hours later at 11, had a fully licensed new driver in our house*

Thinking And Pondering

Well, I decided to be content with things regarding my job, can’t beat the flexibility and they are so  understanding and supportive about my availability. That said, I do think I’ll keep a day for myself when J’s schedule/transportation need changes again. After starting last week off a bit grumbly and dissatisfied, I find myself feeling a lot more gratitude this week. Of course, my husband also keeps reminding me/encouraging me that we need to just take a year of having no big commitments (this said when I thought it might be fun to take curling lessons though I see his point as well).

How I Am Feeling

Not too bad. Little tickle in my throat but I think that’s something in the air lately.

On The Breakfast Plate

Coffee, vitamins, and a blueberry bagel

On The Lunch Plate

I liked this salad from one day last week with fresh garden tomatoes, mozzarella, and a balsamic glaze even if I did use a bit too much.

We had pre-frozen orange chicken and some cream cheese wontons, neither of which was very good.

On The Dinner Plate

My husband grilled hot dogs and corn on the cob. I passed on the corn and had a fresh peach instead.

What I’m Wearing

Not winning any fashion awards today, navy blue short sleeved shirt where the back is longer than the front, grass green capri pants, and yes, I’ve had my leopard print slip on shoes on all day.

On My Reading Pile

Read one called The Nature of Secrets (Finley O’Sullivan #2) by Debra Webb, part of a murder mystery series but a fun read as it was set in Nashville. Then, I read Susie’s Santorini Summer by Daisy James for something lighter. And then, turning completely, I read The Midnight Club by Christopher Pike, mainly because it was a skip the wait library e-book that said it had a Netflix series. Wasn’t quite as scary as I expected. Series seems a bit spookier though. Finally, I grabbed The Art of Making Memories by Meik Wiking to read while waiting on J’s class to end tonight. I’ve had the book forever and somehow never actually took the time to read it? So, that’s what I’m currently reading.

On My TV

Right now, we have Monday night football going (cheering for the Steelers over here). Earlier, I watched an episode of Doctor Who as well as an episode of The Midnight Club (definitely a watch in the daytime one for me if I stay with it). At some point, I’ll probably also watch the new episode of Daryl Dixon. 

On The Menu This Week

I seem to always be lacking inspiration, especially after we’ve gone through what I refer to as our rotation…

MONDAY: hotdogs and corn on the cob on the grill

TUESDAY: pepper steak and rice *I work 1-4:30* and have Bunco

WEDNESDAY:  Maybe tacos?

THURSDAY: chicken and spinach skillet

FRIDAY: Maybe French toast? or Out?

Looking Around The House

It’s not looking any better than last week and honestly, might be a bit worse. Here look at these birds I saw instead:

On My To Do List

  1. Finish the laundry
  2. Grocery store *DONE*
  3. Take J to DMV for his driver’s license *DONE*
  4. Call our car insurance company
  5. Clean the house
  6. Clean the house some more
  7. Mail some letters (write some, too!)
  8. Bills
  9. Outside chores

From The Camera

With the exception of the salad, all the photos in my post are from a local nature center where I’ve been walking each Tuesday and Thursday morning.

Prayer Request

I found out when I worked on Friday that a former teacher (very young, in her 20’s) was in a very bad auto accident and in the ICU at a local hospital.  Please join me in sending her healing vibes and prayers.

Quote For The Week

And all at once summer collapsed into fall. (Oscar Wilde)

Nashville Day 2

I decided the best way to do these posts was in keeping with the mainly photos theme. Saturday was a bit of a slower day for us as we had plans to attend the Grand Ole Opry that evening.

After a quick breakfast at the hotel supplemented with our Trader Joe’s fruit, we started out. Our first stop ended up being one of my favorites (and it was free!).

The Dukes of Hazzard Museum

I spent a good part of the 70’s watching this show. I know there was some controversy at some point recently over the Confederate images but as a girl watching the show, I wasn’t worried about the images. Spent more time fighting with friends over who my imaginary boyfriend was going to be, Bo or Luke Duke. After all, they were just good ol’ boys, never meaning no harm…

And seriously, we all wanted to be Daisy Duke, did we not?

I really wish, I’d have went ahead and coughed up the $10 to have my picture taken in the General Lee. Maybe next time. Moving on…

Our primary day stop…

Gaylord Opryland Hotel and Convention Center

It was beautiful but super busy to the point I was very glad we weren’t staying there.

These images are all from inside the hotel! There was actually an app for people staying there to download so they could find their way around the hotel. And you could take a little boat ride around the indoor river river. We decided to pass on that idea. I had a photo of the boat but unfortunately, it came out too blurry to share here.

After walking around inside the hotel, we walked back across the street to the local mall where we’d parked the car (for free!). Opted to eat inside the mall. Not our best decision. We were rather unimpressed with the Johnny Rockets in there.

However, it was nice to see a shopping mall that was thriving. We walked around there a bit, I bought some cupcakes from a place called Molly’s Cupcakes that was famous for being on cupcake wars (turned out to be a chain/franchise with the original location in Chicago, I think). The cupcakes were good but not earth shattering, I’d not go out of my way to get them again.

After relaxing back at our hotel for a bit, we made our way back to the same area for the big event of our trip.

The Grand Ole Opry

Not a lot of photos to share here as I opted to enjoy the experience more than take photos. We got there a bit early and had a look around the gift shop and then had drinks outside while waiting to go inside. Our seats were up kind of high but not terribly high, it was interesting to watch the sighs and looks of disbelief of some people who were up higher than we were. Each show lasts about two hours and features several different singers/bands.

We planned our trip to be there when Carrie Underwood performed and why we went a week ahead of our actual 25th wedding anniversary. She was the last one on stage and sang 3 songs, there were several other performers there as well. I bought an limited edition poster after  the show. My plan is to get it framed sometime soon.

It was a fun time and I’m glad we went. I’m still a bit on the fence about whether I’d rather just see a full concert from one singer or this type of format. Fun seeing so many people at the same time and yet, I wanted to hear more than just 2 or 3 songs from quite a few of the performers.

Which would you prefer?


I’ll share about our last full day in Nashville soon.



