Well, it’s a bit late for planning the week I suppose. Has it really only been since last Tuesday since I posted last? Still wanted to hop on here and at least keep up with my joining in with every Happy Homemaker Monday. It’s a Thursday but I’m determined to keep my streak going on this at least.
Over the past week/weekend it’s been busy with mostly all good things. We went to our son’s high school graduation! And had a birthday celebration! In the middle of all that, I had lots of work days and J asking to go driving.
It seems to me this is the first day in ages where I don’t need to leave the house for any reason unless I choose to do so.
Looks like I can still add a very late link up to Sandra’s Happy Homemaker Monday post over at Diary Of A Stay At Home Mom so I’ll do that once I finish up this post. Let’s go ahead and go through the categories.
The Weather 
Other than a few chilly mornings, it’s been pretty seasonable. We had a pop up thunderstorm last night which brought us some much needed rain. The weekend is supposed to be beautiful with warm sunny days and highs in the 80’s. I’m looking forward to finally getting the rest of my garden plants in the ground.
As I Look Outside My Window
It was a little cloudy out earlier but now the sun is shining and the birds are happy that I finally filled their feeders again. Oh, and out front, the peonies I moved from the backyard 2 years ago, I think, bloomed!
Right Now
I’m taking a moment to break from cleaning up the house and working on this post instead.
Thinking And Pondering 
How relieved and happy I am that J graduated and is moving on to the next stages. Scared to even really write it/think it but life finally seems to be cycling back to the pre-pandemic normal. Starting to be happy that my husband suggested I take a year to just continue subbing before jumping into working full-time. Getting excited about maybe spending time getting the house in order before the next thing.
How I Am Feeling
Tired and ready for the long weekend to hopefully, relax a bit.
On The Breakfast Plate
Toast on sourdough bread and sausage (husband cooked sausage to have with Eggo chocolate chip waffles but I needed savory). Vitamins and coffee
On The Lunch Plate
Not sure yet. Probably just forage through the fridge for something.
On The Dinner Plate
Probably going to keep it simple and just make tacos
What I Am Wearing Today
Missouri State T-shirt, black skort, and leopard print shoes.
On My Reading Pile
I just finished one of the best memoirs I’ve read in a long time: Beyond the Wand: The Magic and Mayhem of Growing Up a Wizard by Tom Felton. Definitely my favorite of all the memoirs I’ve read recently. Well-written and enjoyable. It’s like sitting at the table with him and just listening to stories of his childhood, acting roles in different movies (the biggest, of course, the Harry Potter franchise), and his struggles later with mental health. I don’t think you need to be a Harry Potter fan to find enjoyment and value within his story.
On My TV This Week
We watched Ted Lasso last night and I noticed next week is the season finale? Already! Sigh. Started watching Summer Baking Championship, we need to catch up with Top Chef, and then, I’ll watch Doctor Who and also, Barry at some point.
On The Menu This Week
Easy to plan the menu when it’s already Thursday! Here’s what we ate this week, let’s see if I can even remember…
MONDAY: Husband cooked ribeye steaks (I had no idea he was doing this and had bought a rotisserie chicken from the grocery store) *I worked 7:30-4* *J had a baritone lesson at 6:30*
TUESDAY: Culvers for G’s birthday followed by homemade chocolate cake with white frosting (His birthday was actually on Sunday but we postponed his celebration, his idea as he had another party to attend, until Tuesday) *I worked 8:15-3:45*
WEDNESDAY: Clean out the fridge night, J had leftover steak, I ate spinach dip and chips plus some salami from an appetizer tray, husband used the rotisserie chicken to make BBQ sandwiches. G went out with friends. *I worked 7-3:30, 3:45 really*
FRIDAY: Homemade pizza using the rest of the pepperoni from the appetizer tray
Looking Around The House 
The helium graduation balloons are still going strong. I have some more graduation decorations to take down. I’m slowly putting it back in order.
On My To Do List
Not that much as my list was much crazier last week.
- Pay Bills *DONE*
- Make reservations for family vacation next month
- laundry *Always in progress*
- Plant okra/sunflower seeds (over the weekend, a bit late with this)
- Relax!
(I’ll also probably be taking J driving, hopefully doing a bit of decluttering, and cleaning-inside and outside)
From The Camera
Breaking my no personal pictures rule again (shhh! don’t tell). Here’s my high school graduate and his now 22 year old brother!
Quote For The Week
(Found on Pinterest, source: Inspirationformoms.com )