Thought I was going to post earlier today. However, I just spent 2 hours and 45 minutes waiting in line to vote early. Yes, you read the wait time correctly. The line stretched 2 and half blocks long. Whew!
Now, I don’t have to worry about it next Tuesday. The weather today was nice (except a bit windy) with a record high in the 80’s. There’s a 75 % chance of rain next week (which we desperately need) so now I won’t be standing in that. And, if I’ve already voted, I won’t mind if I get called into work next Tuesday either.
Anyway, waiting in line made me wonder the following. Do you chat with the people around you while waiting in a long line or are you more likely to be scrolling on your phone or reading a book? Would you have waited in a 2 hour line or turned around and come back another time?
My answers: I’m a people watcher plus I do casually chat with the people in the line. Makes the time go faster. The woman behind me had the great idea we should get a better reward than a sticker for a 2 hour wait, we were thinking like a Diet Coke, ha. Her and her husband lived sort of in the area where I grew up so that was interesting. And we chatted about the restaurants around the area where we waited. And the people in front kept us all entertained or rather their granddaughter who was not quite 2 did. They were keeping her because mom just had a new baby.
Everyone in the line was nice and friendly, looking out for the older lady who didn’t have good balance making sure she had places to sit, chatting about light topics. No arguing about anything political just normal people exercising their right to vote.
Clearly, I waited it out in the line. I was just determined to get it done today. There are probably days where I couldn’t have done it.
Also, not related but sharing this other fun picture and saying hey, the Chiefs are 7 & 0. Woohoo!