Author: jehdld


Thought I was going to post earlier today. However, I just spent 2 hours and 45 minutes waiting in line to vote early. Yes, you read the wait time correctly.  The line stretched 2 and half blocks long. Whew!

Me after waiting almost 3 hours to vote


Now, I don’t have to worry about it next Tuesday. The weather today was nice (except a bit windy) with a record high in the 80’s. There’s a 75 % chance of rain next week (which we desperately need) so now I won’t be standing in that. And, if I’ve already voted, I won’t mind if I get called into work next Tuesday either.

Anyway, waiting in line made me wonder the following. Do you chat with the people around you while waiting in a long line or are you more likely to be scrolling on your phone or reading a book?  Would you have waited in a 2 hour line or turned around and come back another time?


My answers:  I’m a people watcher plus I do casually chat with the people in the line. Makes the time go faster. The woman behind me had the great idea we should get a better reward than a sticker for a 2 hour wait, we were thinking like a Diet Coke, ha. Her and her husband lived sort of in the area where I grew up so that was interesting. And we chatted about the restaurants around the area where we waited. And the people in front kept us all entertained or rather their granddaughter who was not quite 2 did. They were keeping her because mom just had a new baby.

Everyone in the line was nice and friendly, looking out for the older lady who didn’t have good balance making sure she had places to sit, chatting about light topics. No arguing about anything political just normal people exercising their right to vote.

Clearly, I waited it out in the line. I was just determined to get it done today. There are probably days where I couldn’t have done it.

Also, not related but sharing this other fun picture and saying hey, the Chiefs are 7 & 0. Woohoo!

Black Cat Day

Read that today was national black cat day. We’re letting our little gray cat be honored a bit since she does look almost black in the dark.

Here are the questions for today:

  • Do you own a cat? What color is your cat?
  • Are you a cat or a dog person?
  • And finally, since it is black cat day and some people associate them with bad luck, are you superstitious?


My answers:

I guess I gave it away sort of at the start of this post. One minor comment though: We don’t own a cat. We are employed by a little gray cat. She owns us.

And though it took me some years to discover it, I’m most definitely 100% a cat person. Of course, that doesn’t mean I won’t pet your lovely dogs if I’m at your house. I am scared of big loud barking dogs though.

Superstitious? I’d say a little bit. Maybe. I don’t think black cats are bad luck especially. However, I’ll probably be drawing an X with my hand if one crosses my path. And the boys think it’s hilarious but I throw that salt over my left shoulder if I spill it. Finally, of course, I have to wear my Chiefs shirts or red of some sort on game days.

Costume Party

I think I’ve done pretty good with this series so I’m going to give myself a break for missing yesterday. Long work day and it was still one of those weeks. So glad it’s Saturday. Finally.

So, let’s just move on to today’s question.

Have any Halloween parties or events to attend? Or that you already attended? Did you dress up for them? And if so, what was your costume? Costumes you’ve worn in the past?


My answers: I have an event to attend tonight. A painting party with a costume contest. However, unlike my stylish game avatar in the picture, real life Jean’s costume is a bit (a lot) more dull. Hardly making an effort to tell the truth. I’m wearing an oversized jack-o-lantern tee-shirt and some black tights with black shorts. Planning to pull my hair up (kinda like the picture but more on top) and wrap some green ribbon around it for “leaves.”

Not sure why but I’ve never been much into the dressing up for Halloween/parties. Maybe it’s emotional scarring from those 70’s plastic masks that made breathing and seeing a bit difficult. I was Fred Flintstone one year in those times! Fun.  A witch once or twice. And in my early 20’s one time I dressed up as a scarecrow at work.

For the most part, the preschool parties are pajama parties. So I have some snoopy themed Halloween pajama bottoms (my favorites because they have pockets!). And a pair of moon and stars type pajama bottoms. As well as my tinkerbell ones but I seldom wear those if I work on party days at preschool. First, they are too hot any more (crazy weather) and it’s hard to pass up on pockets especially at work.


Just a quick one for today. Had a hard time thinking of a question. Then, my newest ache and pain started flaring again.

One of those phantom injuries that appeared out of nowhere. Well, I think I did something at work but didn’t feel the OUCH until a few days later. So, I’m wondering when was the last time you injured yourself? Or the last time you grabbed a band aid?

My answers:

I did something to aggravate my elbow of all things about a month ago? One of those injuries that’s not serious enough to call the doctor but hurts enough to consult google. It comes and goes.

Probably aggravated a ligament or tendon. Icy hot and ibuprofen. Oh, and rest. Ha! Times 5 million to that part of it all. Found one of those compression sleeve things at Menards so sometimes I’ll wear that though usually not at work. I think I hurt my elbow/arm at work picking up little chairs one handed or cots.

Working with small children I grab band aids a lot. Last time I grabbed one for myself, I don’t really remember.  Probably for a paper cut or (accidental) cat scratch.



Catch Up Question

Pretend it’s Wednesday and I’m keeping up with this series of questions and answers. Still been a week. I think I can definitely say that one on a Thursday, yes?

It’s going to be a 2 post kind of day.

Wednesday’s question came to me late last night as I was cleaning the kitchen. If I’d have cleaned the kitchen in a timely manner instead of putting it off until right before bed, then I’d have posted last night.

Storage Wars

I’ve never pretended to be even the slightest bit organized. Even my old blog was named for my lack of this.  One area that seems to be a constant mess around here is (everywhere!) the kitchen. Some of this is by design. I mean the kitchen design. Our kitchen isn’t very big and storage (yes, I do use that cherry pitter about 1 or 2 times a year, maybe) becomes an issue. It’s probably time for another cleaning/clearing session.

An aside here: I’ve never understood the minimalist/clutter clearing advice to get rid of things you haven’t used in 6 months. Of course, I’m not using a cherry pitter in December when um, cherries aren’t in season. And I’m not using Christmas cookie cutters in February (usually). Anyone follow this advice about the 6 months thing?

That’s not the question for today, however. My question today is about Tupperware or Rubbermaid (more common around here) storage containers. How big is your collection? And how do you store them? Cabinet? Drawer? Lids on or lids off?

My answer

We still store all our containers in one of the cabinets. We have 2 shelves worth.

My husband and I disagree on the number of containers we should own. Have I perhaps banned the washing and reusing of all restaurant containers and things that previously held food? Yes. And yes, I know my mother and mother-in-law both did this but I like to see and know what’s in the containers. As far as the argument about containers not returning, then put the food on a paper plate with some foil. Or call and get the container back.

We used to store all our containers stacked together with the lids on the side. It was a bit of a nightmare finding the right lids to the containers, things falling out of the cabinet. Then, I read somewhere about storing the containers with lids on them. Game changer! (Even though I know in my picture it looks like things are about to fall out of the cabinet. Also, the lids in the corner there are for small bowls we typically use for salsa so we never add those lids.)

Probably should also note that my husband is not a huge fan of this method and doesn’t always put the containers away “right.”  I love this method though as not only does it prevent the “fallout” but also gives us a built in limit in how many containers fit in the cabinet. Probably another reason he’s not a fan as it helps enforce my extra storage container ban.


When can you say it’s been one of those week? Is Tuesday to soon?

A couple photos for this post at least.

My answer: I don’t think so. Suffice it to say it’s been a week and yes, I’m saying this on a Tuesday. Tell me, how is your week going so far?


Double Question Day

Missed Sunday (had a question just never made it onto the computer yesterday). And now it’s Monday.

I have to leave for work very soon (as in I really don’t have time to do this but here I sit). Let’s start with yesterday’s question.

No time for pics today, sorry.

Sunday’s Question:

Stupid arguments. What’s the last dumb argument (I mean super silly) you had with someone?

My answer: Over the weekend, my husband and I had an argument about how every new pop song was trying to sound like a Taylor Swift song. His opinion. I disagreed. Dumb.

Monday’s Question:

Do you like Mondays? (Keeping it super simple as I’m limited on my time)

My answer: Sometimes. I used to love them when I stayed home and everyone left for work and school. Ah, the quiet house. That routine is gone now. So, sometimes I enjoy them and sometimes I wake up a bit grumpy. Today, case in point.


Hope you all have a wonderful week!

Movie Time

We actually went out to the movies today. So for today, how about some quick movie going questions.

Are you a get there early and watch the previews person?  Popcorn? Do you add butter? Favorite movie candy? Last movie you saw in the theater? Did you enjoy it?


My answers: Yes, I’m the weirdo that actually enjoys watching the previews. How else are you going to know what new movies you might want to see? I might have a little popcorn but I’m not a big fan of added butter. And really, I’m fine without the popcorn also. If we’re buying the movie theater candy, I’ll take Junior Mints. Sometimes red hots but usually the Junior Mints.

We saw Beetlejuice this afternoon and it was a pretty good movie. Worth going to see if you’re wondering.

Hometown Happiness

Happy Friday! If you were visiting and flipped on the news this morning, you’d notice the news people all in red because around here it’s happy red Friday! Every Friday during Chiefs season is red Friday.

The local morning news (actually, it was past the news time so just the morning show) anchors were doing serious trash talking this morning. It made me smile. Just something I enjoy about our city.

Took a moment to think about all the little things I love about living in this area. What are some of your favorite things about where you live? (Or if you want, where you grew up?) If I was visiting, where would we go? What kinds of things would we do?


My answers: One of my favorite things about this area is the variety. And most the people are nice, we say hello in passing on the trails, even to strangers. Someone will usually hold the door for you. Be prepared to talk about the weather a lot.

Want to go for a walk in the woods? We can do that! Want to go to an urban downtown area? We can do that (confession here: Not something I do very often if at all, I’d have to get my older son to help out with suggestions). Sporting event? We can do that though I may need to win the lottery for good seats and in some cases, any seats at certain venues. You like art? Oh, we have lots of places that cover that. History? We can visit a museum or two. Craving more of a small town type experience? Lots of downtown areas that are more city square type places not far away at all.

The Kansas City area is spread out and is in both Missouri and Kansas. Lots of smaller cities/suburbs comprise what we call the Kansas City Metro Area. For the record though, The Kansas City Chiefs play in Kansas City, Missouri. (Bit of rivalry between the cities in the two states as you might imagine)


Bonus question: What kinds of things would you like to explore or do if you came here to visit?

Ten Fridays Until Christmas

Christmas is 69 days away and there are 10 Fridays left. So my question for today is are you done with your Christmas shopping yet? Have you started? When do you typically start shopping? (Or creating for those of you who make your own gifts)

Ever bought gifts ahead of time and then lost them? Or if you are an early shopper, do you have a dedicated place to store your gifts?


My answers: No, I’m not done. Ha! I have started a tiny bit. It varies when I start shopping. I think shopping early is a lot easier with younger children than young adults. (And a bit more fun, kind of miss the toy aisles over here)

What I do varies yearly but I did like the year I bought roughly 2 gifts each month for my boys. I was in the habit of shopping on Christmas Eve for a long time. And actually enjoy it but have started trying to be done earlier now.

One year, I did indeed lose a gift finding it well after Christmas. It wasn’t anything big just one of those, I thought I bought that kind of things. After that, I started storing presents I bought early in specific places.

(And to end with a funny note: When I went to google how many days until Christmas, my happy fingers hit search before I was finished typing and chickens typically hatch in 20-21 days if you need that knowledge for any reason.)
