I’ve needed this weekend to rest and recharge. So not too many photos today.
Take rest; a field that has rested gives a beautiful crop. (Ovid)
There is virtue in work and there is virtue in rest. Use both and overlook neither. (Alan Cohen)
Life is all about balance. You don’t always need to be getting stuff done. Sometimes, it’s perfectly okay, and absolutely necessary, to shut down, kick back, and do nothing. (Lori Deschene)
Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. (Matthew 11:28)
I’m finding Saturdays are the hardest day for me to post. Today is no exception. Not much going on around here. I’m just having a lazy Saturday so far. Too unmotivated to even bother taking a newer picture of the cat. Here’s one from February 2022.
Not much to share. A picture of Chelsey because I’ve yet to teach her the days of the week. So, a great big meow in my ear at 6:00am to start the day. Thankfully, this morning I did go back to sleep for a bit. Helped she gave up on rousing me and settled down on top of me with the purr motor going.
I did do a quick clean up in the kitchen to get that room back to an acceptable level of horror. And have a bit of laundry in progress. Mostly though I’ve been either reading my book or watching tv this morning.
Still need to shower and get set for the day. Or rather the afternoon at this point. Dinner out with friends this evening.
Hoping to come around and visit all the lovely blogs at some point tomorrow. Just wanted to do this quick post to stay on track with the whole 365 days of blogging.
Note: The kids hadn’t been able to go outside most of the week due to the cold temperatures. AND Sunday is a full moon. Plus, I’m a sub. The kids may know me and see me often but I’m still not their normal teacher.
I love my job and lots of days are full of sunshine, love, and light. And there was some of that today. However, in between you sometimes get:
High energy, unfocused, moving everywhere kids ignoring your redirection
Times of trying to do two (or more) jobs at once so a co-teacher can talk to a child/parent/deal with something pressing
Spills: food, drink, work items
Kids saying unkind words to you (Note: most the kids rarely say mean things to me and are super kind but sometimes….)
Picking up/touching items that shouldn’t be wet. Wet with what? Toilet water? Pee?
Dry hands that crack open and bleed from washing them so much (see item directly above this)
Bathroom clean up duty because that’s definitely not water all over the floor. SIGH.
Did I mention I’m exhausted tonight?
However, I do work again next week and am looking forward to it.
The sunshine, love, and light definitely outweigh the pure exhaustion of it. And managed to save me just enough brain cells for this post. That said, if you need me the rest of tonight, I’ll be watching mindless tv and perhaps having cereal for dinner.
I spent the morning doing a bit of shopping. It’s actually rare that I get in a full on shopping mood. And I had a lot of things I needed this morning.
I’ll share where I went, what I bought, and a few interesting things I saw/heard along the way.
Parking Lot Birds
Do you see the two geese up there on the roof? I didn’t actually go in Kohls but the geese caught my eye. At my first stop, I also saw giant gulls swooping around the lot. That parking lot was too busy for me to stand safely and grab a photo.
First stop: Menards
Their slogan is “save big money at Menards.” Somehow, I always seem to spend big money there.
My list for Menards: bird seed, a new welcome mat/rug for front door. Maybe some Valentine’s decorations if they have any.
Did I stick to my list? Uh, no.
Started off well enough finding a small rug to replace our front door welcome mat. Should I even confess that earlier this week I realized we were still using one saying “Seasons Greetings”? Oops.
Bird seed, let’s try safflower seed again. More suet. Check. And look, here’s a different kind of bird feeder. That gives me an idea. Into the cart it goes.
Go over where Christmas used to exist. They were not feeling the Valentine’s Day love. Nothing there. Well, except it’s now time for patio furniture apparently. And rugs. Oh, look at this:
Good price and I’ve been wanting an area rug for the living room. Three piece set. Did take a minute to text my husband, he didn’t care so into the cart it went.
Time to get out of Menards!
Target Time
It’d been a while since I went to my local Target. Didn’t really need too much: small trash bags, a few beauty essentials (mouthwash, makeup), cleaning supplies. Spent some time just browsing while in there.
Am I the only one who has to touch the cozy blankets? Just need to see how soft they truly are, right? I didn’t buy any, we don’t have a need. Pretty though.
Pondered this lamp for a moment (I have gift cards) but decided I didn’t want to settle. Holding out for a lamp I love.
Why did I not stop and think, picking up frozen items. (Auntie Anne’s frozen pretzels, weekend treat) Too warm to leave frozen items in the car today.
Need to go a few more places but first:
Pit Stop At Home
I left the area rug in the car until one of the boys could help me unload it. The blue stripes is the new welcome mat or it might go in the kitchen.
Hallmark and Joann
Unfortunately, I only managed two more stops before running out of time. And steam.
In Hallmark, I ended up only buying 3 cards. Good I guess since I needed the cards. However, I was hoping to find Galentine’s Day ideas there. All I really found was a headache as some man was talking super LOUD with the sale associate. I get that he was excited about his new “in like” relationship but geez, indoor voice, please! They weren’t going to be “in love” because that didn’t work with her previous relationship or something. I was glad when he left and it was quiet again.
Then, I debated going into Kohls but passed and decided to just go to Joann. If you don’t know, Joann is a fabric/craft kind of store. Think Hobby Lobby or Michaels but with more sewing stuff maybe?
Between Target and Joann, I managed the beginning of an idea for a simple Galentine’s Day gift for my friends:
I bought the packaging first. More on how/what I end up putting together later.
And I decided maybe I wanted to give the whole diamond art thing a try, so I bought a small kit:
I thought it might make nice decor in March. We’ll see how I do with it.
Did I Get Everything I Needed?
Ha, not even close!
Did I get everything I didn’t need? Well, I really thought I needed chocolate and didn’t get that so I guess no again.
Did I go home and take a nap? Maybe.
Our new area rug:
Do you like to shop or are you more like me and the mood has to hit just right?
Happy February! A winter Wednesday post might be better tomorrow for Groundhog day. However, I’m sticking with today in case the little rodent sees his shadow.
Shadow equals six more weeks of winter. No shadow predicts early spring. Farmer’s Almanac daily newsletter says spring is 46 days away no matter what happens tomorrow.
What does any of that have to do with soup? Nothing. I do start each winter Wednesday post with the weather though. And our weather is better than a lot of those to the south of us.
Today’s Weather:
It’s currently sunny and 10 degrees with a windchill/feels like temperature of 1 degree out there. Honestly, didn’t think it felt that bad when I ran J to school earlier. By 3pm, it’s supposed to be 37 degrees.
Now Let’s Talk About Soup:
Sometimes, especially in the winter, I crave vegetables! More often than I should admit, this craving usually manifests in a strong desire for a spring roll from Panda Express. It’s a mixed blessing living in an urban area where grocery stores and restaurants are so readily available.
However, sometimes only soup will do. When I’m craving comfort soup loaded with vegetables, my favorite choice is minestrone. It’s such an adaptable soup. I use this recipe for my base. It comes together quick. This time I added in some zucchini. Whatever vegetables I have on hand typically get tossed into the soup.
Look at those vegetables!
This soup is a good one in the late summer/early fall with fresh vegetables and herbs from the garden as well.
Of course, I don’t get to make it very often as the picky family is not as fond. G flat out is not a fan of soup. He tolerates this because it has pasta but he’d never choose it. My husband adds hamburger to his portion which is okay but ruins the idea of a fresh vegetable based soup in my mind. J and I both like it though it’s not his favorite. (He’s more a chicken noodle or potato soup kind of person).
Winter Dinners
There is definitely a comfort in winter soups and dinners not to be found during the spring/summer months. My mom always made chili in the heat of summer (100 degrees, I know let’s have chili for dinner!) and I never understood.
Summer is for lighter fare.
Of course, I must confess that yesterday I stood outside in 25 degree weather and grilled pork chops so I guess I shouldn’t talk.
Anyway, I do find soup something to enjoy about winter. Minestrone, taco, chicken noodle, and potato are among my favorites. And of course, you definitely need some sort of crusty bread with the minestrone and potato soups!
January ends today. And I can’t help but think this January’s been kind to me. Usually, January begins with me in a bit of a funk. This year, I didn’t feel that.
Sure, I had a few not so great days here and there. However, they were just that. Days instead of a week or more of feeling blah, wanting to rearrange the house and my entire life.
Maybe it’s because the January months of 2021 and 2022 were not the best. We started the year of 2021 with COVID finally finding our household. And 2022 was yet another ongoing battle in trying to figure out J’s schooling. Both months, of course, had good points but I can’t look back on them and think they were pleasant starts to the year.
This morning as I tried to revive my grocery store flowers, I found myself thinking. I thought how kind this January of 2023 has been to me. Wondering what made the difference.
Thoughts that came to mind as reasons for my contentment in January:
A bit of credit to Tamy over at Chasing My Life as Blogmas kept me feeling a bit cheerier than usual during the holiday season of 2022.
And to Sandra for her wonderful Blog 365 challenge. I’ve so enjoyed connecting with the other bloggers doing the challenge, some I’ve “known” for a long while and others who newly discovered.
My decision to simply accept and try to enjoy winter more instead of longing every day for sunshine and spring/summer. (Note, I still do long for those things but I’ve found some positives this winter)
Working the whole first week of the year. You can’t help but feel joyous around the preschool kids (mostly) excited to return to school and share about their holidays.
And perhaps a bit of luck with us all having the blessing of good health and (mostly) good weather
And of course, all your lovely comments on my posts!
Will February be as friendly?
I’m hoping so. The Blog 365 challenge continues. I work a few days at the preschool, once again, to start the month.
Lots to look forward to:
monthly dinner out with our joint friends
Galentine’s night out with my mom friends
my husband’s birthday
The Super Bowl (Have I mentioned the Chiefs are in it this year??!!)
Valentine’s day
A long weekend (President’s day)
Was this January kind to you? What are you looking forward to in February?
Well, if you follow football in any miniscule amount, you know how I must start my post today.
How ’bout those……
They are Super Bowl bound for the 3rd time in four seasons! Hopefully for a win.
Cincinnati played a good game and to say this city is still on the edge of our seats/running on pure adrenaline this morning might be an understatement. I’ll try not to be too obnoxious during my post today but make no promises.
However, I know not everyone including some in my own family are sports fans so let’s get to the task at hand. Time to plan the week by linking up with Sandra over at Diary Of A Stay At Home Mom.
The Weather
Saturday afternoon
Good thing we have the excitement of a victory to keep us warm today. The weather on its own is cold. It’s cloudy and 12 degrees right now. The wind chill was negative 2 when I took J to school earlier (hey, another victory there. J went to school today!). Not supposed to snow or anything, cold to start the week but by Saturday, temperatures back in the 50’s. Welcome inside the pinball machine of weather that is the Midwest in winter.
As I Look Outside My Window
Nothing as I’m in the basement. However, outside the car window this morning I did spot a skunk at the end of our road this morning.
Right Now
Working on this post and trying to warm up a bit. Might need to take a break for another few sips of coffee.
Thinking And Pondering
If I want to send flowers for a family birthday I completely forgot. It’s one of those sticky family situations where a missed card will be interpreted wrong. Despite it being a completely innocent slipped my mind kind of thing. I’ll probably send the flowers just to keep the peace and because this person isn’t in the best of health. Better to send flowers to the living while they can enjoy them. Well, that got rather morbid. Let’s move on back to happier things.
On My Bedside Table
Currently, my camera bag. I discovered I need to charge the battery so photos in this post are either from the weekend or my cell phone.
On My TV Today
Probably a few more episodes of Jack Ryan (season 3) on Amazon prime while finishing up the laundry.
Listening To
It’s quiet right now though I hear G stirring upstairs getting ready for his class. I heard this on the radio while driving home from dropping J off at school:
Just the “welcome to the red kingdom part.” Imagine I’ll be hearing it a lot (more) the next couple of weeks as the DJ on my local station likes to play that clip.
On The Lunch Plate
Not really sure. Here’s a random picture of a donut from yesterday. Should probably eat something healthier today.
On The Dinner Plate
I’ve been craving minestrone soup. Thinking I’ll cut the recipe in half and pull some grilled chicken out of the freezer for the ones who aren’t soup fans. Plus garlic bread.
On The Menu This Week
Mini Aussie pies weren’t a huge hit (a last-minute menu change)and it turns out, kiwi is also not a huge favorite here
MONDAY: minestrone soup, grilled chicken, garlic bread *J has a baritone lesson at 6:30*
TUESDAY: pork chops, baked potatoes
WEDNESDAY: Quick chicken sandwiches (frozen chicken patties in freezer), French fries, green beans maybe? *J has an appt at 2*
THURSDAY: Pepper steak, rice
FRIDAY: maybe waffles? clean out the freezer night?
SATURDAY: Out with friends
On My Reading Pile
Started reading This Place of Wonder by Barbara O’Neal late last night right before bed. Not very far into it.
Last week I finished reading A Conjuring of Light by V.E. Schwab, the 3rd and final book in her Shades of Magic series. Gave it a kinder star rating than it probably deserved. Well-written, yes. Did she answer any of the pressing questions about the history of the main characters? No. Some of it felt like a “who shot J.R.?” ending so like I said, maybe not so well-written and a kinder star rating than it deserved.
The other book I read was a quick one from a “skip the line” library loan called Piranesi by Susanna Clarke. It was delightfully weird and I enjoyed it. Weird parallel universe stuff and a likeable main character. Quick references to a few favorite books/tv shows.
On My To Do List
Pretty much the usual at this point: laundry, clean the house, grocery store, Target (out of cat food)
Other random things:
Figure out what husband wants to do for his birthday next week
We’re doing a Galentines MNO next week so need to figure out small gifts for that
Clean out my purse
Plant lemon seeds in small pot I bought a couple weeks back
Plans This Week
This is (hopefully) a slow week before next week where I have MNO, husband’s birthday, and a work day. Other than having to take J a few places and figuring out things for next week, not much on the agenda. We do have our dinner out with friends on Saturday so I’m looking forward to that.
What I’m Creating
Hoping to create a small lemon plant. Will it grow into a tree? Who knows. Will the grocery store ever drop the price on their small Meyer Lemon trees? Apparently not. SIGH. (G put my small meyer lemon tree outside when it was too cold in the fall and it never recovered. I’d bought it on clearance at the grocery store for $10 bucks in 2021. Now they cost $40).
My Simple Pleasure
Attempting and sometimes succeeding at growing vegetables, plants, and flowers.
Lesson Learned This Past Week
To slow down, wait, and listen. So much more but the words aren’t there this morning.
Looking Around The House
Not awful if I don’t look at the kitchen table or the couch in the living room.
From The (Phone) Camera
On My Prayer List
Friends, family, strangers. Anyone who has no choice but to be outside in today’s cold weather. J to have a good day at school as well as good week and be back on track with things. My father-in-law’s wife who is recovering from chemo. Friends struggling with loss during the long winter months.
Quote For The Week
The most important of the Lord’s work you will ever do will be the work you do within the walls of your own home. (Harold B. Lee)
I visited all my favorite garden places around the yard yesterday. (Thrown in below are also some photos of this past spring and summer blooms as well)
Front yard:
The garden year has no beginning and no end. (Elizabeth Lawrence)
August of 2022
One of the most delightful things about a garden is the anticipation it provides. (W.E. Johns)
Side Yards:
The promise of spring’s arrival is enough to get anyone through the bitter winter. (Jen Selinsky)
The color of springtime is flowers; the color of winter is in our imagination. (Terri Guillemets)
To plant a garden is to believe in tomorrow. (Audrey Hepburn)
“From December to March, there are for many of us three gardens—the garden outdoors, the garden of pots and bowls in the house, and the garden of the mind’s eye…” (Katherine S. White)
Garden quotes from the following sources where you can find additional quotes on gardening:
Happy Friday! Thought I’d do another what I’ve been reading and watching post. And throw in mention of a few games we’ve been playing at our once a month outing with friends.
Once a month we get together with friends to honor a friend who passed away in 2021. After dinner, we play card or board games. We started with playing Uno, very fun! Then, we expanded our choices a bit. The games pictured above are the games we have here at our house. Some of them are from this previous Christmas. G gave his dad the Cards Against Humanity game (Warning: that one is NOT for young children/all audiences). I gave my husband the Password game (very fun!) and then, G gave me the Ted Lasso game (we’ve not played that one yet).
Our current favorites (played with our friends) are: Uno (especially the write your own cards version), Mexican train dominoes, Skip-Bo, and sometimes silly trivia games. Last time we played the original Trivial Pursuit (It’s hard and why my husband pulled the family edition we own out of our closet for next time).
Do you have any game suggestions for large groups (there are roughly 9 of us)?
Regular TV
On regular tv, haven’t been watching too much. We tried the new Night Court show. I thought it was ok, needs to find its way still. Caught a couple episodes of a new game show called Lingo. Nothing I’d seek out.
And of course, this weekend, we’ll be watching football. Well, I’ll be listening to it as I run my son to band practice.
I completely binge-watched two series both on Netflix:
That 90’s Show: Had a good premise but I think they were trying to make 90’s kids fit into a 70’s mindset with the writing and it didn’t quite work. I think should they get a second season, it would work if they focused more on the issues of the 90’s and less on trying to reboot the kids into a setting of doing things kids/teens in the 70’s did.
Wednesday: It definitely lived up to the hype but I was so mad at myself for not figuring out the mystery. I literally guessed every other person in the show. Told my son it did give me a bit of a Harry Potter vibe while watching it but in a good way. Glad it’s getting a season 2.
Tortured the husband (and myself) by making us sit through Minions: The Rise of Gru. Should’ve known better as none of the preschool kids were really talking about it. Not good though I usually like those movies. Time to let that series of movies end. (This was on Peacock but I think it might be gone now, don’t worry you didn’t miss much)
Then, my husband has a talent for picking out random movies from 10-20 years ago that none of us remember and they turn out to be good. Case in point, random movie called The Proposal with Sandra Bullock and Ryan Reynolds from 2009 on Hulu. Really enjoyed it! I guess it makes up for him making us sit through the oddity of Mr. Harrigan’s Phone on Netflix. He didn’t like it either, guess they were talking about it on the radio.
It was based on a book, so at least it gave me something to request at the library. So let’s move on.
However, before we do, I don’t know why this song popped into my head for the post title but here’s a clip of it from you-tube:
Currently I’m reading A Conjuring of Light, the conclusion of the Darker Shades of Magic series by V.E. Schwab. It’s a bit better than the last book in the series. I’m really hoping they reveal the big secrets about the pasts of a couple characters.
Prior to this one I had a quick read of one called Five Winters by Kitty Wilson. I enjoyed the technique of showing what happened to the character during each of the winters. Interesting way to mark the passage of time. Basically, the main character is in love with her best friend’s brother who basically sees her as sister. Her life was a bit tragic and his parents took her in as a young girl. Will he see her differently?
My favorite of the books I’ve read recently was one I didn’t even expect to like. Figured Lessons in Chemistry by Bonnie Garmus was probably overhyped. However, it did not disappoint. Took a minute to get into it but once I did, couldn’t stop reading. And I’d have probably kept reading if she hadn’t ended the book. I was satisfied with the ending just wanted more. It chronicles the life of Elizabeth, a woman chemist in the 1950’s, who is clearly ahead of her time in regards to equal rights. She also seems to have a bit of a problem reading people. It’s one of those makes you think at the same time you are laughing kind of books. I think it would make a terrific book club choice especially in a book club of mixed ages.
What’s keeping you entertained this winter? Any game, television, or book suggestions for me?