Author: jehdld

January Joys

This post is a little random today.

Starting off with this wonderful cinnamon roll (and coffee, always coffee) that I had for breakfast.

My husband had to work this morning and thinking I had to move my car (snow day problems) so he could get out, I decided to go to the grocery store since we were out of a few basics. And not so basic things as well. I ended up going to two stores since my non-regular store was having a sale on a few things we really enjoy (and blueberries!). While I love my Hy-Vee so much, I’m sorry to say their bakery stinks. Might be a good thing as I’m never all that tempted. I can’t seem to make it out of the other store without something. See case in point, picture of cinnamon roll.

Smells so good!

I’m not a huge fan of Target candles but J gave me 2 of these little jar candles for Christmas. And this one smells so good and has impressed me with how it fills the whole bedroom with scent.

An Unexpected Surprise!

I planned to only work a few hours in the afternoon yesterday but ended up going in earlier. And 2 of the sweetest little girls (sisters) could hardly wait to hand me this card. They had them for all the teachers in that classroom and included me! Really made my day.

As if the sweet words written above weren’t enough (they were!), the card also contained a coffee gift card! (Note: the card is signed as well but I’m not showing that part for privacy reasons)

Christmas lives on!

The poinsettia my husband brought home as surprise around Thanksgiving is still going strong. I don’t why but that makes me happy.

Now, if it could just talk to the Christmas cactus about blooming times…


Not really too much going on around here today. My coworker mentioned it looked like it would be a cozy weekend in as we were leaving yesterday. I think she’s probably right. There’s a chance of rain (yes, rain) later this afternoon. No idea what that’ll do to the 5 foot drifts where they plowed the snow. Or the roads for that matter. Probably going to be a football watching weekend over here. And I do need to spend some time getting the house back in order and doing a bit of laundry.

Otherwise, I’ll probably be enjoying another cinnamon roll maybe with a cup of tea and finishing up the last of the cozy romance book series set in Iceland. How do you plan to spend your weekend?

Another Snow Day

Everyone was home again yesterday. Today, things are starting to slowly return to routine. My husband and G went off to work though G had a late start. I’m doing a load of laundry and pondering what I might want to do today.

I knew I wanted to put up a blog post. Maybe return to doing winter Wednesdays. So for today, just a few images. Even the nature centers were closed yesterday (and it was cold out there!) but I was craving some outdoor time (and sunshine!). So, a few phone snaps from the back yard to start.

Also, not the best pictures because my hands even in the fingerless gloves were COLD. I also should’ve grabbed the real camera for decent bird pictures because we had a great variety. That said, I do like how this zoomed in phone picture of a junco and cardinal sitting in the oak tree has a surreal painting like feel:

The cardinal a bit more in focus. The sun and wind knocked most the snow off this side of the oak tree so that’s why it looks so bare.

Higher up, the trees looked like this:

The trees were making me happy yesterday along with the bright blue skies! Just the tippy top of the trees in this photo had ice left.

Time to warm up:

On my list of 25 for 2025 (still thinking on that word of the year but leaning toward either savor or trust), try a new hot chocolate every week of winter. So I opted to start out by trying this Belgian hot chocolate recipe.

It was so good and so rich that I couldn’t drink an entire cup (I didn’t even fill this cup full). Half of it is still in the fridge to be rewarmed, perhaps later today.

Definitely a 5 star cup of hot chocolate!

Note, I love dark chocolate so opted for the darkest chocolate I could find that stayed with the parameters of the recipe.

Have you ever had Belgian hot chocolate? Also, if you have a kind of hot chocolate you think I should try, I’m open to suggestions. It doesn’t need to be homemade, if it’s a packet flavor, I’d like to know that as well.


Now, I’m off to fold a bit of laundry, put away a few remaining stray Christmas decorations, and clean up around here a bit. However, you spend this winter Wednesday, I hope you enjoy it!

Happy Homemaker Monday, Epiphany

Happy Monday from snowy Kansas City! It’s the Epiphany and a snow day for many (we’re all home again today). I’m sitting here in my snow day uniform of pink leopard print velvety loungewear as I type up this post. Oh, and I have a few pictures to share of our lovely weekend weather and whatnot.

On my 25 for 2025 list item, I have publish 3 blog posts a week. So naturally, I’m starting this week by joining in with Sandra over at Diary Of A Stay At Home Mom for Happy Homemaker Monday.

The Weather

It’s 16 and sunny with a cooler windchill. We’re under a cold advisory whatever that means. Oh yeah, also it sleeted, then snowed (just a little Saturday night into Sunday all day). Also, a cold week (20’s as highs but single digits/teens over nights) and more snow predicted for the weekend. Interesting.

Saturday night: Took this measure today in the backyard where I figured it drifted the least:

As I Look Outside My Window

Well, how about as I stepped outside on the deck to feed the birds. This was right outside the door: 

And then, further to the edge of the deck:

Right Now

Just working on this post, waiting for my 3 Kings cake to cool down so I can glaze it.

Thinking and Pondering

Still haven’t decided on a word for the year though the phrases trust in the journey and joy in the journey jumped out at me yesterday. Church sermon was about trust and joy.  And today, I thought maybe my word(s) should simply be: do better.

Or, I can’t remember where I saw this but here’s a good one:

I might be okay with a year filled with spaghetti! (We actually had spaghetti for dinner last night)

How I am Feeling

Didn’t sleep great and the cold makes me a little achy. Throw in a small dash of cabin fever (all the cities are still saying please don’t get on the roads!) but overall, I’m alright.

On the Breakfast Plate

We went full on breakfast this morning: bacon, eggs fried in the grease, and toast. YUM. Always makes me think of my dad as it was his breakfast specialty.

On the Lunch Plate

After the bigger breakfast, not hungry in the least.

On The Dinner Plate

Turkey breast cooked in oven, sweet potatoes, and dinner rolls. Plus 3 Kings Cake. One last big dinner to end the season out right.

On The Menu

MONDAY: Turkey, sweet potatoes, dinner rolls


WEDNESDAY: Depending on the amount of turkey left, some sort of casserole or I might make sausage, broccoli, and orzo recipe but use turkey (or chicken) to lighten it up

THURSDAY: Chicken strips (whether homemade or from the red bag TBD)

FRIDAY: A clean out the fridge/freezer choice

On My Reading Pile

I just finished up a nice light, cozy romance called Snug in Iceland by Victoria Walker. It’s part of a series so I’ll probably just read whatever one is next. Or perhaps my library book that’s due next week: :10 Habits to Change Our Potentially Toxic Conversations Into Healthy Dialogues by Steven T. Collis.

On My TV This Week

NOT football. (That loss was just embarrassing, second string or not). Not sure, maybe an episode or two of Resident Alien with the husband. Or I have lots of half-watched series to finish, Emily in Paris for one.

Looking Around the House

Keep the bedroom Christmas tree or put it away? Dilema. Excuse the mess, the rest of the house is so much worse.

On My To Do List

Main thing is to finish putting away Christmas. Then, start the usual January clean and clear out.

From The Camera

Took this yesterday before the husband yelled: What are you doing? Shut the door!

Cat’s opinion of both the weather and the deplorable play by the 2nd string Kansas City Chiefs yesterday. Wake her up when spring/summer arrives!

Quote for the Week

In the midst of winter, I finally learned that there was in me an invincible summer. (Albert Camus)



While we’re waiting for snow-maggedon over here in KC, I’m still pondering my word of the year for 2025.

Right now, we’re getting ice. It’s actually pretty nasty out with lots of major highways shut down. I’m very glad I ran to the grocery store this morning (we were out of milk anyway) and that we’re all safe at home tonight. No exciting pictures to share, just a couple of plant pictures I took maybe yesterday when the sun was out for a few minutes in the late morning/early afternoon.

Back to my word of the year for 2025. As I said, I’m still pondering. I have narrowed it down to the following choices:


Being more open to whatever opportunities might come my way. Also being open with others, sharing what’s on my mind. Taking chances.


Slow down and notice things, make a point to enjoy the year. A direct attempt to not look up and go “where did this day/week/month go?” like I often did in 2024.


Ask for the things I want and need without fear. All that can happen is an answer of no.


Just trust that everything will work out. Fun fact, I took a word finder quiz and it gave me the word surrender. That sounded a bit too hard but I don’t know is that the same as trust? Hmm…


Sort of explains itself, I think. Though a phrase, joy in the journey keeps springing to mind.


So as I ponder which one gets most of my focus in 2025, tell me did you pick a word for the year? What was your choice?

Or if not, do you have any suggestions for me or favorites from my choices listed up there?



Twenty Five for 2025

I didn’t do this officially last year but decided to circle back to the idea this year. A list of 25 things I want to do in 2025. I think I just like the number 25 for some reason. Makes me think of a quarter. Quarter hours. Doing things for just 15 minutes. Four quarters in a dollar. The four seasons in a year.

And I like how it divides into 5 neat little sections of 5 as well.

Anyway, here’s my list (some of these have been on lists before and I keep adding them, maybe this is the year for those things!) that I’m dividing into 5 sections of 5 just because it seems fun. And yes, some of these are vague. Sorry, I’m a rebel so all you S.M.A.R.T. goal people just take a deep breath when you read those. All my photos are random, also. Taken yesterday on my New Year’s Day walk.

25 for 2025


Health and Wellness
  1. Go on a walk at least once a week
  2. Lose 25 pounds (might as well give it a try but I’m not going insane on this item)
  3. Spend at least 15 minutes each day in gratitude (might start a gratitude journal, not sure)
  4. Remember to drink water on days I don’t work! I struggle with this.
  5. Give myself permission to rest on days I feel run down 
Fun Things
  1. Try a new flavor hot chocolate every week in winter
  2. Send a card/letter to someone each week (birthday cards count here)
  3. Fresh flowers for the kitchen table once a month
  4. Have a spa day at least once a month
  5. Treat myself to something fun once a month, maybe on the 25th?
Bravery Required
  1. Get my ears pierced!
  2. Say YES to invitations (unless I really want to say no, then I’m allowed but maybes are yes)
  3. Make overdue appointments
  4. Take car through automatic car wash by myself (honestly, this terrifies me!)
  5. Ask for help when I need it (lifelong struggle) 
Family and Faith
  1. Bring back Easter Brunch (or maybe have Easter dinner)
  2. Family Meeting once a month (for people who live here)
  3. Go to church in person when J isn’t playing (I usually watch online)
  4. Continue to pray and be more intentional about it
  5. Plan some time to be together (outside of holidays) each season
Relationships and Random Stuff
  1. Go on 4 trips (one each season!)
  2. Blog at least 3 times a week
  3. Date night once a month
  4. Listen and laugh more
  5. Clean and organize basement


So that’s my 25 for the year, we’ll see what happens but at least I have a little something to strive toward! Back tomorrow (hopefully) with my word for the year. I’m still pondering on it a bit.

What’s on your list for this new year of 2025?


Christmas Season

If I want to be technical, we’re still in the Christmas season. Since tomorrow starts a brand new year, I just wanted to take a minute and share some things about my lovely Christmas season of 2024.

I think we’ve all had some hard Christmas seasons by now. If that’s you, I pray your next Christmas is a truly wonderful and magical one. Remembering the hard ones whether there was illness, grief of loved ones, or financial hardship, or even something else that I’m forgetting here, probably gave me a good reason to sit up and take notice of this Christmas.

And no it wasn’t “perfectly perfect” as I didn’t even get a chance to read Mooseltoe (look it up if you have young kids!) to my preschoolers. However, it was full of fun and love. And I’m sharing the highlights here so I can remember them. I just hope you’ll enjoy reading about a few of my special Christmas season moments.

Christmas Season Highlights

Random photos sprinkled in for fun.

I enjoyed joining in with Tamy over at Chasing My Life for Blogmas until life here got busy (good busy not bad busy) and I fizzled on blogging.

That was sometime after my birthday which falls in December. It was also a wonderful day (I can’t even begin to share how unusual that is…): on my own Christmas shopping and peppermint coffee, easy dinner night of sandwiches from Subway followed by a fun game night with the family and the most thoughtful cards and gifts!

A surprise outing with my husband, pizza and then, we drove around looking at Christmas lights! A fun street renamed Santa Claus lane where all the neighbors had blow up Santas, then Gingerbread lane, etc.

Time with girlfriends touring local homes some historical decked out for the holidays. Another girlfriend’s White Elephant Christmas party, so much fun! The 5 pound package of pasta I wrapped as one of the gifts brought lots of laughs. More time shopping with my husband.

Christmas Eve breakfast with my brother-in-law and sister-in-law, we hosted last minute but it was so nice to spend time with them. And as always, a beautiful candlelight service at the church (J did indeed play).

Christmas morning with lots of gifts and laughter. A Christmas morning phone call from my brother who lives in Texas. Christmas dinner with my other 2 brothers and sister-in-law, her sister, and my niece. Of course, we missed the family who opts out but still had a fun time with amazing food and conversation. Just listening sometimes can teach so much. (Lesson for myself)

This week with lots of lounging, television, and togetherness. (Okay, I’ll be honest a bit much togetherness at times but overall it’s been great)


I’ll end here by saying Thank You for reading along, bearing with me as I disappeared for long stretches here and was entirely too slow to respond to comments, and did not visit my fellow bloggers nearly often enough. Thank you for all the kind words and encouragement you share in the comments. So nice to read and often a lift just when I need one.

Happy New Year! May 2025 be full of magical love, kindness, and blessings for all of you!

Happy Homemaker Monday, Goodbye 2024!

I know I’ve been here and then gone and really out of sync the past few months. Working on getting back into it and I’m starting by ending the year where I likely started: Joining in with Sandra over at Diary of A Stay At Home Mom for a Happy Homemaker Monday post.

The Weather 

Beautiful sunrise this morning before the clouds moved in, rain predicted for tonight.

Hot N Cold. Heard the Katy Perry song recently on the radio and it pretty much describes our weather. Well, if she’d added some lyrics about too many foggy days in a row. (Note: I didn’t share the youtube of it because some of the lyrics have a bit of language in them)

Actually, it’s supposed to get winter cold this weekend and maybe snow even. We’ll see.

Things That Make Me Happy

Time spent with family and friends, being outside, watching the birds, sunshine

Book I’m Reading

The Spare Room by Andrea Bartz

What’s On My TV Today

We’ve been watching Resident Alien on Netflix, it’s a fun show.

On The Breakfast Plate

I made cinnamon toast except on a croissant and coffee

On The Lunch Plate

No idea but it’s lunchtime right now really and I’m hungry

On The Dinner Plate

Making them real food today, I guess. Pork Tenderloin, mashed potatoes, and broccoli

On The Menu

MONDAY: Pork Tenderloin, mashed potatoes, and broccoli

TUESDAY: Happy New Year! We’ve all got plans, I’m making bacon wrapped little smokies to take with us

WEDNESDAY: Black-eyed peas, ham, cornbread, salad



On My To Do List

  • Go back to the grocery store and buy the bacon I forgot to get, SIGH
  • Make black-eyed peas to give as NYE gifts
  • Pay our property taxes
  • I think I have work training I need to do (’cause no minute like the last minute!)
  • Clean the house
  • Go to Target for a few basic things
  • Make list of 25 for 2025, decide on word for year, blogging!

New Recipe I Tried or Want to Try

Not sure…

What I Am Creating

Just working on taking down Christmas and trying to put it away in an organized fashion


(He’s made from painted acorn caps!)

Quote For The Week

Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight. (Proverbs 3:5-6)


Blogmas and Birthday

Hey, it’s my birthday today! Figured I might as well take a few minutes for a fun Blogmas catch up this afternoon. I’m just a few topics behind. Work tomorrow and Wednesday so hoping for a blog visiting catch up on Thursday or Friday.

First though, good news! I found the missing bin. Husband said he looked through all of them. However, I went back to go through them one by one and……why are men blind? Why? Oh well, it’s found. Stockings are across the back of the couch and the wreath is on the front door.

I’m just going to do a brief (well, you all know me, I’ll try to be brief) section on each topic.

Party Food Ideas

We actually have a Christmas party to attend this year but I’m not sure if we’re supposed to take food. Haven’t made it that far in the planning as it’s later like the 21st or something. Our go to party food/appetizers to share are:

  1. little smokies wrapped in either crescent rolls OR wrapped in bacon (better option)
  2. Cheese ball (So easy: 1 packet Hidden Valley Ranch dressing mix to 2 eight oz cream cheese blocks, blend well, form into ball, and roll in chopped pecans) and crackers
  3. Pick up a vegetable platter from store on the way

Christmas Markets/Fairs

We have these but unless I go it alone, I usually don’t make it. Right now there’s a big Hallmark themed one happening because of the movie. Maybe I’ll get there, not sure.

Favorite Family Traditions

Newer ones:

  • Going to the candlelight service at the church on Christmas Eve. Usually because J is playing, haven’t heard anything for this year but even if he doesn’t play, I’m still going to insist we go.
  • Brother making spaghetti for Christmas dinner (so much easier for him, he gets to visit and since I love Italian food, I’m all in favor!)

Older one:  The boys always get Christmas pajamas and book on Christmas Eve. This year I’m at a loss with the books and they may be getting gift cards to Half Price Books with their pajamas. We’ll see.


I love all our Christmas ornaments and decorations as most have special meanings. We’d be here all day talking about them. We have ornaments that were on our parents’ trees, ornaments the kids made, ornaments that reflect special events, gifted ornaments, and of course, those special Hallmark ones. So no real theme to our living room tree.

However, this year I did splurge a bit (with many Menards rebates) and buy myself a tree for our bedroom. I plan to give it a theme of blue/green and natural to try and tie in our green Christmas bedding and blue bedroom. A not so great shot of it as I had to edit out a lot of mess:

It’s a 4 1/2 foot prelit tree with a timer and a remote with many functions. Of course, I prefer the warm white lights. (I’ll try to share a better shot of the tree in an upcoming post)


Lots of topics here but let’s end with a decorations question. How many trees do you have in your house? I’d have one in every room if I could get away with it.


Christmas Movies and Music: Blogmas days 4 and 5

Worked longer than I expected yesterday. There’s a surprise, not really. So, 2 topics for Blogmas today.

Starting off with the topic from yesterday.

Christmas Movies

I’ve decided to once again watch a Christmas movie every day this season. Started off on Sunday with a new one.

Holiday Touchdown: A Chiefs Love Story

I even had to explain to my husband this movie is not the story of the Taylor Swift/Travis Kelce romance. This was your typical cheesy Hallmark movie. By the way, the Hallmark corporate headquarters are in KC.

The story was cute but of course, I was more thrilled by recognizing places. The entire filming took place not very far from our house at all. I’ve been to many of those locations (the names in the movie aren’t the actual names of the places). And the home in the movie belongs to the family of a child who attended our preschool! I even spotted the sweet family as extras.

Also, if you’ve seen the movie, you’ll understand my annoyance at my husband’s under appreciation when I went and pointed to this ornament hanging on our tree as they talked about in the movie. 

Sometime after that, he was done watching. I don’t think he was the target audience. After the movie, I got caught in a loop and also finished watching some movie I’d watched while waiting for the premier about a woman going back to the 90’s. Cute but forgettable. And one called The Magic Stocking. I’m sure I’ll watch a few more Hallmark movies before Christmas.

My seasonal favorites

So far of those, I’ve watched Elf (probably my very favorite), Christmas Vacation, and Home Alone. And of course, I’ll make time for the animated classics like Rudolph, The Grinch, and Frosty.

For someone who doesn’t do well with scary, it’s probably a bit odd but I do love the genre of Holiday scary (not gory). Krampus is one I have to watch every single year! Also, Gremlins. And I’m hoping the crazy movie There’s Something in the Barn is still on Netflix. In the animated category, I read a theory recently that The Polar Express movie could count as holiday horror. What do you think? My kids never wanted to watch it with me, maybe that was why?

Christmas Music

I was just glancing at my Christmas notebook to see if I put a clue to the missing tub there. No luck. Just lots of advice I apparently ignored for this season. However, I just read this note:

Christmas music on the classical station is better!

So perhaps I’ll switch over to the classical station when I start running errands and such later. I do prefer the classical Christmas as it helps current artists from messing up my Christmas classics.

There really should be a law that the only version of Holly Jolly Christmas played is the one by Burl Ives. Bet you can’t guess my favorite Christmas song after that statement? Ha. Not a huge favorite but the same rule applies to Last Christmas. Only acceptable version is by Wham. Taylor’s version of that one is an automatic skip/channel change.

I do enjoy some of the newer Christmas songs though I can’t think of a single title at the moment.


What’s your favorite Christmas movie? Do you have a favorite Christmas song? Are you a Grinch like me and have songs you just can’t stand that require an immediate skip/channel change?

Decorating: Blogmas Day 3

I love Christmas decorations! However, my enthusiasm for putting up the decor isn’t shared with the rest of the household. Not a lot of pictures in this post as everything is sort of a messy work in progress right now.


Husband has the not until after Thanksgiving rule. Annoying but I mostly abide. This year, he did agree we could put the tree up prior to Thanksgiving. Probably because I was eyeing new Christmas trees. Our prelit tree is down to one random part in the middle that actually lights.

In the end, after looking and looking, we simply bought lights to put on our tree. And my handy husband did some sort of Christmas magic so the old lights from the tree don’t light but the new ones do and I can still turn it on and off with the foot button. A week of crawling under the tree to plug and unplug the light cord gave me a new appreciation for that button!

Indoor decorating:

As I said, we wait until after Thanksgiving. So, I did hold off on decorating the tree until this past weekend. Also have out the Nativity set from when we first married.

Still need to put out the one that belonged to my mother. This year space seems very limited. And they all keep wanting to blame my extra plants. Not true (maybe true). I’ll figure something out though as I usually do.

I’m waiting for help on the one part of the decor I can’t manage on my own, the greenery over the kitchen doorway. Should see if they’ll do that for me tonight.

I also like to add touches in the bedrooms and bathrooms. The Christmas shower curtain is up and the bedding is on the bed. I’ve moved on from a new tree for the living room to thinking about a small 4 foot tree for our bedroom. Not sure I’ll manage but I can “see” how it would look so nice and cozy there.

And tomorrow, I have plans with girlfriends to go tour holiday decorated homes….my husband better look out! Ha.

Outdoor decorating:

They used to be nice and put out a lighted reindeer and sleigh for me but not anymore. We’d inherited some old inflatables from my in-laws (from when my late mil was still with us) but they aged to the point we thought Santa might scare children so no more of those either.

Some years I also get a little real Christmas tree like pictured above for the front. I always try to plant them after the season. Unfortunately,  the drought the last couple years wiped all my little planted Christmas trees out.

I did get some metal picks from Hobby Lobby last year and stuck into my outdoor planters but that’s about it for our outside.

Now, I just keep myself content by driving around awarding imaginary blue ribbons to the best decorated homes I see.

Lost Christmas decor!


Here’s a new one. We’ve somehow lost an entire tub of Christmas decor. Can’t find the wreath for the front door (most pictures are from a couple of years back). Can’t find the Christmas stockings. Never mind getting coal, they aren’t going to get anything if I can’t find those. Ever lose your Christmas decor? It’s got to be here somewhere. New after Christmas goal, re-labeling and organizing the Christmas tubs.


When do you decorate for Christmas? Do you go full house or are you a stick to the main room with the tree kind of person?

Well, I should be off here to go search for the lost bins of Christmas. Wish me luck and don’t forget to visit Tamy over at Chasing My Life to read all about Blogmas. 

