Author: jehdld

Decorating: Blogmas Day 3

I love Christmas decorations! However, my enthusiasm for putting up the decor isn’t shared with the rest of the household. Not a lot of pictures in this post as everything is sort of a messy work in progress right now.


Husband has the not until after Thanksgiving rule. Annoying but I mostly abide. This year, he did agree we could put the tree up prior to Thanksgiving. Probably because I was eyeing new Christmas trees. Our prelit tree is down to one random part in the middle that actually lights.

In the end, after looking and looking, we simply bought lights to put on our tree. And my handy husband did some sort of Christmas magic so the old lights from the tree don’t light but the new ones do and I can still turn it on and off with the foot button. A week of crawling under the tree to plug and unplug the light cord gave me a new appreciation for that button!

Indoor decorating:

As I said, we wait until after Thanksgiving. So, I did hold off on decorating the tree until this past weekend. Also have out the Nativity set from when we first married.

Still need to put out the one that belonged to my mother. This year space seems very limited. And they all keep wanting to blame my extra plants. Not true (maybe true). I’ll figure something out though as I usually do.

I’m waiting for help on the one part of the decor I can’t manage on my own, the greenery over the kitchen doorway. Should see if they’ll do that for me tonight.

I also like to add touches in the bedrooms and bathrooms. The Christmas shower curtain is up and the bedding is on the bed. I’ve moved on from a new tree for the living room to thinking about a small 4 foot tree for our bedroom. Not sure I’ll manage but I can “see” how it would look so nice and cozy there.

And tomorrow, I have plans with girlfriends to go tour holiday decorated homes….my husband better look out! Ha.

Outdoor decorating:

They used to be nice and put out a lighted reindeer and sleigh for me but not anymore. We’d inherited some old inflatables from my in-laws (from when my late mil was still with us) but they aged to the point we thought Santa might scare children so no more of those either.

Some years I also get a little real Christmas tree like pictured above for the front. I always try to plant them after the season. Unfortunately,  the drought the last couple years wiped all my little planted Christmas trees out.

I did get some metal picks from Hobby Lobby last year and stuck into my outdoor planters but that’s about it for our outside.

Now, I just keep myself content by driving around awarding imaginary blue ribbons to the best decorated homes I see.

Lost Christmas decor!


Here’s a new one. We’ve somehow lost an entire tub of Christmas decor. Can’t find the wreath for the front door (most pictures are from a couple of years back). Can’t find the Christmas stockings. Never mind getting coal, they aren’t going to get anything if I can’t find those. Ever lose your Christmas decor? It’s got to be here somewhere. New after Christmas goal, re-labeling and organizing the Christmas tubs.


When do you decorate for Christmas? Do you go full house or are you a stick to the main room with the tree kind of person?

Well, I should be off here to go search for the lost bins of Christmas. Wish me luck and don’t forget to visit Tamy over at Chasing My Life to read all about Blogmas. 


Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow for Blogmas

Since I missed yesterday and have a busy tomorrow, thought I’d just tackle 3 Blogmas topics at once today.

Elf on the Shelf

We do have one but Buddy is usually lost in a snowstorm and tends to arrive late. That’s my solution to not having to think of so many days of things.

Thankfully, this wasn’t the trend when my boys were younger. We didn’t get our Elf on the Shelf until J was in 5th grade and talking about the one in his classroom. And we’ve never really followed it in the traditional book “he’s spying on you and taking notes for Santa” way. For us, Buddy was just a bit of fun mischief and we did it more like a scavenger hunt. Sometimes, he also brought funt treats like special holiday cereal.

J used to  think that he moved on his own but now everyone knows. We still keep up the fun tradition of hiding him around the house though. G has always thought the elf is a bit creepy.

If my kids were young, I’d go with the Kindness Elves instead. I think that’s such a great concept!

Christmas Cards

Sigh, I miss and do not miss this tradition if I’m perfectly honest. I love the idea of Christmas cards and absolutely loved decorating the kitchen doorway with them. However, it seems each year we get fewer.

And not to be obnoxious here as I love seeing the photos but really what do you do with those photo cards after Christmas?

Full confession, I’m bad about sending them. Always start out with the best of intentions….and then, time just slips away. Plus, the price of postage might do some serious budget damage if I send all the cards I want to send. I do usually make an effort, however, to send them to family members and people I know might be lonely this time of year or that really do enjoy getting the cards.

Will I send all the Christmas cards this year? It just depends on time, money, and my mood. If you send me a card will I be thrilled and honored you took the time to think of me? Absolutely!

Favorite Childhood Memories

While we’re speaking of cards, one of my memories is of my mom making gift tags from the front of old Christmas cards. And she’d save those tags each year as well. It was always fun seeing a special gift tag on a present. We sometimes thought certain tags were on better presents.

Not a childhood memory but a fun one for me is the first Christmas I spent with my husband’s family and their confusion at the tags on my gifts as they looked for the to/from stickers. Turns out not everyone made those gift tags from old cards. I use stickers now myself.

As the youngest child in the family (with an age gap), it was often just my parents and myself on Christmas Eve. And I remember my mom would always let me open one present of my choice that night (as we did the big family Christmas on the day) sometimes gently guiding me away from choosing my “big” present. I also remember many Christmas Eves where we’d travel over the big bridge (as a child it was big) to visit my grandparents over in Kansas. Waking up early and digging through my Christmas stocking. Big loud Christmas dinners with all my siblings on Christmas day.

And of course, I remember the Christmas morning where Santa brought the Donnie and Marie stage and dolls!


Thinking as I write on these topics that maybe I’ll ask my young adult children what memories they have of things. Might be fun to know. Are you an Elf on the Shelf participant? Christmas card sender? What are you favorite holiday memories?

Holiday Schedule

Excited to join in with Tamy over at Chasing My Life for Blogmas again this year. I try to do this every year. And since time seems to be flying this season, I’m hoping it’ll help me slow down and enjoy the holidays a bit more.

I don’t want to blink and find out it’s Christmas Eve.

She shared the schedule today and it’s as follows:

Lots of fun topics as always! Let’s get to today’s topic of holiday schedule.

Honestly, I’m not much of a schedule person though I don’t mind a good plan. And I have been pondering on a plan to help me slow down and enjoy the holidays more.

My plans for the holiday season so far look like this:

This weekend: Chiefs football today, tomorrow the Hallmark movie and G wants to order pizza and have a game night, no idea about Sunday. Tree is already up but not yet decorated so that’s going to happen at some point this weekend.

This coming week: I work Monday. Debating if I should limit the number of days I agree to work each week in December. Thursday, I’m meeting girlfriends for lunch and we have tickets for a holiday homes tour after that. Saturday is my brother-in-law’s birthday and also our monthly dinner out with friends, not sure how that is going to work out as I’ve heard nothing on either side.

The following week: Starts with my birthday on Monday! Not sure if we’ll celebrate the weekend before or just do something that evening. Depending on the weather, I might request we go see a Christmas light display somewhere. There are lots of Christmas-y things going on around town I’d like to go see and do.

The week of the 16th: Is very quiet on my calendar right now. I work a half-day on Friday so a teacher can leave early for travel. It’s the last week of school before Christmas break!

Christmas week: A bit busier of a week. My sister in law’s birthday is the 22nd though I’ve not heard of any plans for it yet, a friend is having a Christmas party the 23rd, and then J most likely plays in his band at church for their Christmas Eve candlelight service, a new tradition I’ve come to love.

Christmas day: Dinner at my brother’s house.

Personal Christmas Schedule:

Aside from pondering the scaling back of my working days (I’m not scheduled other than Monday and the 20th right now but that won’t stay), I’m also thinking of once again watching a Christmas movie every day in December. I did that a few years ago and really enjoyed it. And of course, somewhere in there I need to fit in Christmas shopping!

Do you have your Christmas schedule outlined or are you more a take it day by day kind of person? I think I’m somewhere in the middle.


Random Thoughts on Red Friday

Hope everyone who celebrated had a great Thanksgiving. I thought of this blog and all of you reading it (Thank you if you are still hanging here with me through the silences) when thinking of thankful things yesterday.

My fees for some sort of the behind the scene magic of this blog were due recently and I considered letting the blog go as I’ve had trouble keeping up lately. However, I decided in the end it brought me too much joy when I did hop on here to let go of it just yet. I’ll have a bit more time during Christmas break.

And I do like to blog during the holiday season. Be ready for a 2 post day from me as I plan to join Tamy over at Chasing My Life for her Blogmas.

If you’re wondering, yes I know it’s technically black Friday but we can’t call it that in KC when the Chiefs are playing the Raiders (Their colors are black and silver).

On to my random thoughts.

You don’t have to like someone else’s politics to still love them.

This thought occurred to me yesterday while having Thanksgiving with my brother. He graciously hosts every year and to say our politics are a bit different is an understatement.

We had a great dinner including an order for me to bring 2 chocolate pies to Christmas (the pie went fast!). Lovely conversation about many non-political topics, we both love plants and gardening, birds, and sports. I enjoyed talking to my sister in law about teaching (she taught middle school for years and has good stories) and my late nephew.

The one big argument on the afternoon was actually over Tyreek Hill, LOL. And in the end, we just agreed to disagree.

Another family member chose to estrange themselves from most of us over politics. And thinking about it made me sad. If I’d have passed on dinner simply because of politics, I’d have missed out on spending time with people I love and some very yummy food as well!

Maybe my viewpoint is different because our house here is divided but please, don’t let politics blind you to loving and spending time with your family.


Love the people around you and don’t let politicians in far off places stop you from doing it. Just something I felt compelled to share this morning.



Happy Homemaker Monday

Another quiet week on my blog last week. Not so much in real life. This is my first day off work since the day after Halloween. I really enjoyed my 31 days of questions and answers series and hope you did as well. It seems that ended and my work turned crazy again.

Hopefully, it’s all sorted now and I can have a bit of a quieter week and check in on this place (and yours!) a bit more often now.

And of course, I do have to just have to say a few more things on one subject (non-sports people feel free to skip):

How about those Chiefs!!!!!???? Nine and O! 

Our conversation during the last 2 seconds of that game:

Me: They are going to lose. Why? Why to Denver of all teams?

Maybe he’ll miss the kick.

Husband: He’s not going to miss.

Me: Can they block the kick?

Husband: That’s all they can try to do but that’s probably not going to happen.

And then, you football fans out there know the rest of the story….

CHEERING all around over here. Go Chiefs!


Okay, back to the subject of joining in with Sandra over at Diary Of A Stay At Home Mom for Happy Homemaker Monday.

The weather in my neck of the woods

Can not make up its mind. Actually, it’s finally fall out there. It was about 45 degrees this morning and supposed to be in the 60’s this afternoon. It’s been warm enough though that I moved pretty much all my plants back outside. Going to have to move them in again soon though. And last week as well as on Saturday, we finally had some much needed rain. Even though my picture is of rain, today is a beautiful sunny day.

Things that make me happy

The season finally changing over to autumn weather along with some beautiful trees, the return of standard time (hello, light in the morning again!), and quiet weekends at home.

Book I’m reading

Chloe’s Cornish Christmas by Daisy James.  Light holiday romance.

What’s on my tv today

Nothing. Yesterday was football. We’ll probably watch the Monday night football game. If I do watch something later it’ll just be catch up on shows like Found and Brilliant Minds.

On the breakfast plate

French toast sticks and sausage. Coffee, vitamins.

On the lunch plate

Grilled cheese

On the dinner plate

Roast is in the slow cooker. Probably making it into sandwiches and serving with fries.

On the menu

J’s birthday is Friday and my husband is going out of town for part of the week.

MONDAY: Roast in the crock pot

TUESDAY: pork chops and sweet potatoes *I work 8-4*

WEDNESDAY: Broccoli chicken Fettuccine Alfredo casserole *I work 12:30-4* Also, J requested this meal

THURSDAY: manicotti, salad *G requested this one*

FRIDAY: spicy Korean chicken, rice, cookie cake *J’s birthday meal request*

On my to do list

  • Grocery store (DONE)
  • Remind husband to help me get out the Keurig (it’s in a Christmas tub that I can’t reach)
  • Laundry
  • General housekeeping

New recipe I tried or want to try

The broccoli chicken Fettuccine Alfredo casserole is new.

What I am creating

Not much, just trying to the get the house to look nice for Thanksgiving, and then shortly after Christmas!

A peek at the reality of my house right now:


Quote for the week

There is only one Lawgiver and Judge, the one who is able to save and destroy. But you—who are you to judge your neighbor? (James 4:12 NIV)

Happy Halloween!

Well, I bombed the end of this 31 days thing but let’s make up for it today with 3 questions. Some Halloween related and some just “normal” questions.

I’ll just list them by day. Pictures are in this post just for fun.


I worked on Tuesday and to say it was a rough day would not say enough. The afternoon class kids at rest time brought me to tears. That happens so seldom to me at work (as in that’s probably only 3rd or 4th time in 10 years I lost it while I was actually at work and in front of the kids, too. UGH). SIGH.

The classroom I subbed in on Tuesday is just a rough one this year and the teachers in there are not getting the support they need or deserve. They are getting more blame for the kids’ behavior than is fair. The whole issue has me looking at other job opportunities again.

Honestly, after Tuesday, I’m questioning if I’m even in the right field. Those nagging doubts, ever get those?  Here’s one that should have been Tuesday’s question: Do you ever have imaginary conversations/arguments with other people? 


Photo comment: My phone suggested the above photo contained “sensitive” images. What?

Yesterday was a better day than Tuesday. I didn’t work so that helped. I didn’t get called in and was glad.

First part of the day I spent feeling a bit nostalgic. I have been the last few weeks. Just missing the simpler times when the kids were little and we got together with family for holidays. Really been missing my late mother-in-law and my husband’s aunt lately. And of course, my parents and the big loud (okay, not missing the loud, lol) holiday gatherings.

I decided to clean up the house a bit and see if I couldn’t improve my mood. Then, my husband came home early from work because of the weather. (We finally got some rain! Hooray!) And my cleaning the house plans ended. Mainly because the one thing I did, clean off the table, undone as soon as he walked in the door. GRR.

Yesterday’s Question: Do you mind cleaning the house when other people are home? Or do you prefer to clean the house when it is empty?


Let’s keep today’s question simple. Are you planning a special Halloween meal for tonight? What is it? Is it traditional or something new?

(Or if not, just what’s for dinner tonight? I know it’s a repeat question).

Bonus: Favorite candy?


My answers below. First though, stylish avatar Jean decided to be a mermaid queen for Halloween:

Tuesday question answers: Pretty obvious, I think, I do indeed get those nagging doubts. And let me tell you, I’ve been having some imaginary conversations with the my boss/the administrator at my work that are pretty harsh.

Wednesday question answers: I much prefer to clean the house when everybody is gone, doesn’t happen often enough around here. Even though I stopped my serious cleaning yesterday, I did manage to get all the laundry done.

Today’s answers:

We’re having a Halloween-themed meal tonight but I’m keeping it very simple. Spooky chicken nuggets (from a bag!), steamed broccoli, and biscuits. Plus the brownie cake from the recipe pictured above. It’s from a Nightmare Before Christmas Cookbook that G gave me last Christmas. Most the recipes are rather advanced but this one had a skill level of easy.

My favorite candy is Bottle Caps but since they aren’t a traditional Halloween candy to steal out of the kid stash, my close second is Almond Joys.



Thought I was going to post earlier today. However, I just spent 2 hours and 45 minutes waiting in line to vote early. Yes, you read the wait time correctly.  The line stretched 2 and half blocks long. Whew!

Me after waiting almost 3 hours to vote


Now, I don’t have to worry about it next Tuesday. The weather today was nice (except a bit windy) with a record high in the 80’s. There’s a 75 % chance of rain next week (which we desperately need) so now I won’t be standing in that. And, if I’ve already voted, I won’t mind if I get called into work next Tuesday either.

Anyway, waiting in line made me wonder the following. Do you chat with the people around you while waiting in a long line or are you more likely to be scrolling on your phone or reading a book?  Would you have waited in a 2 hour line or turned around and come back another time?


My answers:  I’m a people watcher plus I do casually chat with the people in the line. Makes the time go faster. The woman behind me had the great idea we should get a better reward than a sticker for a 2 hour wait, we were thinking like a Diet Coke, ha. Her and her husband lived sort of in the area where I grew up so that was interesting. And we chatted about the restaurants around the area where we waited. And the people in front kept us all entertained or rather their granddaughter who was not quite 2 did. They were keeping her because mom just had a new baby.

Everyone in the line was nice and friendly, looking out for the older lady who didn’t have good balance making sure she had places to sit, chatting about light topics. No arguing about anything political just normal people exercising their right to vote.

Clearly, I waited it out in the line. I was just determined to get it done today. There are probably days where I couldn’t have done it.

Also, not related but sharing this other fun picture and saying hey, the Chiefs are 7 & 0. Woohoo!

Black Cat Day

Read that today was national black cat day. We’re letting our little gray cat be honored a bit since she does look almost black in the dark.

Here are the questions for today:

  • Do you own a cat? What color is your cat?
  • Are you a cat or a dog person?
  • And finally, since it is black cat day and some people associate them with bad luck, are you superstitious?


My answers:

I guess I gave it away sort of at the start of this post. One minor comment though: We don’t own a cat. We are employed by a little gray cat. She owns us.

And though it took me some years to discover it, I’m most definitely 100% a cat person. Of course, that doesn’t mean I won’t pet your lovely dogs if I’m at your house. I am scared of big loud barking dogs though.

Superstitious? I’d say a little bit. Maybe. I don’t think black cats are bad luck especially. However, I’ll probably be drawing an X with my hand if one crosses my path. And the boys think it’s hilarious but I throw that salt over my left shoulder if I spill it. Finally, of course, I have to wear my Chiefs shirts or red of some sort on game days.

Costume Party

I think I’ve done pretty good with this series so I’m going to give myself a break for missing yesterday. Long work day and it was still one of those weeks. So glad it’s Saturday. Finally.

So, let’s just move on to today’s question.

Have any Halloween parties or events to attend? Or that you already attended? Did you dress up for them? And if so, what was your costume? Costumes you’ve worn in the past?


My answers: I have an event to attend tonight. A painting party with a costume contest. However, unlike my stylish game avatar in the picture, real life Jean’s costume is a bit (a lot) more dull. Hardly making an effort to tell the truth. I’m wearing an oversized jack-o-lantern tee-shirt and some black tights with black shorts. Planning to pull my hair up (kinda like the picture but more on top) and wrap some green ribbon around it for “leaves.”

Not sure why but I’ve never been much into the dressing up for Halloween/parties. Maybe it’s emotional scarring from those 70’s plastic masks that made breathing and seeing a bit difficult. I was Fred Flintstone one year in those times! Fun.  A witch once or twice. And in my early 20’s one time I dressed up as a scarecrow at work.

For the most part, the preschool parties are pajama parties. So I have some snoopy themed Halloween pajama bottoms (my favorites because they have pockets!). And a pair of moon and stars type pajama bottoms. As well as my tinkerbell ones but I seldom wear those if I work on party days at preschool. First, they are too hot any more (crazy weather) and it’s hard to pass up on pockets especially at work.


Just a quick one for today. Had a hard time thinking of a question. Then, my newest ache and pain started flaring again.

One of those phantom injuries that appeared out of nowhere. Well, I think I did something at work but didn’t feel the OUCH until a few days later. So, I’m wondering when was the last time you injured yourself? Or the last time you grabbed a band aid?

My answers:

I did something to aggravate my elbow of all things about a month ago? One of those injuries that’s not serious enough to call the doctor but hurts enough to consult google. It comes and goes.

Probably aggravated a ligament or tendon. Icy hot and ibuprofen. Oh, and rest. Ha! Times 5 million to that part of it all. Found one of those compression sleeve things at Menards so sometimes I’ll wear that though usually not at work. I think I hurt my elbow/arm at work picking up little chairs one handed or cots.

Working with small children I grab band aids a lot. Last time I grabbed one for myself, I don’t really remember.  Probably for a paper cut or (accidental) cat scratch.


