We had a winter storm last Thursday. A real snowfall, our area had 7-8 inches of snow! It’s all out there melting away today with south winds and a predicted high of 57 degrees. It was just about that warm if not a bit warmer last Wednesday as well.
I took advantage and went for a walk with my camera. It’d been a while since I’d walked around the lake at the park I usually just cut through on my way to work.
(Adding a note here that I’m having issues with a slow computer and a bit frustrated so these are just a quick sampling of the photos I could actually get to upload to my blog)
Robin beside the path
People around the park don’t bother these birds much.
The lake is always full of Canada geese and various ducks. The only ducks I can confidently name are the Mallards.
Mallard Ducks
Female Mallard Duck
If you want to see geese as well as the Mallard ducks posing with a turtle, click back one post.
Blue Birds
The highlight of my walk around the lake was a little pair of bluebirds. The male didn’t stick around for very long but I enjoyed watching the female bluebird for quite a while. Took quite a few photos but of course, slow computer…so here are just two.
Closer to home: Hawks!
Before I left, I did spot the hawks in the backyard once again. I think I saw the little hawks twice last week.
And of course, at home, the usual collection of sparrows, cardinals, chickadees, woodpeckers, and squirrels continue to raid the birdfeeders. Along with a flock of brown-headed cowbirds that does not thrill me. We also have a collection of robins hanging out as well. What birds did you spot last week?
Joining in with the Bird Depot hosted by Anni over at I’d Rather B Birdin‘. (Think I forgot to link up last week!)
And I’ve been mostly enjoying the laziness of it. Slept in a bit. Thankful that J’s school and my preschool both called things off last night instead of early this morning. Baked banana bread. Read in my book. Watched the snow and the birds at the feeders. Debated looking up a recipe for blackbird pie. SIGH.
Still, enjoyed watching the significant snow fall and blow around from the warm comfort of my home. Thankful for that. Glad to not be driving in the mess. G’s work also closed so I’m also grateful my 20 year old son is also safe at home today.
Husband still went to work and said more people were on the road than needed to be there. Thankful he made it to work and home for lunch, then back and home again safely. And that he shoveled the front porch and the driveway so we didn’t need to mess with it.
Last week and this one had a few ups and downs but overall it was a good week with lots of things to list. However, I’m sick of making numbered lists. Might go back to the numbered lists next week but changing it up this week.
G out of the blue brought me a Baja Blast from Taco Bell last week. He’d stopped on his way home from work. It’s my favorite drink and oh so bad for me. However, I drank it and loved every sip. I’m so filled with gratitude that he’s so thoughtful.
My husband working hard and agreeing to start taking J to school to see if that improved things. I think it did. At least it improved my stress levels a bit though I’ll be honest the control freak in my struggles to stay out of the way.
J is starting to feel a bit better (I think, hope, pray). He made it to school a day and half last week. And 2 and half days this week (snow days don’t count).
Chelsey (our little gray cat) always keeping us on our toes. She keeps me in line and keeps them calm. And keeps us all laughing at times.
A phone call and a chance to talk to an understanding friend about everything going on with J.
A very sweet “in the mail” card from the same friend
Catching up with other friends at Bunco and just enjoying being out socializing.
Covering just half a day in the afternoon last week, another teacher helping me out with a “wardrobe malfunction” Ah, hormones. Enough said. SIGH. Thankful things weren’t worse.
Working for just a few hours on Monday and getting to spend most of it soaking up the beautiful weather (prior to our snowstorm today, temps had been in the mid 50’s to low 60’s). Finding out the reason I didn’t get called into help with the Valentine’s parties (it wasn’t me, didn’t figure it was but nice to know for sure)
Nature soothes my soul. I think that’s a rip off on a John Muir quote. I’m feeling too lazy to look it up tonight. However, I am so happy and grateful that I made time to go on a nice walk around the park close to my work yesterday. Usually, I drive through it and it’d been a while since I walked the path around the lake (pictured above).
Weather nice enough in February to take a walk with my camera wearing only a sweatshirt (note: and pants! I also wore pants. And shoes.)
Having a nice camera to capture the scene, birds, and other creatures. Yesterday, I saw beautiful changing skies.
A chipmunk.
And a cardinal building a nest, I think. Ducks. Geese. Turtles. Bluebirds! (Saving most the bird pictures for Saturday)
This list might seem a bit shorter since I didn’t number the items. However, I assure you I found so many moments to stop and be grateful during the course of the week. Just never started a list on the computer. Sometimes it’s nice to just have gratitude in the moment don’t you think?
Well, I’m a day late with this once again. Hope everyone had a great Valentine’s Day! We didn’t do anything for it really. That’s okay. Some years are just more exciting than others. This just wasn’t one of the exciting years.
Let’s just get to the planning part of the post. Joining in with Sandra over at Diary Of A Stay At Home Mom.
The Weather
I’m ready for Spring! However, even the weather person called our current forecast “fool’s Spring” this morning. It’s supposed to get super warm later today but also very windy (fire warning windy). Then, typical for us, snow’s set to arrive Wednesday and all day on Thursday. However, I noticed the high on Friday is supposed to be 42 so I’m not too worried. We’ll see what happens. I’ll just enjoy the sunshine and warmth today while I can.
How I Am Feeling This Morning
Cautiously hopeful. J went to school today so that’s always a bonus, he went a half-day yesterday. I keep reminding myself that any progress is still progress. Many thanks to those of you praying for the situation. I do appreciate it so much and it is helping. Other than that issue, I’m a bit tired but also motivated to clean and clear the clutter out of this basement/the whole house. In the mood for a light, clear house that reminds me of spring and summer. Did I mention I was ready for Spring?
On The Breakfast Plate
English muffin, yogurt, vitamins. And coffee. Always coffee.
On My Reading Pile
Been on a bit of a reading terror lately. Finished How to be Sad by Helen Russell. Non-fiction, interesting. I like how she weaves her personal experience through the book while sharing ideas and statistics regarding how different cultures cope with sadness. And how sadness is not something to ignore in the pursuit of happiness.
Then I read, Sex and Vanity by Kevin Kwan (author of Crazy Rich Asians). I enjoyed it though it was different from his other works. Found out later that it was supposed to be a remake of a classic novel called Room with a View. Not sure I enjoyed the story enough to look up the original book. Let me know if you’ve read it. I guess there’s a movie, maybe I’ll just watch it.
Over the weekend into yesterday, I plowed through two “skip the line” loans on the e-library site: One by One by Ruth Ware, a fun locked in who done it type murder novel. And The Night Swim by Megan Goldin. It was a bit more of an intense read as it dealt with a podcaster covering a rape trial in a small town, stalked by the sister of another victim to a crime 25 years earlier. Not a book full of rainbows and light by far.
Finally, this morning my turn with The Great Alone by Kristin Hannah came due. So I’ve made a tiny dent into reading that though I need to accomplish a bit today before I sit down to escape into yet another book.
On My TV
Super bowl on Sunday. Trying to be happy for the Rams. Trying but I was really just mad that the Bengals lost. Because, you know, the Chiefs could’ve beat them. Says the sore loser over here. Half-time show? More enjoyable than I expected. Greatest half-time show of all time? Um. No. See Prince. Commercials? I miss when the commercials weren’t all over the place before the big game. Had already seen most of them.
If you’re looking for something interesting and a bit intense to binge-watch, Inventing Anna over on Netflix was really good. I watched it over the weekend. Can’t remember the last time a show held my attention enough for me to binge-watch it in a couple of days. Started watching out of curiosity because I heard the actress who plays Ruth in Ozark was in it, totally forgot that was why I was watching. True story. Truth is stranger than fiction for sure.
And of course, I need to catch up on Around The World in 80 Days plus I’ll be watching Joe Millionaire on Thursday. Kurt, would you please send Caroline home already? Geez. Not a fan of either. Why am I watching? I don’t know.
On The Menu
And now, we’re on to the biggest I don’t know of all.
MONDAY: J had McDonald’s, We split a steak at different times since I had to work/take J to his lesson. *I worked 3-5, last-minute thing* *J had a lesson at 6:30*
TUESDAY: Pork Milanese, rice, salad *I have Bunco at 7*
WEDNESDAY: Spicy potato soup or maybe meatballs, unsure
THURSDAY: French toast, scrambled eggs, bacon or sausage (French Toast is in freezer)
FRIDAY: Homemade pizza or turkey (depends on if it’s thawed, we have a turkey we need to cook to get some freezer space) *J has an appointment at 10* *No School*
SATURDAY: See Friday
From The Camera
Last week was yet another slow camera week. The sky photo and this little squirrel were my only photos on the card.
Looking Around The House
I finally took the donation box that’d been blocking the coat closet and getting kicked out of the way to it’s new home. Sunday afternoon used to be my go-to day for that but they closed the outside donation bin on Sundays. Ironically, I guess to keep the homeless people from rifling through the stuff. No comment.
Anyway, like I said earlier, I’m ready to clean and clear out. It is time for some serious spring cleaning. Even if the snow flies tomorrow into Thursday.
On My To Do List
Clean/clear the living room
Go through another basement storage tub (went through and managed to empty 2 yesterday! Even made a little bit of $ by taking some books to sell)
Go get table snacks for Bunco tonight (We started just doing table snacks during the Pandemic so aren’t back to full on hosting spreads yet)
Take care of some e-mail correspondence/pay a couple bills
Quote For The Week
Your home should tell the story of who you are, and be a collection of what you love. (Nate Berkus)
It’s been a pretty lazy Saturday over here. And in continuing with that theme, I’m not going to share too much narrative (have to share a little bit) and just add a few bird-watching photos tonight.
Hawk in Flight
It seems a couple of crows might be looking into real estate near our backyard. Not sure they’ve decided though. I took these photos after watching a crow attempt to chase this hawk from our backyard area. The crow seemed mildly successful. Unfortunately, I didn’t get any photos of the crow chasing the hawk or even the crow.
Too Many Starlings!
A large group of European starlings passed through (hoping they’ve moved on to somewhere else) the front and backyards during the course of the week. The tree in the front yard was full of them. They are both loud and messy (my son’s car is now in desperate need of a wash) birds. Here’s a glimpse of just 3 of them in a tree.
And to end with something a little happier, here’s a view of one of many robins that have also decided our area is primo real estate. I don’t mind the robins as much.
I’m trying to use these gratitude posts as way to cope with the less pleasant parts of the week (who am I kidding? The year so far!). Hoping that it helps me to stay grounded. I admit to struggling a bit when I sat down to get started on my post on Monday.
However, as Wednesday evening approaches, I’m finding it quite easy to come up with items of gratitude. Hopefully, I’ll be able to add a few more items before I hit publish at some point tomorrow.
How did we already hit the mid-week point or as you’re reading this, the eve of the weekend?
My items for the week of February 4-10
Finally getting a haircut on Saturday! Delayed on it almost 6 weeks because of us all having COVID to start the year. My hairdresser actually moved salons during that time. As a bonus, her new salon is slightly closer (think very slightly, she’s on the same road) to me than the old one.
Dinner out and a game night with some friends on Saturday night
Seeing J smile on Sunday while helping my husband with a project
Getting to view an absolutely stunning sunrise on Monday morning
Not breaking my leg/arm/or anything else when I slipped on the ice in our driveway on Monday (and that said ice is all melted away now!)
ice on a local lake, not our driveway
Understanding and compassionate band directors
Sunny, warm February days
Celebrating my husband’s birthday with the kids by going out to dinner
A chocolate cake that turned out, it doesn’t always
Figuring out that the cake frosting makes a pretty good fruit dip (It’s this frosting mix and I always make too much, see cake that doesn’t always turn out listed above. Now I have something else to do with the leftover frosting. By the way, that Amazon price is crazy! It doesn’t cost that much in the store.)
Remembering and making the effort to take 3 “people” pictures during my husband’s birthday. And the family cooperating! That’s a big one.
Finding another good book to get lost in for a moment
That the mayor and local council candidates I favored made it through to the general election
The kind and encouraging comments left on this blog
Getting to watch a crow chase away a hawk (and snap a couple pictures of the hawk in flight, saving the other photos for a bird-watching Saturday post)
Caring school administrators who give hope and real answers
Having hope
Going out and spending time with long-time friends who are always there to offer a shoulder to cry on when needed
J getting up and going to school for a half-day today
My husband who agreed to handle the whole morning and take J to school today. Worked out so much better for all of us. Though I confess it took a lot of strength for me to stay away from it all and keep myself in the bedroom until they left.
A bit of time alone to “cry, breathe, etc.” this morning
Update on my Tuesday post
Again, I’m so grateful for the kind and caring comments some of you left on my post on Tuesday. The meeting at the school went better than I hoped and we did indeed (or rather my husband did) get J up and to school today. We’re transitioning back with a half-day to start.
It certainly helped when the assistant principal was super nice and told J that he would be more worried if he didn’t feel weird about coming back after being out so long. They also worked out that J could leave a class and just go to the office or counseling center whenever he felt overwhelmed. So, I’m super cautiously hopeful (tiny slit of light in cloudy sky hopeful) that we can get back to a school routine. Trying very hard to take it one day at time. Continued prayers would be welcome and appreciated.
Back to Thankful Thursday
I’m finding these posts extremely helpful and hope you enjoy reading them. Amazed at how the start of the week seemed so bleak but I’ve now easily listed 21 items and could keep going! My list runs Friday-Thursday each week. Always thankful to God for his help each day.
Great is our Lord, and abundant in power, his understanding is beyond measure. (Psalm 147: 5)
Always behind around here it seems. I didn’t even work yesterday and still didn’t manage to get a post going. It was just a Monday. And a half. SIGH. More on that later perhaps.
Right now since I’m a day late, let’s just get straight to the planning post. Joining in as always with Sandra, the host of Happy Homemaker Mondays, over at Diary Of A Stay At Home Mom.
The Weather
Clouds late Sunday afternoon
Snow is almost all gone now. We’re having another set of nice weather days. Yesterday was a bit breezy though. Another cold front is supposed to arrive on Friday or Saturday, I think I heard them say on the news. However, most of this week is going to be in the 50’s. In February? Sold! No rain/snow chances. While we need the moisture, a few partly sunny days is something I’m happy to see.
How I Am Feeling This Morning
Honestly, I’m a bit of a mess. J’s struggles with anxiety/depression/school avoidance are something I’m finding rather hard to cope with as a parent. Still looking into homeschool options but am not sold that’s in his best interest either (He’s a very talented musician and with homeschool so many opportunities simply disappear for him. Our current laws here do not allow him to participate as a home school student. And it’s not that I want to push him but I do know in happier times, he loves the music and contests and concerts. I have a child who was in the band and did not love it at all so I feel confident in that assessment of things.). I currently have too many tabs open on this computer with everything from otter videos to homeschool options to pages on resources for anxiety and depression. (We do have an assessment scheduled for early March and I may call today regarding getting in with another therapist prior to that, good luck to me there).
He’s overwhelmed, I’m overwhelmed. SIGH. I let him sleep this morning after a bit of a row with him last night. Later today when we’re both calmer (and rested) we’ll sit down and go over things. We have a meeting at school with the assistant principal and hopefully, also the counselor tomorrow afternoon. Prayers for the meeting to go well and them to offer some *helpful* assistance greatly appreciated.
Oh and yesterday, I slipped on an icy patch on the driveway hitting my knee and scraping up one of my hands. Ice 1 Jean 0. I’m okay just a little sore this morning. It was a bit ironic as I was telling J to be watch out for the ice right as I slipped!
In happier news, it’s my husband’s birthday and I’m looking forward to celebrating him later tonight.
Whew! Next category!
On The Breakfast Plate
Nothing yet other than coffee. Trying to decide between the usual (yogurt), oatmeal, or a mini cinnamon roll.
On My Reading Pile
Went from not having anything engaging to read to tearing through quite a few books. Read the Kevin Kwan trilogy that starts with Crazy Rich Asians. These were indeed good escapist reads about a very dysfunctional over the top rich family with roots in Singapore and Hong Kong mostly. Still working my way through How to be Sad by Helen Russell, it’s good it just takes a bit of time to process.
And finally, I read The Four Winds by Kristin Hannah. It was a *skip the line* library loan (e-book) and my first time reading anything by the author. I’d heard of this book but thought nah on a number of occasions. However, I read the first few pages and was hooked, checking it out immediately. With apologies to any huge Steinbeck fans out there, where was this one while I was suffering through The Grapes of Wrath back in high school?
On My TV
Not much really. It’s that lull after the excitement of football. Next Level Chef, Joe Millionaire (I think they probably made the right choice last week.)
On The Menu This Week
Crusty white bread, it turned out although not super pretty, I made a few mistakes so a second try is in order
Nothing overly exciting, I don’t think. I did get inspired by Sandra last week and made homemade bread to go with our beef stew. The beef stew probably won’t be a repeat but I’ll try the bread again sometime soon since I made a few mistakes (it turned out anyway but I want to try again following all the directions).
MONDAY: Ham, hash browns, carrots (subbed in for a really bad tasting cucumber), and cornbread *J had a baritone lesson at 6:30*
TUESDAY: OUT (Cracker barrel) for husband’s birthday, chocolate cake with white frosting for dessert
WEDNESDAY: Roast in the crock pot *Meeting at school at 1p.m.* *Mom’s (much needed) Night Out with friends*
THURSDAY: Spaghetti or pork chops/undecided. Probably go with the pork chops, need to use up some potatoes so pork chops and baked potatoes
FRIDAY: Spaghetti and meatballs, salad *I work 1-4:15*
Looking Around The House
Pondering why the kitchen table just won’t stay cleared off and clean? G cleaned his room over the weekend and moved some stuff into the living room while doing it, “I’ll move it back when I’m done” SIGH. Famous last words. Plan to spend some time cleaning today.
On My To Do List
Bake husband’s birthday cake/wrap presents
Clean house up a bit
Sit down with J and go over his options/talk about things
Pay bills
Make some phone calls if I have time
To Relax This Week I Will
Drink tea, spend some time outside taking advantage of nice weather in February!
From The Camera
Cabin fever cat:
Monday’s stellar sunrise:
Quote For The Week
This verse from Sunday’s service has been on my mind so far this week:
Be angry and do not sin; do not let the sun go down on your anger, (Ephesians 4:26)
Finally, how about a little humor this week? This was the quote to start one of the chapters in Crazy Rich Girlfriend (book 2 in the series, really the 1st and 3rd books are the best). Made me chuckle a bit.
If you want to know what God thinks of money, just look at the people he gave it to. (Dorothy Parker)
Today, it’s blue skies and 32 degrees. I can hear the dripping of melting snow from the living room. And the robins are out in force. Spring fever is high.
The birds are enjoying the melting snow. At least I think that’s what is happening over on the roof next door.
However, going back to Wednesday and Thursday, the winter storm paid us a visit. Not horrible, really pretty standard for February snowfall around here. And believe it or not, the news said even with the snow we’re still in a drought. It was cold though. Too cold to take photos except through the backdoor.
Too bad because I had lots of birds visiting the feeders on Wednesday and Thursday. Most of them, I couldn’t get a decent through the door photo to show you. This happened a lot as well:
Time to take the photo and they all decide to fly away as I press the button!
brown-headed cowbirds
The brown-headed cowbirds were out in force. This is the first time I’ve seen them at the feeders since early fall or maybe even last spring. Not sure if they migrate? Looks like our area is right on the line between year-round and breeding.
Not going to lie, they are not my favorite birds. At all. And they were crowding out a few of my favorites like the cardinals and white-throated sparrows.
New Visitors
However, there was another pairing of blackbirds with the brown-headed cowbirds that I’ve never before had visit my backyard birdfeeders. It was very easy to identify the male red-winged blackbird (not pictured as I only saw him a couple of times) but the female bird took me a minute.
Did you have any idea female red-winged blackbirds were so beautiful? I know I didn’t.
Cardinal on left, female red-winged blackbird on right
Perhaps they’ll return on a sunnier day when I can be outside with the camera to get decent shots instead debating if I want to risk frostbite for an attempt. (Sometimes, common sense prevails).
Of course, with the obscene number of cowbirds, I did switch back to safflower seed, the favorite of the cardinals and small finches, not so much the bigger birds. So, I may just have to be satisfied to see them in passing and not in my own backyard.
Other Birds Spotted This Week, Not Photographed
Cardinals, sparrows including the white-throated sparrows, large numbers of dark-eyed juncos, blue jays (loud birds!), robins, tufted titmice, chickadees, both the downy and red-bellied woodpeckers, and occasionally a mourning dove.
In addition as I sat simply watching the birds on Wednesday mid-morning, a Cooper’s Hawk arrived and perched right over the bird feeders. Then, my son who came to see the hawk noticed a second hawk in a tree not too far off from the first one before they swooped away.
Do you ever see different birds when it snows?
*joining in with the Bird Depot hosted by Anni at I’d Rather B Birdin’
The week from Thursday to Thursday was a little rough (and busy) this time. Honestly, I’m making most of this list from memory as I didn’t come down here and log things each night like I usually do.
I started off good getting to Sunday. However, the rest of this week? Not so much. Let’s see what gratitude from earlier this week comes to mind.
Sunrise colors that linger
Time spent together watching movies
A great and exciting season from the Kansas City Chiefs
The gift of art work from a sweet preschool student
All of those sweet preschool students. I’d bring any of them home here in a heartbeat if asked.
J going to his baritone lesson on Monday (small progress)
A beautiful day of weather before our storm
That the roads weren’t bad Tuesday evening when I got off work so that I could stop and get birdseed (we were completely out!)
The wonderful variety of birds I spotted at the feeders on Wednesday morning. New to the backyard feeders: a pair of red-winged blackbirds. We won’t talk about the aggravating brown-headed cowbirds though. And not 1 but 2 hawks! And of course, my regular birds (Cardinal pictured below, saving my red-winged back-bird for Saturday)
An incredibly sweet and kind (and very unexpected) text message from the teacher I worked with all of last week and the beginning of this one thanking me for my help
That we didn’t get the crazy snowstorm predicted (okay, I admit it…I sort of wanted to see 12 inches of snow but I know it’s better we only got about 4-5 inches)
Not having to worry about trash day on Wednesday morning or getting out and going anywhere (Bonus item: that they did come and pick up the trash today!)
The boys helping me clean the cars and shovel the driveway on Wednesday afternoon (plus getting some wonderful and very cold fresh air!)
Two snow days in a row!
Husband getting a snow day today as well (cold day really, wind chill was -9 this morning brrr)
Finding a book that’s holding my attention well, The Four Winds by Kristin Hannah, didn’t think I’d like it at all but am finding I can’t put it down and am going to finish it much too soon.
Not too bad of a list after all. Do wish I had a few more pictures to go along with it. Hoping if it warms up above negative wind chills to get out for a walk somewhere. Of course, I may just still stay here drinking cocoa while planning my dream flower and vegetable garden.
The groundhog may have said 6 more weeks of winter but really, spring is only 6 *short* weeks away! And it’s just about time to perhaps start some seedlings indoors. A “throwback Thursday” photo of my daffodils in the warmer Spring sun:
What things are you thankful for on this wintery February day?
Another quick planning post as I’m still working a bit this week. Have a feeling it’s going to be another full week unless there’s a snow day or two in there.
*I started this post right after the Chiefs game on Sunday night, original title was Sunday night blues. However, life kept me busy and I’m just now sitting down to finish it on a snowy Wednesday morning. Snow days for all of us (except my husband).*
Definitely working tomorrow so trying to get this done late (too late really) on Sunday night. Still a bit sad about the Chiefs game but congratulations to the Bengals, coming back like that at Arrowhead stadium, a very well-deserved win!
Supposed to be crazy warm tomorrow, almost in the 60’s, so that means a day or two later: snowstorm on the horizon. Nothing like hit the east coast but a decent snow for sure. We’ll see what happens. Same old hot/cold weather pattern. Today wasn’t bad, in the 40’s.
As I mentioned, it’s Wednesday now and we did indeed get the snow (after a very nice Monday and cool, somewhat rainy Tuesday).
How I Am Feeling
Disappointed about the football game outcome, a bit frazzled about the week ahead, and a bit tired. I really should go to bed. (How I felt on Sunday evening). How I am feeling on Wednesday morning: Glad to have a snow day to reset, still a bit unsettled about a lot of things.
On The Breakfast Plate
Toast with probably too much butter and coffee. Vitamins.
On My Reading Pile
Really struggling to find a book that captures my interest enough I can simply “escape” into it. Non-fiction: How to be Sad by Helen Russell (probably finish it today). Fiction, currently trying to read Dune and I also started Crazy Rich Asians by Kevin Kwan after watching the movie on a whim over the weekend. Dune is probably going to end up as did not finish for me. Hoping the first reads from Amazon has an engaging read as a choice this month.
On My TV
Congratulations to the Bengals and the Rams! (I’ll be cheering on the Bengals, since the 80’s is a long time to wait for another championship, just ask any Royals baseball fan)
Mentioned I watched Crazy Rich Asians, really enjoyed it! Probably a little more chick-flick than I’d normally choose but a nice, feel-good kind of movie if you need one. J and I watched Kung Fu Panda 2, we’ll have to watch 3 now (1 is on Netflix but even with a “million” streaming services we ended up renting 2 from Amazon as I couldn’t find it anywhere).
TV series I’m watching right now: Around the World in 80 Days, really enjoying it. Going to be sad when it ends.
My guilty pleasure show of Joe Millionaire. Been planning a snack for Thursday nights as I watch it making a whole ritual of the experience of watching my trashy tv show. And if you’re watching it with me, I’ve come up with a theme song for Caroline: Sweet but Psycho by Ava Max. Or maybe you are fan of Caroline? Personally, I am not and was sad they didn’t just send her home last week. Oh, the drama! On that note, glad my Missouri millionaire is so far somewhat staying out of it all. Oh, I am way too invested in this show. Help me!
On The Menu This Week
Thankfully, I went to the store before the game on Sunday so we’re pretty well set here for snow days and such. For the game we had BBQ little smokies, precooked heat and eat chicken wings, and I made the winter salad Carrie shared a couple weeks back (it was a hit!) along with a pineapple upside down cake for dessert.
MONDAY: It was a bit of rough day with us all going in different directions *G and I had BBQ ham sandwiches, J had heat and eat chicken wings, and my husband had leftover taco meat* *I worked 8:15-4:45* J had a baritone lesson at 6:30* My husband had to attend a visitation*
TUESDAY: Pepper steak and rice, G doesn’t like steak so I made some of into pepper chicken using the same recipe, turned out good *I worked 8:15-5:00*
WEDNESDAY: beef stew (crock pot), homemade bread of some sort
THURSDAY: ham steaks, corn bread, salad *Meeting at high school at 1:00*
FRIDAY: Frozen pizza
From The Camera
Feel like I say this every week lately, but I didn’t pick up the camera enough last week. Took the first photo from the deck on Sunday night, no coat needed. The second one out the backdoor this morning, definitely need a coat, gloves, all of it if I go outside even on the deck today.
Looking Around The House
Giving it a good cleaning it definitely on the list for today!
On My To Do List
Clean the house (see told you it was on the list!)
Enjoy my snow day!
Call new trash company as I’ve lost the billing info (yahoo e-mail glitch, grr)
Set up appointment for J
Something Fun To Share
J showed me this fun you-tube channel of Kotaro and Hanna, river otter pets in Japan and I can’t stop watching them.
On My Prayer List
Those still sick with the virus right now including the teacher I’ve been working for as she deals with COVID induced pneumonia, the co-director at my work as he’s also battling lingering effects from the virus as well as in need of kidney transplant (from diabetic kidney disease), the young (and older) children struggling. A friend of ours who just lost her husband back in August and also suddenly lost one of her brothers a week ago, that she is enveloped in peace as she grieves her losses. My son, for us to get answers so he can overcome the anxiety and depression he’s currently suffering through. Friends, family, strangers. All those out working in today’s snowy and cold weather to stay safe. A return to kinder, happier, more peaceful times throughout the world.
Quote For The Week
Proverbs 3:5-6
5 Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding.
6 In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.
I definitely plan to spend part of my snow day catching up on a few of your blogs!
Another short post that is just straight to my list. Just a reminder I start my list over each Thursday afternoon/Friday. So some of these go back to last week.
J going to school (Last Friday)
Everybody getting home safely (Friday was quite the day with J deciding to walk home from school, G having car trouble, me getting locked outside for a bit, and my husband dealing with most of it while still at work)
lazy Saturday mornings
A new book arriving in the mail (through Amazon)
An exciting play off football game and of course, a Chiefs win!
An old friend willing to help out and share her experiences as well as some very sage advice
A really wonderful compliment from the teacher I’ve been working with this week. She said it’s been very peaceful in the classroom while I’ve been in there. And that she even feels peaceful herself when I’m working in her classroom.
Another compliment from one of the kids telling me I look like one of the other young, pretty preschool teachers (We both have dark hair but that’s about it…still, a nice compliment and I’ll take it)
J getting his driving learner’s permit. Hooray for a confidence boost!
McDonald’s getting the order right for our entire family right (J’s choice for a celebration dinner)
Clear kitchen counters and sinks
Green plants that just keep growing.
Lots to be thankful for around here even in the midst of an otherwise somewhat busy and stressful at times kind of week. What’s on your thankful list for this last week of January?