Author: jehdld

Happy Homemaker Monday, Thanksgiving Week

Posting a bit late today as I had a few errands this morning. Getting a bit more excited about Thanksgiving though still missing our plans of old a bit (when we used to travel to Oklahoma). 

A short week school and work-wise, however, still needs a plan. Let’s just get right to it by joining in with Sandra over at Diary Of A Stay At Home Mom.

Breakfast Time..What Is On The Plate This Morning

Felt a bit festive after my morning grocery store run: Caramel Brûlée Latte and peppermint perfection flavor flip yogurt (also, regular coffee early in the am & vitamins) 

Looking Around The House

Let’s not. I had a good run on Saturday morning but that was 2 days ago…

On Today’s To-Do List

Mostly errands that are done.

  1. Go to grocery store for Thanksgiving items
  2. Haircut
  3. Run a couple Christmas shopping errands
  4. This post
  5. Take J to his lesson tonight

Currently Reading

I must find something lighter for J’s lesson tonight. Finished too rather dark thrillers over the weekend. First, I read Last Girl Ghosted by Lisa Unger. Definitely, an intense can’t put it down kind of thriller. I gave it 5 stars. And I just finished The Push by Ashley Audrain. This one moved at a different pace and was a twisty, disturbing kind of thriller that dealt with raw emotions and inherited mental illness (whether from nature or nurture is left up to the reader a bit). It’d be a good book club read if you knew the members well (there’s lots that could really be upsetting to someone in a fragile state)

On The TV This Week

La Brea, Masked Singer if it’s on this week with the holiday, whatever catches my eye on the streaming services. Football.

The Weather Outside Is 

Confusing. One day it’s in the mid 50’s, the next day we’re waking up to 28 degrees. It’s 48 degrees and sunny right now so today’s a chilly one but then, it’s supposed to warm up for a couple days, then back to cold. It was nice enough yesterday afternoon that I cleared out the garden and tilled it. 

On The Menu This Week

Um, Thanksgiving. Not sure about those days around it. Let’s see…

MONDAY: No idea. Maybe chicken strips? Brocoli

TUESDAY: Either tacos or homemade pizza

WEDNESDAY: Whichever we don’t do on Tuesday *I work 12-4:30*

THURSDAY: Turkey, sweet potatoes, rolls, pumpkin pie to name a few items and yes, I did buy this to make things a bit more special and fun:

FRIDAY: Leftovers

If I Have A Few Minutes To Myself I Will

Probably just have a cup of tea and relax

New Recipe I Tried Or Want To Try This Week

Pretty traditional fare this week though I did pick up the ingredients to try a new fudge recipe (need to make sure we can freeze it for Christmas first)

One Of My Simple Pleasures

Fuzzy socks

Favorite Photo From The Camera 

Still working on getting back into the habit of picking up the camera

Praying For 

A friend of my husband who is in the hospital with COVID (this is the brother of the friend who just passed away of cancer) and his family (his son also has COVID related pneumonia but is not hospitalized)

My favorite grocery store cashier (she has the same name as me!) who I overheard tell a coworker that her sister passed away over the weekend

Friends and family (and strangers) who are celebrating their first holidays without loved ones

My family to stay healthy and my brother’s significant other (SIL) to continue to heal from throat cancer

*special prayer request for J* J who’s once again dealing with high levels of anxiety. For him to go to school the rest of the semester and once again take joy in his band activities without feeling so overwhelmed.

All of those reading this blog to have a wonderful week and Thanksgiving (if you celebrate)

Quote For The Week

Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. (Philippians 4:6)



More Thanksgiving Thoughts

Having a few more Thanksgiving thoughts about how we’ll be spending the day. I think I’ve finally accepted the fact it’ll just be the four of us this year. And I’m finally starting to get a bit into the spirit of the holiday.

In case, like me, you have no idea how to plan and prepare a scaled down celebration I came across this fabulous planning resource. I love how she breaks it down.

We’ll have turkey, of course. And I love the idea of adding an appetizer. A special table setting using real dishes, might even spurge on a “fancy” setting (nothing over the top think melamine). I’ll let everyone pick a side, my choice is going to be cranberries. To me, it’s not really Thanksgiving without homemade cranberry sauce on that turkey slice.

Probably sweet potatoes. I’ll see if my husband wants mashed potatoes as well. He’s the only fan in our household. Dinner rolls. And something, green. Perhaps just a simple salad?

Pie Problems

Dessert is where things get a bit dicey. Another it’s not Thanksgiving without it for me is pumpkin pie. However, G and I are the only fans. And he’s just as happy with chocolate or apple. Of course, I can freeze any leftover pumpkin pie. Decisions. And more Decisions to make.

Plan For The Day

Since it’ll be just us, I’ve been pondering a bit of an itinerary just to make sure we keep the holiday special and don’t all wander right back into our rooms or doing our own thing right after the eating.

Right now I’ve got this rough outline for the day. Most of the times are flexible and I’ll need to discuss them with the family:

9ish Watch the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day parade (probably just me)

10-2ish Prepare the meal

2:30 Eat our Thanksgiving meal

3:30-5:30 After dinner, nap time/outside stuff/clean up

5:30: Light snack/leftover dinner plus dessert for anyone hungry/Game time (UNO most likely)

6:30: Charlie Brown Thanksgiving on PBS (This is my favorite and I’ll watch it by myself if they aren’t interested) *UPDATE: This is on PBS tonight not on Thanksgiving Thursday*

7:30: Maybe start on Christmas decorating to begin the next festive season?

A Bit Off-Topic: Thankful For Returning Birds

Since I typically post a bird-watching post on Saturday, here’s a glimpse of my white-throated sparrow who returned earlier last week. Other than him, I’ve not seen a lot of birds this week, probably due to my hectic days combined with some crazy winds blowing out there. Thankfully, those winds seem to have calmed down for today at least.

more thanksgiving thoughts
white-throated sparrow


Have you made your Thanksgiving plans yet?





A Few Favorite Things

How about a few favorite things instead of a summary of this week. Let me tell you it’s been a week and a half. It’s Friday afternoon and I’m still in my pajamas yet to shower. I did get up and at them the rest of the week but…whew, this week was a bit of a tootsie pop-y week. Guess that’s a nice way to say it?

And it took more than 3 licks to get to the center (end) of it. I always enjoyed this commercial.

There is so much I’d like to say about this week and so much I don’t feel like sharing. Monday was J’s birthday, that was good. Tuesday through Thursday, I worked and that was okay. I did set off their alarm accidentally on Tuesday morning (Oops! Thankfully, I could quickly call and let the alarm company know it was an accident. Getting proper codes and the alarm turned off inside the building took a little longer.). Between some rough mornings at home and kind of tough (not terrible though) work days, by yesterday afternoon I felt pretty much emotionally depleted. Still kind of there if I’m honest.

Like I said earlier, instead of too many details, I’m just going to share a few favorite things that got me through the week.

Snacks and Drinks

So, I’ll just confess I’m a stress eater. Sugar? Okay. However, some days just call for CRUNCHING. And these are my latest favorites for that. They’re also a little salty but that’s okay as well.  a few favorite things

(By the way, I know I don’t talk about our other “football” team often but I hear Sporting KC is in the playoffs! Someday I’d like to get to one of their soccer games as I hear they’re quite fun)

a few favorite things

I try not to indulge in soda or pop (my dad called it soda pop so don’t ask me) too often but this is definitely my all-time favorite. As a mostly Coca Cola fan, that’s saying something. Mango Pepsi for days when it’s just too warm out there for hot tea. And hey, it does have 1 percent of mango juice.

Aroma Therapy

My current favorite scents. I know I mentioned being taken with the cold brew Irish cream coffee at Starbucks. This candle is a cheaper way to get my thrill.

And for the diffuser, here’s a rather odd scent for a summer lover to be a bit enamored with lately:

It’s a very peaceful scent. Not sure how else to describe it. (Please forgive the blurry photo)


Not my favorite term but it fits for this category. Of the few, 21 for 21 items on my list from the beginning of the year, a skincare routine has actually somewhat lasted.

Maybe because I allowed myself to indulge in these Philosophy products.

Today, I tried a sample of a clay mask which I’ve added to my list of full-sized products to buy. Thankfully, they last a long time. The sample sized set pictured was on sale so I went with it.

Shall We Just Howl? Or Cry?

At least as possible explanation for the week, I saw the full moon starting on Wednesday evening. And again as J and I walked around a local park late yesterday afternoon. Missed the eclipse though. Went to bed early last night and just couldn’t quite get out of bed this morning. I must’ve needed the sleep. 

A Theme Song For My Week? My Month?

Seriously, this week has just left me a bit burned out. Perhaps the whole month.

And of course, I just found out that we need to go get J sized for a tux for concert season. (My fault a bit as I forgot about it and sizing/money is all due on Monday) So much for pajama day.

*I should say that I did stop and find bits of gratitude that helped get me through this week as well: beautiful weather early in the week, time with those wonderful preschool kids that filled my heart, time with my own kids as well, open bathrooms at the park yesterday afternoon (always a gamble in November!), and amazing helpful co-workers. And a spot on verse in the Jesus Calling book this morning.

What kind of week have you had? Any favorite things helping you get through it?



A New Phase of Searching for New Traditions

Trying to plan ahead for the holidays and realizing we’re in a new phase around here. Oh, and we still have no idea what we’ll be doing on Thanksgiving. 

For so many years, we went to Oklahoma to spend the holidays with my husband’s aunt and grandparents. Then, they all passed away just prior to Thanksgiving in 2019. That year we had a quiet Thanksgiving at my brother’s home. In 2020, we celebrated with just my husband’s sister,her husband and my nephew. We cooked the traditional meal.

Honestly, last year I lost touch with quite a few family members. I just didn’t have the mental space (not sure I do yet) for political arguments and family dramas. That’s not to say I don’t miss those family members very much. I wonder how much the boys are missing out on by the lack of time spent with extended family at the typical holiday gatherings. Or maybe I’m just feeling sentimental for bygone times and traditions.

It’s occurred to me that I’m very much missing the family we used to visit and spend every Thanksgiving with in Oklahoma. That perhaps I never quite processed those losses as they all happened in one year and rather suddenly and unexpectedly. Perhaps we need just a quiet holiday with just the four of us this year. Someday, I know (or at least hope) it will be us with the boys and their families, a full gathering once again. It’s just a strange phase again this year.

Christmas Planning 

I’ve tried throughout the year to do a little early Christmas shopping as well. My struggles aren’t so much related to the whole supply chain thing as the strange phase thing. Maybe I just miss the toy departments. Or those annual strolls through Toys R Us (of course, those stores are long gone in these parts).

My mind’s blocked the negative, crazy stress of over tired young children parts and I look back fondly on the Christmas Eve parties my in-laws held each year (appetizer food only which my husband never liked but I loved). Christmas mornings over there, afternoons/evenings spent with my side of the family. Dinners alternated.

Then those days morphed into Christmas Eve sometimes spent with my husband’s family but mostly spent at home (Well, I usually shop most of the day. One of my weird, favorite ways to spend the day.) And Christmas morning breakfast here with my them, then going to my brother’s home in the afternoons. Except for in 2019 when we actually hosted breakfast for my husband’s family here and then did a later dinner also here for my side of the family. A holiday I so very much enjoyed. Too bad 2020 had to come along with it’s great big wrench (sledge hammer?) for holiday planning.

New For This Year

As I mentioned, Thanksgiving is completely up in the air at this point though it’s looking close to being just the four of us. Hard for me to envision especially as someone who grew up celebrating holidays as the youngest of 5.

My sister-in-law and her family talked of maybe coming up from their new home in Florida to celebrate the holidays in between Thanksgiving and Christmas. However, that’s the only information I have as of now. Using it as an excuse, however, to clean and decorate this basement area for Christmas. If they do come, I know my nephew will likely want to stay with us.

I’ve always kind of wanted to host a hot chocolate open house for friends and family alike before Christmas. So that idea is simmering a bit in the back of my mind. However, J has many concert band related items on December weekends as well.

Christmas Eve is a potential band performance during a church service which makes me happy. I gave my blessing for the idea but it depends on how many others are available to perform. No idea how our Christmas might look, though I’ve done a fair amount of early shopping (and bought mostly clothes…boring) for the boys. I’m trying to wrap my mind around the fact that our days of 4:00AM Christmas starts are probably over.

Different is Okay

The lovely Christmas planning notebook I made myself back in January is mostly empty. Truth: I’ve only written on one page of it. Jotted down gift ideas. And wrote this sentence in it:

Christmas will look different this year and that’s okay.

Are the holidays on your mind? What old or new traditions do you look forward to this year?






Happy Homemaker Monday, J’s Birthday

Happy Monday! It’s not only “victory Monday” around here but also a birthday Monday for J. A good day indeed. 

After a low-key weekend, I’m happy to find some motivation for getting things done in the week ahead. Let’s just get right to things today. Joining in as always with Sandra over at Diary Of A Stay At Home Mom.

Breakfast Plate…What Is On The Plate This Morning

My source of the current levels of motivation and high energy: a venti cold brew Irish cream coffee from the Starbucks in the grocery store. I really probably should stop and eat something as well as take my vitamins. Maybe a pumpkin spice English muffin in a bit.

Looking Around The House

Not too bad at the moment but my husband is due back from his hunting trip later today and after that, I don’t even want to think about it.

On Today’s To Do List

  1. Go to grocery store *DONE*
  2. Bake J’s birthday cake/wrap his presents
  3. Take J to his baritone lesson (he opted to still go tonight)
  4. Finish up the laundry
  5. Enjoy the beautiful, sunny day

Currently Reading

I finished up a rather depressing memoir (ended happy) called Flying on the Inside: A Memoir of Trauma and Recovery by Rachel Gotto by  so I needed something light for this week. I’ve started in on Snowflakes at the Hummingbird Hotel by Daisy James. Should probably start in on my pile of actual library books as well.

On The TV This Week

Shall I just confess that I ate too many snacks and watched way too much TV last week? Binge-watched the entire season 7 of The Flash, watched the latest episode of Legends of Tomorrow, and the movie Enchanted (so fun!). Add in our regular shows, The Voice, La Brea (still dumb and I’m still watching…), and The Masked Singer.  Less TV should happen this week though I’ll still catch The Masked Singer on Wednesday night.

The Weather Outside Is

Today started with another stunning sunrise

Much like the Chiefs, it’s back to being great out there! It’s going to be in mid-60’s and sunny today, close to 70 tomorrow, just nice. We do dip back down to the mid 40’s, low 50’s later in the week but that’s pretty typical for this time of year.

On The Menu This Week

Note to self: Please clean out the freezers and see what we have! I’ve put this on the to-do list many times but not done it. Now, I really do need to get it done.

MONDAY: J’s 17th birthday so his choice. Maybe Subway? Chocolate cake and white icing for dessert.

TUESDAY: Pork chops, green beans (fresh), baked potatoes *I work 7:15-3:30* *Bunco night*

WEDNESDAY: Steaks on the grill, salad *I have a hair appt at 9:00*

THURSDAY: Roast in the crock pot

FRIDAY: Homemade pizza

If I Have A Few Minutes To Myself I Will

Be outside with the camera

New Recipe I Tried Or Want To Try This Week

Well, I made a fruitcake last week. Not sure how it’s going to turn out as I used cherry juice instead of rum for my glazing. Also wondering now if I shouldn’t put in the fridge?  Also used the end of the summer tomatoes (tiny crop) to make some crostini. I enjoyed it but the kids weren’t fans. Finally, I also finished off the butterscotch chips to make half a batch of Old Timey Butterscotch Treats.

One Of My Simple Pleasures

Casual conversations with strangers at the grocery store (oh my, that sounds like an Ed Sheeran song. Oops! Not the kind of conversation I meant). It was just so nice to have a random bit of conversation about the Chiefs winning last night with the gentleman behind me in line at the checkout this morning. Just a tiny bit of casual conversation, something I missed so much during the height of the pandemic. Everyone just feels a bit more relaxed now.

Favorite Photo From The Camera


Praying For

Friends, Family, Strangers. That this new lifting of the mask mandates around here stays put this time and doesn’t lead to increased cases/get rescinded once again. A safe, healthy, and happy holiday season for all of us. Strength to reach out and start reconnecting with estranged family members (It just feels like time).

Quote For The Week 

This is the day which the Lord hath made. We will rejoice and be glad in it. (Psalm 118:24 KJV)





Few Birds on My Fall Walk

Tuesday, I went on a fall walk where I only saw a few birds. Perhaps the birds are as confused by the weather around here as the rest of us.

Almost seventy degrees on Monday, thirty five degrees on Friday morning. Though really, at this time of year, warmer days almost always signal a cold snap or storm arriving. I’ll just enjoy the warm days and be glad we only saw a few snow flurries yesterday.

While I took my camera, I really went on my walk to try and get some photos of the fall color before the leaves all fell off the trees. The color changing of the trees was late this year so it’s odd how the leaves still cling to the trees at this point in the month. By Thanksgiving, if not sooner, they’ll probably be bare.

Since I wasn’t really looking for birds, I found myself surprised to encounter a group of killdeer right as I began my walk.


Killdeer are here year-round though I seldom see them. They prefer more open ground so I don’t expect one to come out of the Oak tree to visit the backyard feeders anytime soon (ever).  This park has quite a bit of openness to it (and often floods in a wetlands kind of way). However, I can rarely get close enough to these birds for decent shots. Even these aren’t the best but it’s the closest I’ve ever come around here with camera in hand.  few birds

Even though you can only see a couple of birds in the photos above, I stumbled on quite a large group of them. Usually, I only see one or two at a time. They, of course, flew off a bit deeper into the middle of the park as I walked on the path. Never staying within a decent photo range. (Blaming the birds here but should also admit to not having picked up my camera regularly for a few weeks so a bit rusty with focusing)

After checking out the river, where I heard and saw several uncooperative for photos Bluejays, I turned and continued a different route through the park.


The dark-eyed juncos actually arrived last week as I spotted a few in the backyard. However, I’d not taken a photo of one (this year) until I caught this guy in the trees as I walked away from the river path and  went through more forest type areas.

There seemed to be a large group of them back further in the trees (note: most the trees were on the other side of the path). Among them I also spotted a few sparrows.


This sparrow only stuck around for one photo, had to come home to see what I’d captured. It’s either a song sparrow or a fox sparrow but I can’t really tell from the photo. I remember being quite excited to have a fox sparrow visit the backyard last year. Hoping it’ll return.

While I heard a lot of Bluejays and of course, a few woodpeckers, I didn’t see many other birds. Of course, that might have been because I couldn’t help but crunch the leaves under my feet.

Crunching Leaves

It’s hard to sneak up on any creatures when the paths are covered with crunchy brown leaves. The joy of crunching these leaves underfoot is something everyone should get to experience at least once. We’re lucky around here as we get to do it every year. (I’m sure some of my leaf raking neighbors might disagree)

Other Birds Spotted This Week

While I’ve not been out there watching as many backyard birds (this fall has returned to busy and I’ve thoroughly enjoyed every school marching band activity after having had none in 2020), there also seem to be just a few birds out there. Some of it, I think, is due to me putting out less during the summer/early fall when we had Chip the stray cat out there. Or maybe the neighbor’s have better food. Who knows.

However, Thursday morning I looked out and saw the welcome sight of the white-throated sparrow! And heard his song this morning.

In the past two days, I’ve spotted a pair of Carolina Wrens, the dark-eyed juncos again, my resident chickadees and tufted titmice. And of course, the downy woodpeckers.

Time to stock up on some birdseed again.

What birds did you spot this week?

Linking up with The Bird Depot hosted by Anni over at I’d Rather B Birdin’. 



A Slightly Slower Paced Week

The week moved at a slightly slower paced speed for the second week of November. As I review my week for you, I’m again sharing bits of gratitude I found in each day.


Worked half a day and would you believe it’s the only day I worked all week? I’m still in a bit of shock about that. In the afternoon, I ran to the grocery store where I discovered a new Starbucks favorite treat. Though I probably wouldn’t want it in today’s cold blustery wind, the 70 degrees on Monday was perfect for an Irish Cream Cold Brew. It’s definitely going to be my treat drink of choice on warmer days. Finished off the day by taking J to his lesson and reading my book for a bit.

Gratitude items from Monday: Beautiful weather, discovery of a much needed new favorite coffee treat, and a chance to work and see my favorite preschool kids. (Hint: They’re all my favorites!)  slightly slower paced


Our beautiful weather continued on Tuesday. And since I had the day off work, I took the opportunity to finally go for a walk at one of my favorite local parks. After picking up J from school, I then went with my husband so he could complete his purchase of a new truck. He’s been driving an 2004 with many miles and has been looking for almost a year now. So it was quite exciting that he finally found what he wanted and got a deal on it (no small feat, it’s definitely currently not a buyers market for automobiles).

Gratitude for Tuesday: A beautiful much needed walk in the nature of the park, my husband finding a truck after a very long search, GPS in my car to help navigate rush hour (he found his truck on the Kansas side of the state line and I had to make my way home through downtown during rush hour traffic). 


Another day at home for me. Such a strange week, needed the down time but still had lots of people in this house still needing me. Had to find insurance information for my husband. G borrowed my car for most of the day (better gas mileage) to do a school project. I spent a bit of time working on a new blog post about some of my favorite authors. Later, my husband took J and I in the new truck out to Culvers for dinner. A no cooking night is always a win!

Thankful Things from Wednesday: Another day to enjoy being at home, dinner out with (most) the family. 


I found myself shocked (and if I’m honest, a bit relieved) to once again not get called into work on Thursday. Did a little birthday and Christmas sorting (J’s birthday is next week). Got a wild hair and baked a fruitcake, we’ll see how that turns out. And had a nice get together/Mom’s Night Out with friends. I missed the last one so it was nice to catch up with everyone.

Thankful Things from Thursday: another day to relax at home (almost caught up on the laundry even!), time to bake, a chance to see friends.


We went from super sunny fall days early in the week to a cold, blustery 38 degrees currently. And I know I saw snow flurries earlier as well! So far today, I’m just having a lazy day. Ate some snacks, watched some TV. Honestly, I’ve done pretty much nothing so far with my free Friday. Did remove some weird looking white cocoon thing from my Meyer lemon tree (whole branch is gone now) but that’s about it. G even bought my lunch at McDonald’s so I didn’t have to worry about that either. 

Gratitude so far for today: a cozy warm house, spotting the weird white cocoon thing before whatever was inside it joined our family (we’re at occupancy around here!), a thoughtful older son who always asks if I want something when he goes out for lunch, a free day! 

Our Upcoming Weekend

For the first time in probably 2 months, I can sleep in tomorrow morning. Probably won’t but it’s nice to know we have nowhere to be. G and J have dinner plans with their grandpa but I don’t know what I’m doing yet. Sunday morning, J plays with his baritone instructor’s band during a church service so I’ll probably attend that. Chiefs game on Sunday evening of course. Over all, a nice slightly slower paced weekend even. And for that, I’m very grateful. 

Where did you find gratitude during the past week? Or what about the upcoming weekend makes you want to give thanks?

My Favorite Authors for Cozy, Comforting Reads

In today’s post, I’m sharing my favorite authors for cozy, comforting reads. A few of these authors were on my summer reading list. Instead of sharing another list of books, this time I’m just sharing the names of the authors. I don’t think you can really go wrong with any of their books.

And while I do enjoy a hold it in your hands actual book, most of the books by these authors, I’ve read on the kindle unlimited app on my phone. Never thought I’d be one for digital books but the convenience certainly helps me read more often. I love reading in bed at night and not having to worry about having a light bothering my husband. I can also easily read while waiting to pick up my son from various activities.

Giving a bit of credit where it’s due here, I must point out I came across a quite a few (maybe not all) of my favorite authors from their mentions on the blog, How to Hygge the British Way. 

Probably why more than a few of these authors are from the UK.

Pure Romance/Relationship Novels with Great Settings

  • Since I’m currently reading the end of the Willow Tree series, I’ll start with Alison Sherlock. The first book I read by her was The Village Shop for Lonely Hearts. It’s the first in the Riverside Lane series, currently 3 books). Her books all have great themes of friendship, community, and of course, romance.
  • Daisy James is one of the best for whisking me away to exotic or coastal locales. She filled her Cornish Confetti Agency series with fun mishaps and charming characters.  I found myself researching Greece for a dream getaway after starting in on her Hummingbird Hotel series. Snowflakes at the Hummingbird Hotel is on my list for this winter.
  • Of the three authors I’m listing here, Donna Ashcroft is my absolute favorite! I’ve yet to read a book by her where I didn’t absolutely fall in love with the characters and the location. A lot though not all of her books are Christmas themed. Perfect Christmas time reads. I’m trying to hold off on reading The Christmas Countdown until after Thanksgiving but I’m not sure I’ll make it. I’ve read all her others. You just can’t go wrong with her books.

favorite authors

A Cozy Mystery Author

Let’s come back to America for a moment. I only have one author in this category. Honestly, Ginger Bolton’s  Survival of the Fritters (A Deputy Donut Mystery #1) was the first book I read in this genre. And I found out the hard way, this genre is very hit and miss with me. And misses make me not want to read this genre for a while. However, the characters in this series feel like old friends and it’s set around a donut shop. Doesn’t tend to get as bogged down with food but does still make me a little hungry at times. Worth checking out if you enjoy this genre. Note: these aren’t free on the kindle app so check out your local library! I’ll definitely be looking there for her 6th book Deck the Donuts.

favorite authors

Authors with Books on My Christmas Wish List

And then there are the books I enjoyed so much, I would like to own so I could read them again.

favorite authors

  • At the top of this list is Natalie Normann with Christmas Island, set in Norway. When I read it last year in the kindle app, I immediately thought oh, I’d like an actual copy of this book. At the time it wasn’t available. However, now you can order it in paperback and it’s definitely on my wish list! Her other novel, Summer Island is also worth a read.
  • Meik Wikig was another author on my summer reading list. His books are small, hardcover easy to read books. Think like a small coffee table book. Comfort in book form. I have his Little Book of Lykke but would love to have the other two he’s written.  favorite authors
  • And I must add Helen Russell who started me down the path of seeking out Hygge type books back when I first read her book, The Year of Living Danishly: Uncovering the Secrets of the World’s Happiest Country. 


Who are some of your favorite authors for light, uplifting reading?

(And don’t get me wrong, I still love non-fiction, autobiographies, and intense suspense thrillers!)

(One last note: While I’ve linked all the authors up there to Amazon, I’m not an affiliate or anything like that, it was just the easiest way to get you their information)




Happy Homemaker Monday, Let There Be (Morning) Light!

First, yes I know it’s Tuesday. Day late seems to be the usual for me lately.

And now, for my unpopular opinion at this time of year. I love when we switch off Daylight Savings Time. It makes me so happy to have daylight in the mornings again. No more taking J to school in the dark. No more missing the beautiful sunrises because I am already at work or busy with other chores.

My only complaint this year is the later switching really did mean it gets dark already at 5:30! Ugh. If we’d switched a bit sooner, we could’ve eased into the darker evenings a bit more.

Okay, enough about that. Time to plan the rest of the week ahead by joining in with Sandra over at Diary Of A Stay At Home Mom.

Breakfast Plate…What Is On The Plate This Morning

Something different for a change! A pumpkin English muffin and a bowl of maple sugar instant oatmeal. Coffee and vitamins remain constant breakfast fare.

Looking Around The House

Giving it a decent tidying and perhaps some cleaning definitely on the list for today.

On Today’s To Do List

  1. Laundry
  2. This post/menu plan
  3. Write another blog post
  4. Figure out plans for J’s birthday next week
  5. Whatever the Flylady kitchen missions are for yesterday and today
  6. Write and mail a letter

Currently Reading

Midnight Kisses at Willow Tree Hall (book 4 in the series) by Alison Sherlock. I read a couple of her other books over the weekend. They’re not long reads and are just happy, feel good romances.

On The TV This Week

The Voice and La Brea tonight, Masked Singer tomorrow. Not sure about the rest. Probably finish up The Flash for my laundry folding show.

The Weather Outside Is

Beautiful! Back to a late summer/early autumn feeling. High of 70 degrees yesterday, low 60’s today. Still a bit windy though so not quite as warm. Cloudy this morning. Then, good chances for rain tomorrow and cooler temps for the weekend. It’s typical up, down, and sideways weather for us.

On The Menu This Week

Continuing to struggle with what to fix….went to the store yesterday but we’ll see if that helps me think of anything.

MONDAY: No idea what G ate, J and my husband had rotisserie chicken and I had a bowl of cereal *I worked 8:30-1* *J had a baritone lesson at 6:30*

TUESDAY: Hamburgers/cheeseburgers on pretzel buns, maybe I’ll make onion rings on the side

WEDNESDAY: Pork chops in crock pot, rice (depending on my mood, may just switch this and make tacos)

THURSDAY: Spicy potato soup

FRIDAY: Grilled cheese, soup

If I Have A Few Minutes To Myself, I Will

Take my camera and go for a walk!

New Recipe I Tried Or Want To Try This Week

I have a very few red tomatoes left from our garden (turned them red in a brown paper sack) and thinking I’m going to half this recipe for tomato crostini to use them up before they go bad.

One Of My Simple Pleasures

Seeing the sunrise in the early morning hours

Favorite Photo From The Camera

Didn’t take many photos at all last week so all my photos are of the same first day of no daylight savings sunrise. This one was my favorite of the bunch.

Praying For

Friends, family, strangers. That the people from the car accident blocking the road last night were okay.  A peaceful holiday season.

Quote For The Week

Darkness cannot drive out darkness.
Only light can do that.
Hate cannot drive out hate.
Only love can do that.
(Martin Luther King Jr.) 



First Week of November Happenings

Thought I’d hop on here and share a few tidbits about my first week of November. Much like the rest of 2021, it went by in a blur.

Since it’s November, I’m also going to share a few bits of gratitude from each of my days.

Monday was a slow day with J staying home from school and missing his baritone lesson that night as well. Didn’t quite know what to do with myself with a free Monday. It’d been a while. I’d like to say I accomplished a lot but honestly, I don’t think I did. Seems so long ago even though it was only a few days. Oh, I did manage to take down all the Halloween specific decorations indoors and started on outdoors but it started raining so today I’ll finish that chore. And I almost forgot the most important thing, we changed trash companies! No more 2 inch folder of customer service complaints to track.

Grateful for a free Monday and the much needed rain. And a new trash company!

Caffeinated and Vaccinated

Tuesday, J had no school and I opted not to work as I made an appointment to get a booster COVID vaccine shot. *Insert many unkind words directed to Johnson and Johnson regarding the one and done shot. Cruel trick to play on those of use very scared of needles* For anyone interested, the booster was Moderna, mix and match for me.

Before I went and tested my bravery, I made a very quick grocery run. Then, I went to my appointment at Walgreens. They were busy but I got in and out fairly quickly and even picked up a bit of bargain Halloween candy (May or may not have picked up some Halloween bargains at the grocery store as well. However, those purchases were put away for Christmas.). Really, most of the “caffeinated” part of Tuesday came from chocolate in the leftover/bargain Halloween candy. At least, I skipped the Starbucks this time.

Grateful for an amazing pharmacy tech at Walgreens who was super understanding and distracted me to the point the shot didn’t even hurt! Also, science. And Halloween candy on sale.

What’s on TV on Wednesdays

I could’ve have worked on Wednesday but didn’t want to take a chance on getting there and feeling bad. So, I basically had an all day TV marathon on Wednesday. Probably did some other stuff as well but can’t remember it. Netflix choice of the day: a complete catch up of DC Legends of Tomorrow and a start of seasons 6/7 of The Flash. Nothing requiring too much concentration. Wednesday evening we watched The Masked Singer.  

Thankfully, my husband had brought home a rotisserie chicken from Sam’s club so no dinner worries either.

Grateful for so many choices of TV programs, limited mild reaction from my vaccine on Tuesday (mostly just tired and a bit of a sore arm but nothing like the first time). 

Working for a Living

Since I didn’t feel too bad with vaccine side effects, I went ahead and agreed to work Thursday. A full day but it always feels like a shorter day when it starts at 7:00a.m. and ends at 3:30p.m. Can I just say driving to work as well as arriving there in full on dark stinks? Can not wait for mornings to be light once again. More excited about that than the extra hour of sleep most of us are getting back tonight.

Grateful for a peaceful work day in the preprimary classroom. And enough food in the fridge that I didn’t really have to cook for a 3rd day (leftover roast transformed into BBQ sandwiches for dinner)

Finally the Weekend

Friday started as a bit of a comedy of errors as I worked but the teacher that called me in also called in 2 other subs! Oops. Bit of a mix up but it was fine and I was only there for a half-day. Sometimes, it’s hard to work on Fridays but I do always enjoy seeing the kids as well as what they bring for share time (every Friday). Last night we didn’t do much, I watched a bit more of The Flash, not the best season, and we had pizza late.

Grateful for getting to spend time with so many amazing preschool kids at a job I still love six years later. Beautiful fall weather. Changing trees and more crunchy leaves under my feet each day. 

Today, I took J to all-district band tryouts early this morning, then he went to a friend’s house. Later, my husband and I are going out to dinner with friends followed by a game night, I think. Tomorrow, an extra hour of sleep and watching the Chiefs game are the main to-do list items. And getting outside as it’s supposed to be close to 70 degrees. 

Grateful for a chance to chat with the mom of a good friend of J’s during the tryouts (I rarely see her as she works weekends), friends, and fine fall weather.  

What things were you grateful for this week or weekend?
