Posting a bit late today as I had a few errands this morning. Getting a bit more excited about Thanksgiving though still missing our plans of old a bit (when we used to travel to Oklahoma).
A short week school and work-wise, however, still needs a plan. Let’s just get right to it by joining in with Sandra over at Diary Of A Stay At Home Mom.
Breakfast Time..What Is On The Plate This Morning
Felt a bit festive after my morning grocery store run: Caramel Brûlée Latte and peppermint perfection flavor flip yogurt (also, regular coffee early in the am & vitamins)
Looking Around The House
Let’s not. I had a good run on Saturday morning but that was 2 days ago…
On Today’s To-Do List
Mostly errands that are done.
- Go to grocery store for Thanksgiving items
- Haircut
- Run a couple Christmas shopping errands
- This post
- Take J to his lesson tonight
Currently Reading
I must find something lighter for J’s lesson tonight. Finished too rather dark thrillers over the weekend. First, I read Last Girl Ghosted by Lisa Unger. Definitely, an intense can’t put it down kind of thriller. I gave it 5 stars. And I just finished The Push by Ashley Audrain. This one moved at a different pace and was a twisty, disturbing kind of thriller that dealt with raw emotions and inherited mental illness (whether from nature or nurture is left up to the reader a bit). It’d be a good book club read if you knew the members well (there’s lots that could really be upsetting to someone in a fragile state)
On The TV This Week
La Brea, Masked Singer if it’s on this week with the holiday, whatever catches my eye on the streaming services. Football.
The Weather Outside Is 
Confusing. One day it’s in the mid 50’s, the next day we’re waking up to 28 degrees. It’s 48 degrees and sunny right now so today’s a chilly one but then, it’s supposed to warm up for a couple days, then back to cold. It was nice enough yesterday afternoon that I cleared out the garden and tilled it.
On The Menu This Week
Um, Thanksgiving. Not sure about those days around it. Let’s see…
MONDAY: No idea. Maybe chicken strips? Brocoli
TUESDAY: Either tacos or homemade pizza
WEDNESDAY: Whichever we don’t do on Tuesday *I work 12-4:30*
THURSDAY: Turkey, sweet potatoes, rolls, pumpkin pie to name a few items and yes, I did buy this to make things a bit more special and fun:
FRIDAY: Leftovers
If I Have A Few Minutes To Myself I Will
Probably just have a cup of tea and relax
New Recipe I Tried Or Want To Try This Week
Pretty traditional fare this week though I did pick up the ingredients to try a new fudge recipe (need to make sure we can freeze it for Christmas first)
One Of My Simple Pleasures
Fuzzy socks
Favorite Photo From The Camera 
Still working on getting back into the habit of picking up the camera
Praying For 
A friend of my husband who is in the hospital with COVID (this is the brother of the friend who just passed away of cancer) and his family (his son also has COVID related pneumonia but is not hospitalized)
My favorite grocery store cashier (she has the same name as me!) who I overheard tell a coworker that her sister passed away over the weekend
Friends and family (and strangers) who are celebrating their first holidays without loved ones
My family to stay healthy and my brother’s significant other (SIL) to continue to heal from throat cancer
*special prayer request for J* J who’s once again dealing with high levels of anxiety. For him to go to school the rest of the semester and once again take joy in his band activities without feeling so overwhelmed.
All of those reading this blog to have a wonderful week and Thanksgiving (if you celebrate)
Quote For The Week
Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. (Philippians 4:6)