Sometimes the best intentions…meant to post yesterday but then never quite made it down here to the computer! However, I am *finally* back to posting and starting with a Happy Homemaker Monday (er Tuesday) seems like a great start.

A quick note about where I’ve been: Um, nowhere really. I was sick for a week and that lingered a bit as my work schedule was super full. Read, did not get enough rest. Sometimes you can know something and still do the wrong thing. Then, honestly, I kind of lost my blogging motivation during all of it as well. Still working on getting that back a bit. Time to post!
Joining in as always with Sandra over at Diary Of A Stay At Home Mom.
The Weather

Pick a season, any season! Yesterday, winter gave a last hurrah and we woke to temps in the 20’s with a 14 degree feels like temperature. Today, they predict a high of 70 degrees! Then, back down to the mid 50’s for the rest of the week. Rain chances for the weekend (kind of hope we get it).
As I Look Outside My Window
This is out the front window. I see tulips blooming! What? A bit early for these parts but my tulips at the edge of the driveway are blooming. 
Right Now
Trying to get this post up and posted before the daily distractions begin. 
Thinking and Pondering
Currently, what to have for breakfast. Wondering what my one fun thing for my spring break week might be today. I’m trying to do one fun thing a day even if it’s something small.
How I am Feeling

Not too bad, glad the annoying lingering cough from being sick is finally gone.
On the Breakfast Plate
Undecided though I’m leaning toward toast and apricot jam. Plus the usual, coffee (already had some of that magical beverage, of course) and vitamins.
On the Lunch Plate
Again, undecided. Yesterday, J and I attempted broccoli cheese rice casserole with limited success. Today might just be a sandwich day.
On The Dinner Plate
Spicy potato soup
On The Menu
As always completely subject to change.
MONDAY: We had fettuccine alfredo with garlic butter chicken, salad, and breadsticks
TUESDAY: spicy potato soup *I have Bunco at 7*
WEDNESDAY: turkey sausage on the grill, cucumber salad, pasta salad (maybe?), chips
THURSDAY: spicy korean chicken, trying a new recipe at J’s request
FRIDAY: French toast
I also baked an angel food cake (from a box!) last night and we have strawberries/blueberries for it.
What I Am Wearing Today
A tee shirt with a blue/aqua/green palm tree like design, and currently, purple pajama shorts. I am letting lotion soak into my legs. However, I’ll change into black pants (or jeans) and tennis shoes before leaving the house.
On My Reading Pile
I just finished The Candy House by Jennifer Egan and didn’t get the hype at all. Nothing wrong with the actual writing but if I’m reading a novel, I expect a bit more of a cohesive story not something that feels like a collection of short stories that don’t always have satisfying endings.
Now, I’m onto reading a nonfiction titled How to Break Up with Your Phone: The 30-Day Plan to Take Back Your Life by Catherine Price. It’s copyright date is 2018 which isn’t too long ago but in technology terms is also almost ancient. I’m still intrigued by the concept.
And for a fun read, just my Amazon Prime first read pick of Matterhorn by Christopher Reich. I’ve barely started it.
On My TV This Week
Too much *but* I’m on spring break so I get to watch junky tv all I want. Regular TV: The Voice, I do like the new judges. Next Level Chef, and Masked Singer. Streaming TV series: The Ones Who Live, Spring Baking Championship, Last Week Tonight with John Oliver, and TOC (another cooking competition show). Oh, and I need to catch up on Abbott Elementary. Streaming Movies I’ve watched this week/last weekend: Wonka, The Last Witch Hunter, and yesterday, The Meg. Today, you know I plan to watch The Meg 2. Ha! Again, I’m on Spring break! Also, did I start to maybe cheer for the shark during the last movie? Maybe…
Looking Around the House
Spring break hasn’t equaled spring cleaning despite my best intentions. Maybe today. Maybe tomorrow. We shall see. 
On My To Do List
Not a whole lot really.
- Grocery store *DONE yesterday*
- Pay bills *MUST DO TODAY*
- One fun activity for each day of my spring break and as I told G, the grocery store shouldn’t count. Here’s my small plan so far: MONDAY: bought a shamrock plant, tiny one on clearance, also enjoyed a small “adult” beverage last night TUESDAY: a trip to “save big money” at Menards which I’ll then use my savings for a fancy coffee drink from Dutch Bros in the afternoon. (Truth: I’ll be saving no money!) And of course, some outside time WEDNESDAY: G and I are going to go see Dune 2 in Imax. Super excited for that! THURSDAY and FRIDAY: Undecided though J and I have talked forever about checking out a new store (not exactly a thrift store but they sell reclaimed merchandise…) so maybe that.
- Clean off the front porch/deck to get ready for planting flowers
- Whatever I want to do without worrying about getting called into work
- Catch up with all my blogging friends 🙂
From The Camera
Mostly flowers and a cat photo. Did finally pick up the camera and walk around the yard a bit over the weekend to look for signs of the new season. 

And of course, my helper ready to go back inside. It was warm by windy the day I took photos. She doesn’t care for the wind.

Quote for the Week
A kind word never broke anyone’s mouth. (Irish Proverb, found on Pinterest)