Being Kind to Myself and Going Slow

So I pick heal for my word of 2022 and we all start the year with COVID. Wonderful. Last week I shared a bit about the self-care journal I found at Target.  Right now for this week I’m simply focused on being kind to myself and going slow.

Those sound like such simple things. However, I’m struggling with them a bit.

being kind to myself

Why is it so hard to be kind to ourselves? Or is it just me? I can easily encourage a kid, a friend, a family member. However, it takes so much work for me to be kind to myself and give myself the same level of grace. A lot of times it just comes down to the information found in this article I stumbled across. Not knowing what I need. And sometimes it’s knowing exactly what I need but not wanting to disrupt the peace to get it. That really needs to change.

However, for this week here are some ways I plan on being kind to myself: being kind to myself

  1. Spend sometime outside going for a walk alone (We went for a drive yesterday to get my husband out of the house but it gave me worse cabin fever not being able to get out and just be in nature)
  2. Ask (nicely) for what I need. Sick or not, I need my family to show a little (not a lot) appreciation. Thank you goes a long way with me.
  3. Stand up to that mean inner voice that tries to tell me (and sadly, sometimes succeeds) that I’m not good enough.
  4. Drink my water! And forgive myself if I fall a bit short on my goal of a tall glass of water with every meal.

Didn’t I also say something about going slow?

being kind to myself

I don’t know if going slow is really what I mean here. It’s more a case of taking the time to allow myself to feel my feelings. Not getting bogged down with them but not simply pushing them away (a bad habit of mine) either. When you don’t take the time to feel your feelings, they tend to come back in a rush and stronger over minor things. At least, that happens to me. Does that ever happen to you?

A minor spat over J’s breakfast this morning brought back so many feelings of inadequacy from this time last year when his struggles with anxiety started. The voice in my head started in telling me that this taking care of a sick family thing wasn’t that hard and I wasn’t doing nearly enough or anything right. That I was a “crap” parent. My plan this year is to take a minute and fully feel things, including sadness and frustration. Hopefully, doing that allows me to heal a bit from some past hurts I’ve simply ignored.

Note, I don’t plan to dredge up the past but simply acknowledge the hurts and not rush away the feelings. Hoping this approach helps to lighten the mental load a bit in the coming year.

Of course, I also plan to take some time and experience the feelings of joy. That’s the focus of my Thankful Thursday posts, new one coming tomorrow.








4 Replies to “Being Kind to Myself and Going Slow”

  1. Sweet friend,
    I am so sorry you have Covid. It is not fun. And you are right! My therapist tells me often to “Show myself grace.” Like you, I don’t think of myself often enough. I think you are doing a great job, and I encourage you to keep going. Take it slowly. Really. And after Covid, you may feel exhausted. More chances to take it easy. I am seeing through all this how we may all benefit from looking at things differently. Hugs, my friend.
    Billie Jo recently posted…Not A Resolution~A GoalMy Profile

    1. Thank you. Actually, I probably had it but was lucky enough to symptom free. However, my husband and 2 sons all had it. My youngest just tested positive for it Monday. The other 2 seem mostly recovered now though my husband is still taking lots of naps. He says he’s bored but I think some of it is the fatigue. Thank you for your encouraging and kind words. Hope you are having a great night.

  2. I love that you are trying to be more kind towards yourself. That is an awesome goal to have and I know I am my own worst critic and that is a hard thing to do to oneself. I love your plans for being more kind to yourself this week and I sincerely hope you are able to follow through on them. I love the picture of the icy river/ lake. Makes me miss my walks along the river and so maybe I will plan to take one tomorrow just to get some fresh air into my lungs! Thank you for that inspiration my friend!
    Rachel recently posted…Haircut before and after (Day 13/365)My Profile

    1. Hope you get to take your walk. I didn’t get a chance to go for a walk today but I did yardwork outside all day and it felt fabulous to be outside getting some fresh air and sunshine. Being kind to myself is definitely going to be a challenge but I think we all need it. Especially in pandemic times (ugh, don’t like that phrase but that’s where we are, huh). Hope you have a wonderful Thursday evening!
