Bridges and Birds

And maybe a few random thoughts. As I mentioned Monday, I went for a walk at one of my favorite parks on Sunday afternoon. It felt nice (though a bit chilly) to get out the camera again on a walk. 

The weather did come as expected on Monday night, not too much snow.  However, it’s still cold this morning as we’re sitting at 24 degrees with NW winds making it feel like 18.  Next week, seems to be back to normal. Definitely thankful for that!


Sometimes I see these little birds at this park but not always. They’re usually pretty shy so I was happy (with the help of the zoom lens) to get some semi-decent pictures.

I also saw a rather large group of doves. It was fun to capture them all in flight when I was trying to determine what they were.


Not the best pictures of the doves because we have these in the backyard so I wasn’t too excited once I saw them properly.

We also have lots of sparrows in the backyard but I never realized until I started seriously bird-watching how many different types of sparrows existed. I think but very well could be wrong that this little bird below is a song sparrow.


Sometimes without the high end zoom on a camera it’s hard to get a decent shot (and of course, if I had said high end zoom, then it requires a tripod to get a stable shot and that’s too technical for me). Here are couple of shots that needed better zoom and/or more cooperative birds.

Hide and Seek

some type of sparrow hiding here
You have to search but there are 2 Cedar Waxwings in each of the  photos.

The Random Bits Plus Another Bridge Photo

Clearly, I don’t do well with the concept of wordless Wednesdays.

Anyway, a bit of fun about this park. It used to be an old race track so it’s quite large and tends to feel empty. It’s been a work in progress for years probably.

I have a terrible nickname for it of “Serial Killer Central” (Note: I’ve never really felt unsafe here, just need to use common sense). However, now they’re doing this:

Gonna need to find a new nickname, I suppose. At least the parking here will be better (I hope).

Today is anti-procrastination day in Fly lady land. I’m off to clean up a bit around the house, pay some bills, and work. Later, I’ll deal with the last task on my anti-procrastination list and call my brother to see if there are any Thanksgiving plans out there.

What are your plans for this Wednesday?


2 Replies to “Bridges and Birds”

  1. The park where you walk sounds interesting, Jean. An old race track? Cool! Love the killdeer photos. They’re such neat birds! And, yes, lots of doves here, too! Saw cedar waxwings at Ely once…out on an island in the middle of Shagawa Lake. Will never forget it!

    1. It is a really interesting park, seems to always be changing. Cedar waxwings are supposed to be fairly common around here but I seldom see them so it’s always a thrill.
