Category: HappyHomemakerMonday

Happy Homemaker Tuesday

Started the week off working (bright and early at 7:00AM as well) so Happy Homemaker Monday turns into Happy Homemaker Tuesday afternoon around here.

Just going to get right to it while I’m still semi-functioning.

The Weather

Cold yesterday and today but we are going to warm up! 40’s by Friday! I predict some snowmelt in the future. While the snow is pretty and I’ll be sad to see much of it go, honestly, it’s stressing me out that I can’t park in my *usual* spot at work because of it. So I’ll be happy to have my parking spot back. And happy for a bit warmer weather until the next front comes over the weekend and then, it’s COLD again.

As I Look Outside My Window

Snow on the ground still plus I need to refill the birdfeeders.

Right Now

Taking a break from paying bills to do something fun (like type up this post!)

Things That Make Me Happy

Children, blue skies, watching the birds, snuggles with a little gray cat

On the Breakfast Plate

Homemade egg mcmuffin (egg w/cheese on English muffin), coffee

On the Lunch Plate

Junk (should’ve just eaten lunch at work, waited to long and so snacked here at home)

On The Dinner Plate

Blueberry French Toast Bake

On The Menu

Trying to slowly get back to routine…

MONDAY: sausage, broccoli, and orzo *I worked 7-12:30*

TUESDAY: Blueberry French Toast bake, bacon & sausage *I worked 8:30-1*

WEDNESDAY: pepper steak *I work 7:30-4* plus scheduled night out with friends

THURSDAY: chicken sandwiches, French fries

FRIDAY: No idea *I work 8-4 plus have a work party (postponed from December)

On My Reading Pile

Just started a new one: The Book of Lost Enchantments by Jessica Dodge, the premise intrigued me

On My TV This Week

Mostly football (Sorry about your team, Carrie!) though most the games were fairly lopsided. More football this weekend (one game I’m really interested in watching). Tried to watch the new show, Doc on Fox network. It was okay but I kept thinking why don’t they get the brain doctor from the show on the other network to come help her, LOL. Doubt I’ll keep up with it.

On My To Do List

Nothing overly exciting: pay bills, clean house, go with the masses to wash my car & fill up the gas tank on one of the 40 degree days. Trying to take January slow and just go with the pace of winter.

New Recipe I Tried Or Want To Try

Trying out the Blueberry French Toast bake that Carrie from Northwoods Scrapbook mentioned last week.

From The Camera

Pretty much an inside weekend. As much as I want to get out and hike in the snow, it’s been too cold and I have to be mindful of the fact that underneath the snow is ice. Maybe Thursday, I’ll get a chance to get out somewhere. So, long way to say nothing exciting here.

Quote for the Week

Adopt the pace of nature: her secret is patience. (Ralph Waldo Emerson)


Happy Homemaker Monday, Epiphany

Happy Monday from snowy Kansas City! It’s the Epiphany and a snow day for many (we’re all home again today). I’m sitting here in my snow day uniform of pink leopard print velvety loungewear as I type up this post. Oh, and I have a few pictures to share of our lovely weekend weather and whatnot.

On my 25 for 2025 list item, I have publish 3 blog posts a week. So naturally, I’m starting this week by joining in with Sandra over at Diary Of A Stay At Home Mom for Happy Homemaker Monday.

The Weather

It’s 16 and sunny with a cooler windchill. We’re under a cold advisory whatever that means. Oh yeah, also it sleeted, then snowed (just a little Saturday night into Sunday all day). Also, a cold week (20’s as highs but single digits/teens over nights) and more snow predicted for the weekend. Interesting.

Saturday night: Took this measure today in the backyard where I figured it drifted the least:

As I Look Outside My Window

Well, how about as I stepped outside on the deck to feed the birds. This was right outside the door: 

And then, further to the edge of the deck:

Right Now

Just working on this post, waiting for my 3 Kings cake to cool down so I can glaze it.

Thinking and Pondering

Still haven’t decided on a word for the year though the phrases trust in the journey and joy in the journey jumped out at me yesterday. Church sermon was about trust and joy.  And today, I thought maybe my word(s) should simply be: do better.

Or, I can’t remember where I saw this but here’s a good one:

I might be okay with a year filled with spaghetti! (We actually had spaghetti for dinner last night)

How I am Feeling

Didn’t sleep great and the cold makes me a little achy. Throw in a small dash of cabin fever (all the cities are still saying please don’t get on the roads!) but overall, I’m alright.

On the Breakfast Plate

We went full on breakfast this morning: bacon, eggs fried in the grease, and toast. YUM. Always makes me think of my dad as it was his breakfast specialty.

On the Lunch Plate

After the bigger breakfast, not hungry in the least.

On The Dinner Plate

Turkey breast cooked in oven, sweet potatoes, and dinner rolls. Plus 3 Kings Cake. One last big dinner to end the season out right.

On The Menu

MONDAY: Turkey, sweet potatoes, dinner rolls


WEDNESDAY: Depending on the amount of turkey left, some sort of casserole or I might make sausage, broccoli, and orzo recipe but use turkey (or chicken) to lighten it up

THURSDAY: Chicken strips (whether homemade or from the red bag TBD)

FRIDAY: A clean out the fridge/freezer choice

On My Reading Pile

I just finished up a nice light, cozy romance called Snug in Iceland by Victoria Walker. It’s part of a series so I’ll probably just read whatever one is next. Or perhaps my library book that’s due next week: :10 Habits to Change Our Potentially Toxic Conversations Into Healthy Dialogues by Steven T. Collis.

On My TV This Week

NOT football. (That loss was just embarrassing, second string or not). Not sure, maybe an episode or two of Resident Alien with the husband. Or I have lots of half-watched series to finish, Emily in Paris for one.

Looking Around the House

Keep the bedroom Christmas tree or put it away? Dilema. Excuse the mess, the rest of the house is so much worse.

On My To Do List

Main thing is to finish putting away Christmas. Then, start the usual January clean and clear out.

From The Camera

Took this yesterday before the husband yelled: What are you doing? Shut the door!

Cat’s opinion of both the weather and the deplorable play by the 2nd string Kansas City Chiefs yesterday. Wake her up when spring/summer arrives!

Quote for the Week

In the midst of winter, I finally learned that there was in me an invincible summer. (Albert Camus)


Happy Homemaker Monday, Goodbye 2024!

I know I’ve been here and then gone and really out of sync the past few months. Working on getting back into it and I’m starting by ending the year where I likely started: Joining in with Sandra over at Diary of A Stay At Home Mom for a Happy Homemaker Monday post.

The Weather 

Beautiful sunrise this morning before the clouds moved in, rain predicted for tonight.

Hot N Cold. Heard the Katy Perry song recently on the radio and it pretty much describes our weather. Well, if she’d added some lyrics about too many foggy days in a row. (Note: I didn’t share the youtube of it because some of the lyrics have a bit of language in them)

Actually, it’s supposed to get winter cold this weekend and maybe snow even. We’ll see.

Things That Make Me Happy

Time spent with family and friends, being outside, watching the birds, sunshine

Book I’m Reading

The Spare Room by Andrea Bartz

What’s On My TV Today

We’ve been watching Resident Alien on Netflix, it’s a fun show.

On The Breakfast Plate

I made cinnamon toast except on a croissant and coffee

On The Lunch Plate

No idea but it’s lunchtime right now really and I’m hungry

On The Dinner Plate

Making them real food today, I guess. Pork Tenderloin, mashed potatoes, and broccoli

On The Menu

MONDAY: Pork Tenderloin, mashed potatoes, and broccoli

TUESDAY: Happy New Year! We’ve all got plans, I’m making bacon wrapped little smokies to take with us

WEDNESDAY: Black-eyed peas, ham, cornbread, salad



On My To Do List

  • Go back to the grocery store and buy the bacon I forgot to get, SIGH
  • Make black-eyed peas to give as NYE gifts
  • Pay our property taxes
  • I think I have work training I need to do (’cause no minute like the last minute!)
  • Clean the house
  • Go to Target for a few basic things
  • Make list of 25 for 2025, decide on word for year, blogging!

New Recipe I Tried or Want to Try

Not sure…

What I Am Creating

Just working on taking down Christmas and trying to put it away in an organized fashion


(He’s made from painted acorn caps!)

Quote For The Week

Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight. (Proverbs 3:5-6)


Happy Homemaker Monday

Another quiet week on my blog last week. Not so much in real life. This is my first day off work since the day after Halloween. I really enjoyed my 31 days of questions and answers series and hope you did as well. It seems that ended and my work turned crazy again.

Hopefully, it’s all sorted now and I can have a bit of a quieter week and check in on this place (and yours!) a bit more often now.

And of course, I do have to just have to say a few more things on one subject (non-sports people feel free to skip):

How about those Chiefs!!!!!???? Nine and O! 

Our conversation during the last 2 seconds of that game:

Me: They are going to lose. Why? Why to Denver of all teams?

Maybe he’ll miss the kick.

Husband: He’s not going to miss.

Me: Can they block the kick?

Husband: That’s all they can try to do but that’s probably not going to happen.

And then, you football fans out there know the rest of the story….

CHEERING all around over here. Go Chiefs!


Okay, back to the subject of joining in with Sandra over at Diary Of A Stay At Home Mom for Happy Homemaker Monday.

The weather in my neck of the woods

Can not make up its mind. Actually, it’s finally fall out there. It was about 45 degrees this morning and supposed to be in the 60’s this afternoon. It’s been warm enough though that I moved pretty much all my plants back outside. Going to have to move them in again soon though. And last week as well as on Saturday, we finally had some much needed rain. Even though my picture is of rain, today is a beautiful sunny day.

Things that make me happy

The season finally changing over to autumn weather along with some beautiful trees, the return of standard time (hello, light in the morning again!), and quiet weekends at home.

Book I’m reading

Chloe’s Cornish Christmas by Daisy James.  Light holiday romance.

What’s on my tv today

Nothing. Yesterday was football. We’ll probably watch the Monday night football game. If I do watch something later it’ll just be catch up on shows like Found and Brilliant Minds.

On the breakfast plate

French toast sticks and sausage. Coffee, vitamins.

On the lunch plate

Grilled cheese

On the dinner plate

Roast is in the slow cooker. Probably making it into sandwiches and serving with fries.

On the menu

J’s birthday is Friday and my husband is going out of town for part of the week.

MONDAY: Roast in the crock pot

TUESDAY: pork chops and sweet potatoes *I work 8-4*

WEDNESDAY: Broccoli chicken Fettuccine Alfredo casserole *I work 12:30-4* Also, J requested this meal

THURSDAY: manicotti, salad *G requested this one*

FRIDAY: spicy Korean chicken, rice, cookie cake *J’s birthday meal request*

On my to do list

  • Grocery store (DONE)
  • Remind husband to help me get out the Keurig (it’s in a Christmas tub that I can’t reach)
  • Laundry
  • General housekeeping

New recipe I tried or want to try

The broccoli chicken Fettuccine Alfredo casserole is new.

What I am creating

Not much, just trying to the get the house to look nice for Thanksgiving, and then shortly after Christmas!

A peek at the reality of my house right now:


Quote for the week

There is only one Lawgiver and Judge, the one who is able to save and destroy. But you—who are you to judge your neighbor? (James 4:12 NIV)

Happy Homemaker Monday

Taking a break from my 31 days of questions and answers (I’ve not made a page yet) to do something a bit more regular.

Joining in with Sandra over at Diary Of A Stay At Home Mom for the weekly planning type post. Looks like new category headings again.

The weather in my neck of the woods

I’ll start by saying I’m sitting here in my pj pants and a hoodie. So pretty chilly! Our first freeze advisory/warning is for tomorrow. Then, we have a couple days in the 60’s before bouncing up to the 70’s. No rain. We need a little rain (really, we need a lot of rain).

Things that make me happy

Sunlight streaming in the living room windows. Sunlight in general even though I’d be happy to see some clouds and rain at any point now.

Book I’m Reading

I just finished God of the Woods by Liz Moore. It has nothing to do with religion and is in fact a very good mystery/thriller type book that takes place during the 1970’s at a summer camp in the Adirondacks. Interesting characters and historical perspective as well. It started out a bit descriptive something I normally despise but I enjoyed this book in spite of that.

What’s on my TV today

Laundry day so probably more White Collar. Plus, I need to catch up on Daryl Dixon, Brilliant Minds, and maybe Saturday Night Live since I missed it.

On the breakfast plate

Cinnamon toast and coffee

On the lunch plate

Absolutely no idea!

On the dinner plate

Turkey sausage, orzo, broccoli

On The Menu

MONDAY: turkey sausage, broccoli, and orzo

TUESDAY: stuffed peppers

WEDNESDAY: salsa chicken, corn tortillas, and guacamole

THURSDAY: spicy potato soup

FRIDAY: Not sure, thinking I might try to find a calzone recipe….if that fails, probably frozen pizza

On my to do list

  1. Laundry
  2. Target
  3. Pay bills
  4. Clean the house
  5. Continue getting outside plants transitioned inside

New recipe I tried or want to try

Looking for a good calzone recipe.

What I am creating

Ordered a couple new tables for plants from Amazon. I’ll let you know how assembly goes. Might need to delegate that effort.

Favorite photo or picture


Quote for the week

In a world where you can be anything, be kind. (unknown)


Happy Homemaker Monday, End of September

Just got called into work earlier than I planned so here we go again with a quick Happy Homemaker Monday! SIGH. However, I do enjoy a paycheck now and then, so go to work it is.

Haven’t joined in as much as I’d liked to with Sandra over at Diary Of A Stay At Home Mom this late summer/early autumn so I’m determined to get this post out today. Oh, I see new categories as well!

The Weather


Still summer here! Highs in the mid eighties this afternoon. However, a dry cold front (that’s what they said on the news) comes through tonight bringing us some 70’s. No rain. Like always, our weather is all over the place.

Things That Make Me Happy

Hanging out with preschoolers, flowers, birds, butterflies, going on walks. Staying in and watching tv,  new shows or football. Reading my book. Being with my family (no order here so that really probably belongs first in the list).

Book I’m Reading

Trying really hard to make my way through Killers of the Flower Moon: The Osage Murders and the Birth of the FBI by David Grann. (No, I haven’t seen the movie)

What’s on My TV Today

Probably just Monday Night Football at this point as I work 1-5.

On The Breakfast Plate

I had an apple turnover, vitamins, and coffee.

On The Lunch Plate

Great question! Probably a sandwich.

On The Dinner Plate

Spicy Korean chicken and rice (leftovers from freezer)

On The Menu

MONDAY: Spicy Korean Chicken/rice *work 1-5*

TUESDAY: Spaghetti, meatballs, salad, maybe brownies for dessert *Haircut 10*

WEDNESDAY: Waffles/bacon/strawberries *Out to lunch with friends for another friend’s birthday*

THURSDAY: Chicken Fajitas (may change this)

FRIDAY: Thai Basil Stir Fry (New recipe, we’ll see)

On My To Do List

Grocery store *DONE*


Pay bills


Transition more plants inside…maybe…weather is making me put this off

Search out ingredients for Friday’s dinner

New Recipe I Tried or Want to Try

10-Minute Thai Basil Chicken

What I Am Creating

Well, starting tomorrow I’m creating a new series for my blog by participating in Blog 31 Days which doesn’t exactly exist any more. However, I’m still doing it and my series is going to be simple: 31 Days of Questions and Answers. Just a nice chit chat topic for each day. Check back 🙂

No Words Needed: Photo

Quote For The Week

This is the day the Lord has made. Let us rejoice and be glad in it (Psalm 118: 24).


Not enough time to really proofread, please excuse any glaring grammar errors!

Happy Homemaker Monday

Bit late today for no good reason. I probably would’ve waited until tomorrow but now I’m working on Tuesday. Maybe I’ll get a full week vacation next week. It’s my new plan.

Current plan is to write this Happy Homemaker Monday post and then, link it over at Diary Of A Stay At Home Mom.

The Weather

HOT. I knew we weren’t done with summer quite yet. Heat advisory today, storms tomorrow, not sure about the rest of the week.

Right Now

Had to pause to let the cat back outside. Heat advisory weather is her favorite, we can hardly get her in here. Ice cubes in her water dish and she’s happy out there.

Thinking and Pondering

Need to send an email out to my work that I won’t be working Friday or all of next week. As much as I love the kids,  I *need* some time off…

How I am Feeling

Would you believe I’m still trying to shake whatever I had 2 weeks ago. I feel better but the sinus stuff just wants to linger. UGH. I do feel 110 times better than last week, hoping taking an extra day to just rest (sort of) today helped.

On the Breakfast Plate

Yogurt and a sausage patty, vitamins, black elderberry syrup, coffee, and water

On the Lunch Plate

Junk, didn’t really eat lunch

On The Dinner Plate

Hamburgers on the grill, French Fries, watermelon

On The Menu

There’s a great question!

MONDAY: grilled hamburgers, French fries, watermelon

TUESDAY: Shrimp in air fryer (heat n eat), corn on the cob, mini cucumbers (Might make it into cucumber salad if I feel ambitious later)

WEDNESDAY: Spicy Korean Chicken

THURSDAY: It’s our wedding anniversary! Nothing exciting for 26 years but I am hoping I don’t have to cook dinner. Of course, my husband said he thinks he’s getting my cold stuff so yay. SIGH.

FRIDAY: Maybe waffles? I don’t know….

What I Am Wearing Today

Flowered tee-shirt, olive green shorts, and currently my leopard print shoes

On My Reading Pile

I’ve been reading The Night Agent by Matthew Quirk. I watched the Netflix series some time last year, maybe, but didn’t know it was a book. Book is pretty good, series really followed it.

On My TV This Week

Over the weekend, I discovered Ginny and Georgia on Netflix. And…I’ve already finished it. Think a gritty and very dark spin on Gilmore Girls. I loved it! Um, probably wouldn’t want to watch it with younger friends, I’d say older teenagers and above…definitely some mature scenes and topics.

Looking Around the House

Well, I did clean the main bathroom today but it’s still not ready for a photo shoot. Here is a picture of our new living room rug instead.


We had to replace the old one because the edges kept curling, tripping hazard.

On My To Do List

What’s that saying about so much to do so I’ll just take a nap instead. That’s how I feel.

  1. Grocery store *DONE*
  2. Target run *DONE*
  3. Laundry *Uh Oh*
  4. So much cleaning…funny thing is I was out of cleaning supplies. If you run out of cleaning supplies, wouldn’t you think it would mean your house is super clean? Turns out it doesn’t.
  5. Mow the lawn
  6. Measure flower pots for plants that need replanted/make list of plants that need to come inside
  7. Figure out message the blog hosting people sent me, something to do with memory, hoping I fixed things
  8. Pick up my camera!

From The Camera

(phone camera still). Pictures of paintings. A teacher I used to work with does paint nights close to us and I usually try and go. I really liked the ocean pour painting one.

The one last Friday was a sunset, not as fond of it but I’ll share it here as well.

Quote for the Week

An oldie but a favorite:

Be curious not judgemental. (Walt Whitman)

Happy Homemaker Monday, First Day of School Already

Just a quick one this morning as I was called in to work. On the first day of school, yes. I was feeling sad about not working it, then kind of glad to be home. One thing about covering vacations all summer is that you end up a bit burned out at the start of the school year. It’s like upside down world.

However, I do usually help for a few hours on the first day of school but wasn’t asked this year. Figured they had enough help. Then, just as I was settling my mind about how I’d spend today, late last night, the text came. SIGH. Not a great shift either as it’s 9 to 5:30. I pondered saying no for quite a while but of course, I ended up saying yes.

So I’m attempting to put together a quick Happy Homemaker Monday before I head out today. Joining in with Sandra over at Diary Of A Stay At Home Mom.

*UPDATE: I typed all this up before work but then, the pictures did not cooperate so I’m just now hitting publish at 6:30PM*

The Weather

Nice, feels *almost* fall like but I’m sure it’s going to be a bit warmer this afternoon.

As I Look Outside My Window

All those outdoor chores I didn’t do last week/over the weekend are still waiting.

Right Now

I’m mostly ready for work (still need to do my hair and make my lunch) while I work on this post.

Thinking and Pondering

Debating taking 2 weeks off officially for the week before Labor Day and the week after it.

How I am Feeling

Tired. I feel so much better than last week when I was sick but my energy isn’t quite at 100% yet.

On the Breakfast Plate

Undecided. Probably a bagel. Already had LOTS of coffee and my vitamins

On the Lunch Plate

No idea, need a work lunch calendar but can’t find one.

On The Dinner Plate

Something easy. Probably fake Chik-Fil-A nuggets out of a bag from the frozen section in Sam’s Club

On The Menu

TBD….I know I work until 5:30 today, have Bunco tomorrow (I’m hosting so in charge of snacks) plus I work in the afternoon. Also, I have plans Friday evening. So this week’s menu will hopefully be easy things.

What I Am Wearing Today

White button down shirt, purple skirt, tennis shoes. However, I may change into a dark purple tee-shirt as I’m not sure what’s on the work lunch menu. Don’t want to ruin my white shirt!

On My Reading Pile

I’ve been working my way through Charlie Donlea novels and enjoying them. I just finished up Some Choose Darkness last night.

On My TV This Week

No idea. Last week I watched all TEN of the Fast and Furious movies plus Furiosa: A Mad Max Saga (watched that one with G) so probably not going to watch quite as much tv this week.

Looking Around the House

Slightly better than last week but I’d still prefer we don’t look. Maybe next week?

On My To Do List

Find my mind, I think I’ve lost it!

  1. Finish this post
  2. Work
  3. Pay bills
  4. Laundry
  5. Grocery store
  6. no idea…

From The Camera

I did pick up the real camera this week…2 not so exciting pictures to share. Must do better again.


Quote for the Week

Saw this on Pinterest, and I could really use this advice and reminder often as I struggle with this sometimes.

Observe, don’t absorb. (Kate Eckman)



*Please forgive any spelling/grammar errors in my 20 minute post*

Happy Homemaker Monday, I’m Back!

Whew! It’s been a while. Probably going to do a summer summary post tomorrow. However, I can’t think of a better return from my blogging break than a Happy Homemaker Monday post. Glad Sandra over at Diary Of A Stay At Home Mom is still hosting these!

Worth making a quick note that sadly I don’t think I’ve picked up my “real” camera since May or maybe June so these are all phone pictures from the last few months sprinkled in the post.

The Weather

My phone camera had a mind of its own one night. The sky looked nothing like this! Still a cool photo, I thought.

We’ve had some much cooler temperatures (record summer lows last week!) and a bit of rain that’s putting me in the mood for fall. However, I know better. It’s going to get hot again. Low 90’s by the end of the week.

As I Look Outside My Window

We had a hawk nest in the backyard. It was really fun watching them (and a little nerve-wracking at times as well, making sure they didn’t eat my cat). They’ve moved on now.

I see a gloomy, cloudy, fall-like sky. My little hummingbirds fighting over the feeder. And lots of outdoor chores I’ve neglected the past few months.

Right Now

Working on this post (yay!) while listening to the washing machine.

Thinking and Pondering

Where to start with things.

How I am Feeling

Sadly, not great. I think the yuckies from school have finally caught up with me. Bit of a scratchy throat. SIGH.

On the Breakfast Plate

A couple of mini croissants and an off-brand churro oreo. (My work day breakfasts were a lot more balanced, I promise. Just not in the mood for fixing things today and yogurt didn’t sound good.) Plus coffee. Still need to take my vitamins. I’ll probably make myself a glass of Emergen-C with black elderberry syrup in a bit.

On the Lunch Plate

No idea

On The Dinner Plate

Husband and I are supposed to go out for our friend’s birthdays but I’m probably eating at home if I don’t start feeling better. So, it’ll be roast for me.

On The Menu

MONDAY: Roast in the crock pot, potatoes, carrots

TUESDAY: white chicken chili

WEDNESDAY: beef and/or chicken marinated using the recipe on the back of the Thai peanut sauce, jasmine rice

THURSDAY: Waffles, bacon or sausage, fruit *I work 1:30-4*

FRIDAY: Pulled pork (from freezer) and rice

What I Am Wearing Today

Palm leaf type tee-shirt, navy blue skort, socks and tennis shoes

On My Reading Pile

Just finished up with The Many Daughters of Afong Moy by Jamie Ford. Really enjoyed it. Probably one of the better novels that wasn’t a suspenseful/murder mystery thing I’ve read in a long while.

On My TV This Week

Not sure. We were all about watching the Olympics the last two weeks. I don’t think any of the fall shows have started. I’ll have to see what’s back on my streaming services. I’m waiting on Emily in Paris (my guilty pleasure show) and Daryl Dixon to start.

Looking Around the House

We do NOT want to do that.

On My To Do List

Hmm…where to start. Not making a big list considering I’m not feeling 100%

  1. Grocery store DONE (It was so nice to go in the morning again!)
  2. Return library books
  3. Laundry (always)
  4. Make a start on cleaning the house
  5. Clean out emails
  6. Make another to do list of outdoor chores

From The Camera

Like I said, I’ve not really picked up my “real camera” in months. I’ll post more about my non-working summer adventures tomorrow but here’s a photo of a recent adventure.

I had a chance to go to the Rabbit Hole Museum in late July. Basically, they’ve brought many of your favorite picture books to life. If you are out this way and a book lover, definitely go! It’s even on this list from Time Magazine.


Quote for the Week

How beautiful it is to do nothing, and then to rest afterward. (Spanish proverb)




Happy Homemaker Monday, April Arrives

Always strange to me when Easter is early. Now, what do I do with this entire month of April? Probably enjoy the spring weather (I hope!) and buy too many flowers (annually, annuals and perennials though).

Taking some time to join in with Sandra over at Diary Of A Stay At Home Mom for a Happy Homemaker Monday post.

The Weather

Nice out though rather warm for the first of April, it’s currently 76 degrees. We’re supposed to get rain later this afternoon into tomorrow and I really hope we do. It’s also supposed to cool off a bit (nothing drastic but enough that I’ll need to haul all my plants back indoors as some nights do hit the upper 30’s).

As I Look Outside My Window

It’s a cloudy, dreary kind of day. (The picture under weather was from one day last week.)

Right Now

Trying to get this post together while doing a bit of laundry.

Thinking and Pondering

Too much, had something coherent to write here when I started my post but I’ve forgotten so now all my thoughts are a jumble again: house next door, election on Tuesday, upcoming trip, work stuff, etc…..

How I am Feeling

Not too bad though we just finished lunch so a bit sleepy. Time for a nap? Too bad the bed is covered in clean laundry.

On the Breakfast Plate

carrots, pineapple, honey, eggs, butter, splash of milk or I guess we can call it by its proper name: a slice of carrot cake. Coffee, vitamins.

On the Lunch Plate

turkey sausage, orzo, and broccoli

On The Dinner Plate

white chicken chili is in the slow cooker

On The Menu

MONDAY: white chicken chili

TUESDAY: pork chops, baked potato, salad

WEDNESDAY: curry (made with the leftover pork)

THURSDAY: thai beef kabobs (probably just going to grill the steak and not make kabobs though)

FRIDAY: monte cristo sandwiches

What I Am Wearing Today

maroon t-shirt, jeans, tennis shoes

On My Reading Pile

Rachel’s Riviera Retreat by Daisy James but I’ve just started it.

On My TV This Week

I’m on season 2 of Gilmore Girls, such a fun show that I really didn’t expect to like nearly as much as I do. Delightful.  The last episode of The Ones Who Live, whatever randomly is on network tv but likely The Voice, The Masked Singer, Next Level Chef. Oh, and on streaming, the Spring Baking Championship.

Looking Around the House

Somehow without having company for Easter, I didn’t find the motivation to clean so it’s not looking very pretty today.

On My To Do List

Things I don’t want to do?

  1. Store *done, just needed a few extras/pantry replacements for rounding out the menu
  2. Phone calls/texts to return *procrastinating…*
  3. Laundry
  4. Probably should clean the house
  5. Some baking/preparing for our upcoming trip (We’re going to travel to see the eclipse)

From The Camera

We’ve determined a pair of Cooper’s hawks are building a nest in the backyard area (not our yard but one yard over). Fun to watch but I’m not sure what to do regarding my bird feeders. Am I feeding the hawks or do I just call it circle of life? Caught these 2 photos of one of the hawks over the weekend.

Quote for the Week

You can be a good person with a kind heart and still say no. (quote found on Pinterest, from Tiny Buddha)

