Chocolate or Vanilla

As mentioned in a previous post, I love dark chocolate and strongly dislike (being polite) white chocolate. However, when it comes to cakes and cupcakes….

If you ask me: Chocolate or Vanilla? Chocolate or White Cake?

My answer almost every single time is going to be…

White cake. Vanilla ice cream. Unless strawberry is a choice, then my answer is…still going to be the same. I might take carrot cake over the strawberry, chocolate, and vanilla choices though.

I’d really probably rather have a slice of pie and even then, I’d prefer apple over chocolate. Still with the vanilla ice cream. I don’t want to think about the type of person who’d put chocolate ice cream on apple pie! No. Please, just don’t do that.

So to review: white cake and vanilla ice cream unless there’s pie. Then, I’ll have a slice of pie. Only ice cream? Still vanilla, please. Unless you happen to have spumoni? Then, I’ll be very happy with just a bowl of that.

What about you? Do you prefer chocolate or vanilla? What’s your favorite ice cream flavor?


Day 51/365

2 Replies to “Chocolate or Vanilla”

  1. I am laughing SO hard right now because I literally had apple pie with chocolate ice cream last night! Sorry, LOL! I’m definitely a chocolate person… chocolate cake (though I may choose carrot cake over chocolate), chocolate ice cream… I also enjoy white chocolate but as you’ve said before, it not really chocolate. Definitely it’s own category! (Guess my blog name make sense now – I have a sweet tooth for sure!)
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    1. To each their own, LOL! I’m not opposed to chocolate covered apples so maybe it wouldn’t be that bad but with apple pie, I want vanilla ice cream.
