This Winter Sky Reflects My Mood

Keeping it super short today. Captured this sky while out doing a bit of retail therapy.

The current weather: by the time I arrived home, the sun was shining. It’s currently 61 degrees and partly cloudy. A cold front supposedly moves in tonight. High of 32 predicted for tomorrow. Rained most of the morning.

I miss the sun in the wintertime. I miss being able to step out on my front porch and tear off a sprig of rosemary, mint, or lavender to crush between my fingers. Inhaling the scent of the herbs and flowers as I sit on the bench.

Rain or snow, needed or not, I’m tired of all the brown and not seeing the sun nearly often enough. I know though that tomorrow brings us one day closer to spring and more flowers and sunshine.

How are you coping with these last few days of winter?


Day 52/365


2 Replies to “This Winter Sky Reflects My Mood”

  1. The skies here have been funky today, too, Jean. Rain this morning, sun this afternoon, then dark, foreboding, and low-hanging clouds this evening just as the sun was starting to set. Am guessing it was the front edge of the cold front moving in. I don’t mind the rain, or even the snow, most of the time, but, I must admit, spring can’t get here fast enough for me this year. I just hope we don’t get a lot of tornadic weather with it. As for how I’m coping…I don’t even know. Some days I do okay…others not so much. Disgruntled. That’s I feel today. Restless. Tired. Praying for sunnier days ahead (physically and emotionally). Hoping that the warmer weather returns post haste and for better days ahead for all of us. Have a great rest of the week!

    1. Hopefully, spring will bring you many blessings. It’s so strange, speaking of the weather, to see so many under winter weather advisories and yet today the sun is shining although it’s cold. Such a strange winter we’ve had! It’s almost the weekend, hope it’s a wonderful one for you!
