Clean Sink Catching On

It’s been almost a month of emptying the sink each night. Still not to the shining it phase. Maybe some day. However, something exciting happened tonight.

I made dinner. Okay, maybe two exciting things happened tonight. Ha. One thing I’m finding is that I’m a bit more inspired to cook dinner when I start with a clean kitchen. Makes it a little easier to prepare meals that take a little extra counter space (something in short supply around here).

Since it was a rainy, cool day, I made stuffed peppers tonight. Finally, a fall meal with proper fall weather. I had to run the dishwasher right after putting the meal in the oven with all the lunch/dinner prep dishes. Nothing too new there except it was empty enough to hold them all. That meant, of course, all our dinner dishes went into the sink.

I Didn’t Empty The Dishwasher Or The Sink Tonight

However, once the dishwasher finished, I didn’t empty it. Or the sink. I planned to do it. Usually, I do it right after I prep some items for J’s lunch.

However, tonight, my husband emptied the dishwasher and the sink! All month as I’ve been emptying the sink, I’ve been doing my very best to not say anything/not be a martyr like the Flylady directs. That’s probably been harder than actually emptying the sink if I’m honest.

While I’m still going to need to go do a bit of lunch prep, it’s so nice to not have to worry about the rest of it tonight. It appears an empty sink is catching on around here!

2 Replies to “Clean Sink Catching On”

    1. I never used to like them as a kid but find I enjoy them more as an adult. I’d have probably liked your stuffed peppers as I prefer them a little on the crunchy side 🙂 Hope you are having an amazing Halloween weekend!
