First Day of Winter

Happy First Day of Winter!

Going to be a short post today. I agreed to work this afternoon. What was I thinking? Still have a mile long to-do list over here. And of course, this is coming:

Well, so the weather people still say.

The current weather for the first day of Winter:

30 degrees with a feels like of 21 degrees (Fahrenheit). My phone shows a little sunshine symbol but I don’t where it’s looking. And it also says “Few Snow Showers.” Interesting. While I was out and about, it was cloudy with no snow. Chilly but not super cold yet.

We do have a Winter Storm warning starting at midnight tonight until midnight tomorrow night. Then, a Wind Chill warning from noon tomorrow until noon on Saturday.  Supposedly, snow, wind gusts of 45 mph, and wind chills as low as 30 below zero. This warning spans “portions of east central and northeast Kansas and central and west central Missouri.” So who knows what we’ll actually get here in KC.

Saw on a local radio station page and it’s scary accurate for our area:

: May be an image of tree and text that says 'Snow possible anywhere from 1-180 inches Maybe. Could start at 7,8, 9,10, 11 pm Maybe not til morning. Maybe not at all. Actually might rain. そチ大 塔 ス'

So how am I spending the first “official” Winter Wednesday?

Went to get my haircut this morning, did a little more Christmas shopping and some non-Christmas shopping. Putting fresh, clean flannel sheets on our beds. It’s been too hot for them before now. Need to run one more errand on the way to work. Should do more Christmas shopping after work but might just come home, drink hot chocolate and watch a Christmas movie instead.

One thing I’ve been trying to find is little projects of the indoor variety to keep me busy during this winter. We all know I’m not crafty in the least. They gave us these little mosaic art snowmen at the work Christmas event last week. I found it really soothing and relaxing. Might have to find some more of these.

Finished product (all dots on the cardboard now, just need to add string for hanging it):

How are you spending the first day of Winter?


My Farmer’s Almanac daily email kindly let me know that there are now only 88 days til Spring!

Also, a Blogmas catch up post coming soon, sure I’ll have time during the “storm of the century!” tomorrow.




4 Replies to “First Day of Winter”

    1. Thank you! We didn’t end up with as much snow as originally predicted but the wind is blowing and it’s negative 2 with a minus 25 windchill this morning. Hope the storm doesn’t hit too hard out that way. Happy Thursday!

  1. I had a good laugh at this post. The storm and weather references are the same for us here in south-central Wisconsin. Actually, the way the local media is building panic, I’m expecting we’ll all die, or at the very least be buried and living in snow caves, eating each other to survive because we didn’t follow prepper trends. Seriously though, I do hope they are over-estimating and that this thing fails to deliver. I need to go grocery shopping, and I really don’t want to postpone Christmas.

    Your craft is quite cute! And non-Christmas winter-only appropriate for January display! lol

    The first day of winter for me was spent quietly at home, working on a jigsaw puzzle and watching true crime on TV. It was also my birthday. Wheee!

    1. We probably ended up with 2-3 inches of snow, maybe but it IS cold, negative nine with negative 25 windchills currently. Hopefully, the storm doesn’t hit your area too hard and you can still do all the things. All my packages still arrived so I’m guessing the roads weren’t too awful in the end. Hope you’re having a great night!
