First Winter Wednesday

What’s a winter Wednesday? Well, each Wednesday I’m going try to find something to enjoy about the season.

The above is an old photo from 2019. Honestly, we usually don’t get much snow around here until mid-January/February. That said, the Farmer’s Almanac is predicting a white Christmas for our area. And we’ve had blizzard weather over Christmas back in 2009.

I wonder if I’d enjoy winter more if we got more snow? Not sure of the answer.

Why Winter Wednesdays?

Well, winter is very much not my favorite. And I tend to get pretty down as many of the days tend to lack the sunlight that I very much prefer. So, in an effort to try and get ahead of the winter blues, I’m planning to post every Wednesday. Some posts will likely be a bit longer than this one. Or they might be a simple wordless Wednesday style.

I’m also hoping to share photos of things I find that I do enjoy about winter. And plan to work on spending more time outside despite the weather. They’ll probably be focused a bit more on the previous Wednesday.

Basically, this series might be all over the place as I try to find my way to liking winter a bit more.

That Brings Us to Tomorrow

The plan for tomorrow is to get together with friends and go through a Christmas light display. Of course, I’m also working 7a.m. to 3:30 in a class with lots of sick kids (Just trying to hang on to my health tightly around here. Covered for yet another sick teacher this afternoon.) so we’ll see how I feel after that.

On that note, I’m going to stop my introductory Winter Wednesday post here with a question. What things do you do to enjoy the winter season?

6 Replies to “First Winter Wednesday”

  1. I used to love winter when I was younger. The older I get though, in typical old person fashion, I like winter less and less. I hate having to bundle up just to go down to the mailbox, hate having to clean off the car just to run to the store. I never used to be a person who started their car and let it run for 10 minutes to warm up, but man, I’m getting to be that person now! LOL

    What I do like about winter is the beautiful scenery after it snows (as long as I don’t have to go anywhere). I like watching the birds on the feeders with a snowy background. I like the feeling of it being okay to sit inside all day because there is no lawn mowing or yard work that needs to be done. It’s like I’m being given permission to be lazy inside with some cocoa and TV time. hehe

    1. Oh, I like your list of things to like about winter! Part of my problem is refusing to bundle up to do all those things you mentioned. And I’m notoriously bad about leaving myself enough time for the car to warm up. Things to consider…Happy Friday!

  2. I enjoyed this post, Jean, and am looking forward to your Winter Wednesday series. I love the idea of it and I wonder if the almanac is predicting a white Christmas for us, too? I hope so! I enjoy many things about winter…early sunrises, long winter evenings, warm, cozy fires, fuzzy blankets, hot cocoa, hot tea, soups, stews, chili, and all kinds of other wonderful midwest comfort foods, snow, the winter holidays (especially Christmas and Valentine’s Day), birds at the backyard feeders, the colors of the prairie in winter, winter wildflowers (a.k.a. ugly, brown, and dry weeds to most), and wooly-coated bison with snow on their backs. That’s some of the things I enjoy about winter here! Blessings, my freind!

    1. It looks like maybe. Here is the link to the Farmer’s Almanac winter predictions. There’s a place to put the zip code if you want a more detailed forecast. That’s a great list, I don’t mind the different stages of the flowers but admit to preferring them in a color besides brown. Hope you are on your way to a wonderful December weekend!

  3. I don’t mind winter too much, though I’m not as fond of it as I once was. I AM an ALL season girl though and try to find the good in all the seasons. I LOVE the sun, but hate the heat so finding balance is precarious for me sometimes. Fortunately, despite all the rain and snow we get here, we do get a couple hours of “sun” each day usually.

    I look forward to seeing what you come up with for the winter season series. And I sure hope you’re able to stay well! Enjoy the lights!

    1. Thank you for your input! I want to work on finding the good in all seasons as well. Unfortunately, I passed on seeing the lights. I worked all week and there was so much sickness floating around my work that I didn’t feel right about being in a car with others for a long stretch when I might be sick and not know it. Thankfully, so far I’m fine but I’d have felt awful if I got everyone sick. Hope you are having a great weekend so far!
