Forty Days

Today’s the first day of Lent. And while I’m not Catholic, I have heard of giving something up for Lent. And I somewhat knew about the 40 Bags in 40 Days challenge. This year after reading about it a bit, I’ve decided to participate.

The Basic Premise

You can find the detailed ideas and outline of the challenge over on the The White House Black Shutters blog.  However, the basic plan is simple: declutter one area of your home for the next 40 days. So, I guess I’m giving up clutter for Lent.

Bit of a Head Start

I do already have a box of items to donate sitting in our bedroom. However, I guess it wouldn’t be fair to count that box. Also, on Sunday, I did a small declutter project. It was before I thought about doing this. Again, probably not fair to count it. Yet, I still want to show my results.

What I’ve not quite affectionately been referring to as “the kitchen tower of doom”

A close-up of the mish mash:

And the new look after I cleared and organized:

Not completely done but much better.

Items about the new look I really like:
  • Cookbooks on the top, deciding still on others to display
  • The new “office” shelf. Been trying to figure out a pretty way to store a bit of mail/paperwork in the kitchen until I’m ready for it. The boys each have their own cardboard bin for their mail/paperwork. My husband and I are sharing one. It’s mostly filled with bills anyway.
  • The continued convenience of the sugar and flour easily accessible. Want to make labels (suggestion of J who thinks sugar and flour look a lot alike, inexperienced cook there)
Items still pending:
  • husband is uncertain about moving the potato and onion bins down a shelf because of the proximity of a heat vent.
  • His BBQ spray bottle and the foil he stores there. No idea what to do with those items. Don’t live by myself. Hardest part when it comes to organizing, all those other people! Ha.
  • I did move the chocolate chips and almond bark (used it on Valentine’s Day actually) to the pantry

My Plan For the Next 40 Days

One thing that appealed to me about this is the flexibility of it. I did print the check lists but it’s up to me what areas I pick on what days. Since I did a big clear out of the kitchen last year and it’s remarkably stayed fairly decent, I’m probably starting with the hallway between the kitchen and backdoor.

There’s a cabinet of doom there that my husband’s been asking to me to remove for years. However, it’s FULL. It’s also right by the backdoor. Might be a bit too cold to work there today. I did one side of the pantry earlier in the month. Did I ever share my photos? Can’t remember.

The other non-food side of the pantry isn’t as pretty. It holds medicines, brunch serving dishes, and drink mixes (tea and hot chocolate). Perhaps I’ll focus on it today. There’s also a cleaning alcove (very small) in the hallway that needs help.

Hopefully, I’ll remember to take my before and after photos. Then, every 7 days or so, I’ll share my progress.

Time to Start

Well, now that I’ve shared the plan, it’s time to start in on it. Plus, I’m getting a bit cold in the basement. Odd, it’s usually a bit warmer down here.

Are you giving up anything for Lent? Or working on a decluttering/organizing project? Let me know.


