Happy Homemaker Monday, A Fresh New Year

Starting my post a bit late on Monday. We’re technically still on Christmas break around here so spending the day at a leisurely pace. J goes back to school tomorrow. My husband returns to work Wednesday. I (so far) return to work on Friday. And who knows what G’s college schedule holds.

In fairness, he’s told me. I just don’t remember, something about 8 week online courses starting later. Believe it or not, he’ll have his associates degree when this semester ends. Enough future talk, let’s get back to the present.

I’m excited to continue to join in with Sandra over at Diary Of A Stay At Home Mom every Monday in 2021! It’s a great supportive community of bloggers.

Moving on to look at our week with the categories:

The Weather

Just announced to my husband that the sun is out! Been a few days. The year started with a snowstorm for us and it’s been clouds every since. And fog. Lots of fog. It’s also been in the 20’s. I think we’re supposed to hit the 40’s later. With a few chances for snow and/or rain. Hooray for Winter!Β  Β 

On The Breakfast Plate

I just ate lunch but breakfast consisted of apple cinnamon instant oatmeal and a blueberry English muffin. Plus coffee and vitamins.

As I Look Outside My Window

This morning I saw fog everywhere but now I see blue skies. And birds. Mostly sparrows. A few cardinals.

As I Look Around The House

The Nativity and too many treats still covering the kitchen table (and that’s after freezing many) are the only reminders of Christmas past. Amazing how it suddenly seems bigger isn’t it? I do need to do a bit of a deep clean.

What I’m Wearing Today

Olive green corduroy pants, a gray sweatshirt, and panda slipper socks. No, I don’t match at all.

Currently Reading

How to Stop Time by Matt Haig. It’s intriguing and I had to stop myself from staying up too late reading it last night. Most likely I’ll finish it at J’s baritone lesson tonight.

On The TV For This Week

We just watched the first two episodes of the new season of Kobra Kai on Netflix. Trying to limit it to 1-2 episodes a night. Not sure but if Prodigal Son is back this week, I want to catch that one. Otherwise, hit and miss with all the streaming stuff. Started watching Scientology and the Aftermath with Leah Remini on Netflix (disturbing) so want to try and finish it.

J mentioned wanting to see The Emperor’s New Groove so we may watch that as a family. (We all had a family viewing of The Little Mermaid last week).

On The Menu This Week

My extra vegetable with each dinner starts next week as this week I’m focusing on clearing out the freezer, fridge, and pantry.

MONDAY: French Toast, bacon/sausage, strawberries *J has a baritone lesson at 6:30*

TUESDAY: Pork chops, crunchy coleslaw *J’s first day back at school after break/in person week*

WEDNESDAY: Minestrone soup, lasagna squares, salad and Three King’s Cake for dessert *Epiphany*

THURSDAY: Roast in the crockpot (may switch this up with Wednesday)

FRIDAY: Maybe steak bites and baked potatoes or OUT *I work 8:30-5:30*

Something Fun To Share

I need to work on this area. Seems I’ve come up blank ever since it became a category. How about a photo as I look inside my window? Looking into the one of the windows in the front.


Favorite Photo From The Camera

Taken on New Year’s Day.


Quote For The Week

The secret to happiness, you see, is not in seeking more, but in developing the capacity to enjoy less. (Socrates)


In case you’re wondering, I used to blog at So Not Organized but switched over for the new year to a brand new blog. Needed to change hosting so started fresh.









6 Replies to “Happy Homemaker Monday, A Fresh New Year”

  1. Hello dear Friend!
    I’m loving the new blog look!! Fresh starts can be such a wonderful thing. Happy New Year btw!! πŸ˜‰
    Still feeling on break here too. Trying to get back to normal mojo. I still even have my decorations up because they make me too happy to take down yet.
    I loved the Emporer’s new groove! I haven’t watched any of those oldies in forever. I just can’t get myself to watch the disturbing shows right now. The world feels disturbing enough so I can’t take it. Lol
    I pray 2021 brings wonderful blessings your way!! xo

    1. Thank you! Glad you are still enjoying your decorations. I was ready for mine to come down, fresh feel for the year though I’m still working on the house. One of our family Christmas presents (well, if I’m honest I got it for myself ;)) was Disney Plus. Funny enough, I think everyone else has watched more on there than me but I have a whole year. Understand your point on the disturbing shows, was actually surprised by the show (didn’t expect things to be so extreme). Happy New Year, hope you are having a wonderful week so far!

  2. Nice to see your new blog. May I ask why a new blog? just wondering as mine has been up quite awhile now and has alot on it.
    After reading your post about veggies, I baked a whole pan-tray of veggies for the week πŸ™‚

    Happy New Year to all and have a great week
    Lucie recently posted…Happy Homemaker 2021-01-04My Profile

    1. Thank you! Yes, of course, you can ask! I got fed up with my hosting company as I’d signed onto what seemed to be a forever contract and they let me renew again without letting me know my “classic” hosting didn’t update to the PHP7 needed for word press updates (and no, I really don’t know what most of that means). Frankly, I’m fed up with many companies and their auto renewals but that’s a different story. So, new hopefully “better” host (Bluehost) and new blog that has a name that doesn’t feel quite as confined to the organizing side of things πŸ™‚ Oh, I’ll have to look into baking a pan-tray of veggies for next week. Hope you have a great week (and new year!) as well!

  3. I’m loving the new blog! So much work to start again, but the fresh new look and feel is GREAT, especially for the new year! I’m fortunate enough that my brother is my hosting company.

    Just to make you feel better the PHP7 update isn’t crucial as long as you’re not in “need” of a secure site like a business (as it was explained to me). I’ve been doing a deep clean around here in hopes of feeling like there is hope for a new year!

    Love the extra veggie idea too. Have a WONDERFUL rest of the week. πŸ˜€

    1. Thank you! Oh, lucky you. I honestly don’t understand much about the hosting except that I “need” it for my own .com address. I used to be able to do a bit more with it but it seems the blog with the old free tutorials I followed updated and went a different direction. I’m taking my time with this blog so not too worried about it. Hope your week has been going great!
