Happy Homemaker Monday, A Full Week

Our calendar is once again full. So is my heart. I am so happy to see activities and places for us to be listed on there once again. Though it seems we might be making up for lost time this week.

That’s why I’m getting a jump on things and putting my Happy Homemaker Monday post together on Sunday evening. Later, I’ll link up with Sandra, the host of the link up, over at Diary Of A Stay At Home Mom.

Let’s just get straight to it.

The Weather

Sun, sun, Mr. Golden sun decided to shine down on us almost all of last week! It’s apparently now something called the start of the “meteorological” summer but I’ll take it. Very slight rain chances and highs in the 80’s and low 90’s this week. Hooray! My weather is here.

On My Reading Pile

Magazines. Tried to start Jane Eyre but it feels like a fall read so I’m not sure I’ll continue. I’ll find something, maybe from my list, to start tomorrow night during J’s lesson.

On My TV

Been catching up with the rest of the Lucifer episodes on Netflix. Other than that, just whatever happens to be on…enjoying Crime Scene Kitchen when I catch it though. Probably start the Loki series on Disney plus on Friday.

On The Menu

Now, you’ll see what I mean by a full calendar. Keeping things simple for my sanity this week.

MONDAY: French Toast and sausage, fruit *I work 7:45-4:15* *J has a baritone lesson at 6:30 (HOORAY)*

TUESDAY: Pepper steak, noodles or rice, salad? *I work 7:45-4:15*

WEDNESDAY: On Your Own *I work 7:45-4:15* *I have a hair appt at 5*

THURSDAY: Greek sheet pan chicken and potatoes *I work 7:45-4:15*

FRIDAY: Frozen pizza or homemade pizza, salad *I work 7:45-4:15* *J has an appt at 3 or 4 (G will take him)*

SATURDAY: Moo shu pork in crock pot *J takes ACT at 8am*

On My To Do List

  1. Mow the lawn
  2. plant the flowers I bought today
  3. Try to visit the other local nursery before they shut down for the season (she told me they stopped after Father’s Day, it’s a local pop up kind of place)
  4. Remember to water the garden
  5. Get with husband regarding whether we’re actually going to go somewhere for a vacation
  6. Breathe

What I Am Creating

Maybe some day some pretty flower garden areas.

Looking Around The House

Please, don’t. Not this week. All the pretty outside flower pictures are supposed to distract us from that.

From The Camera

Need to be better about picking it up after work. Took all the photos for this post today except this one. A phone photo from Saturday. Think this is a newly hatched Katydid on my petunia. Stayed there all day yesterday.

Something Fun To Share

I got a last minute invitation to the ball (aka the preschool graduation, ha) last week. Had to earn my chair with parking lot duty (directing students and parents to their respective places) but didn’t mind. One of the songs the kids sang was this one. Very cute (obviously, for privacy reasons I’m not showing you MY school instead just a random video of a different school singing the song).

On My Prayer List

Friends, Family, Strangers. For things to continue to return to normal in the world. My dear blogging friend, Rebecca over at Rebecca’s Hearth and Home and her friends and family who are having some serious health struggles.

Quote For The Week

To plant a garden is to believe in tomorrow. (Audrey Hepburn)


Seems silly but I had no idea eggplant flowers were purple! Excited for the new garden addition. Did you plant a garden this year? What are you growing?



14 Replies to “Happy Homemaker Monday, A Full Week”

    1. Thank you. I was a full week indeed and this one has also been, not one night at home yet. And working again. Sorry for such a late reply and no visits this week (or last). Hoping to get back on track next week. Hope you’ve had a great week so far!

  1. Beautiful photos!!! We may have to horn on Moo Shui night. Hub’s favorite! God bless you!

    1. Thank you! I need to remember to thaw that pork out (we didn’t have it last week after all). Hope you’ve had a great week so far. So sorry for such a slow reply to your comment.

    1. Thank you! I’m finding it takes a fair amount of time to water them without a bunch of rain falling. Hope your having a great week, sorry for the slow reply.

    1. Sorry for the late reply! I have no idea, I think meteorological summer is something invented by the weather people so they can talk about the hot weather (and it is, 100 F predicted today!) early. Hope you’ve had a great week so far!

  2. I am loving all the flower pictures! I don’t have a flower garden this year, but I do have a BUNCH of gorgeousness on my balcony! It always makes me so happy just to look at them. Your menu sounds divine as well! Have a great week!
    Sherry recently posted…Happy Homemaker Monday for 06/07/21My Profile

    1. Thank you! I always loved having plants in pots on my patio when I had one. Still keep quite a few pots on my front porch. Sorry for the late reply, hope you had a great week last week and are in the middle of another one this week!

  3. Hello!
    Your flowers are so beautiful!
    I hope you are having a cozy week.
    It is hot and humid here.
    I have put Steve on grill duty for dinners!
    Have a good evening, my friend.

    1. Thank you! So sorry for such a late reply. The last week and half have been so busy (however, I do love mostly love it). Heat wave here for a few days, water day at school. Hope you have a wonderful rest of your week.

  4. Hello Lovie!
    Your flowers are so pretty! And it is so wonderful to be busy again and getting the calendar filled up like how life used to be, isn’t it? So nice to feel more normal.
    That song is just precious. I bet your little class did it beautifully. 😉 I hope you guys do decide on a vacation and get away and have fun this summer!
    Blessings. xo
    Carrie@northwoods scrapbook recently posted…Happy Homemaker MondayMy Profile

    1. Thank you! And yes, wonderful to be busy but it’s made me super late with my blogging replies from last week! Where did the last week and half go? Hope you have a great Thursday!
