Happy Homemaker Monday Except It’s Sunday

Happy the sunrise is at a reasonable time again day! I know, so many hate the dark nights but as a morning person I love having the sunrise before almost 8.  And, just have to say it again, the days get naturally shorter and longer.

Putting my post together on a Sunday because the week ahead looks to be a bit busy. I’ll link up either tomorrow evening or Tuesday with Sandra over at Diary Of A Stay At Home Mom so I can still join in the fun. Who knows maybe the week won’t be as busy as I think. However, I want to have a plan either way.

The Weather 

Well, weird. Saturday morning we had snow mixed with rain (thankfully, no sticking!) and today was absolutely beautiful with a high of about 60. Tomorrow, the temps climb up predicted to be in the mid 70’s and then, like a roller coaster…down we go! High of 77 Thursday falls to a high of 39 degrees on Friday. Whew! Of course, who knows what the weather will actually do.

As I Look Outside My Window

After starting this post earlier this morning, I went out and took advantage of the sun. Now, it’s dark outside.

Right Now

Trying to sneak in a bit more work on this post before taking J to band practice and myself to Target.

Thinking And Pondering

My work tomorrow (really trying to decide what to wear…deep thought I know), ideas on how I can perhaps eat a little better in November, and how to keep my e-mail inbox sorted.

How I Am Feeling

Pretty good. My back stopped hurting after Friday and I am so thankful for that. Hopefully, I won’t wake up with regrets about rototilling the wildflower garden area this afternoon.

On The Breakfast Plate

I’ve decided to trade in my usual flip yogurts for instant oatmeal all this month and see if I feel a bit better. Probably going to have to add a little extra protein item to it on work days though. Coffee, vitamins…the constants.

On The Lunch Plate

A BLT with the last semi-full sized summer tomato from the garden. It was good, too.

On The Dinner Plate

My husband cooked a ham and pork butt on the smoker but we ended up having pizza. (They weren’t ready in time)

What I’m Wearing Today

Long-sleeved Chiefs tee-shirt, jeans, tennis shoes

On My Reading Pile

Last week I finished two books that were quick thriller reads. All the Missing Girls by Megan Miranda didn’t really impress me. Oddly, I think this is the book of hers with the most hype but a lot of her other books are so much better. One of Those Faces by Elle Grawl was my free Amazon prime choice for November. It started out with a lot of promise before fizzling out at the end. I’ve just started The Dark Room by Lisa Gray, I generally really like her books so I’m hopeful.

On My TV

*UPDATE* It’s now Monday. Well, nothing to say here but How ‘Bout Those….Chiefs! Full confession: I had to take J to band practice so heard the beginning on the radio and then, SIGH, I fell asleep right as overtime started. Nice to wake up to a win though. Not much else, I’ve been working my way through Doctor Who.

On The Menu

Good question. No time for the store this morning.

Halloween leftovers

MONDAY: Either ham or pulled pork, asparagus if we have ham. I don’t think it goes with the pork. *J has a baritone lesson at 6:30* *I work 8-4:30*

TUESDAY: So far the only day I don’t work this week. Not sure, I know I’m planning to make an apple cake (finally) *Election Day*

WEDNESDAY: Something easy, maybe chicken sausage and orzo skillet *I work 8-4:30* *MNO*

THURSDAY: Something I can throw in the crock pot…roast? *I work 3-6*

FRIDAY: See above. Maybe spicy potato soup depending on what I make Thursday *I work 3-6*

(I’ll probably put together a better menu plan tomorrow after I go to the store later tonight)

Looking Around The House

PASS although it was mostly clean Saturday but then, it turns out we live here. SIGH.

On My To Do List

  1. Research what is on our local ballot by visiting Ballotpedia
  2. Mail SIL her birthday card
  3. Shop for J’s birthday (next week)
  4. Usual: Laundry and Grocery Store
  5. Plant rest of flower bulbs for spring blooms
  6. Whatever else I’ve forgotten

From The Camera


Quote For The Week

A bit of an odd place to find inspiration perhaps but this was on the Philosophy face cleanser sample I used this morning (unrelated, I really need to order more face cleanser as I’m almost out and down to using free samples).

Progress is baby steps, and little bits of momentum. These micro-moments make a lasting difference in our wellbeing.




9 Replies to “Happy Homemaker Monday Except It’s Sunday”

  1. Hello! Your Thanksgiving decorations look so nice! You know, apple cake sounds really good! Thanks for the idea! I hope you have a nice week. It is finally supposed to cool off a bit soon, and I am ready! We had the air conditioning on this weekend!

    1. Thank you! The little pumpkins are a new addition, I’ve not added anything in some time but they called out to me. The poem is one J wrote in 2nd grade that I framed because I just love it. Well, I was called into work this morning so still no apple cake here…maybe tomorrow night or Thursday. Hoping my apples last. We’ve thankfully not had our a/c on in a while but I do run it in the car come home from work when it warms up in the afternoon. Hope you get your cooler weather sooner than later. Have a wonderful week!

  2. I LOVE your description of looking around the house! 😀 Here too, we LIVE and make messes and I just know that every day there is a need for a small amount of pick up though I try to do most of it before we go to bed at night.

    I’m with you regarding the time change. I LIKE standard time and have read several articles that say we should stay there for our personal health. This article in particular was really helpful

    Have a great week and I hope the weather doesn’t get too crazy.

    1. I really do need to do a serious cleaning/tidying before work today though. Interesting article, thank you for sharing it. I did read, however, that they are moving to keep DST instead of standard which I find frustrating. So far the weather’s been beautiful. We’ll see what happens later tonight and tomorrow though.

    1. Thank you! It really does make such a difference when your back doesn’t hurt. Hope you are getting ready for a wonderful weekend!

  3. Enjoyed reading your post, Jean! Love the photos of the little felt turkeys and the cottontailed-rabbit! I’m enjoying the time change, too! Love the early sunrises and long evenings. Glad your back is feeling better and hope it stayed that way after the roto-tilling. BLT’s sound good. Might have to consider making one of those soon even if we are headed for colder weather! Hope your week is going well! Have a great weekend ahead!

    1. Thank you! Rototilling didn’t bother my back but planting spring bulbs on Tuesday afternoon didn’t do it many favors. Still, I’ll be glad to (hopefully) see lots of blooms next spring. Hope you are getting ready to enjoy a great weekend!

  4. Isn’t that the truth, about looking around the house? No matter how much you clean or tidy, it IS lived in. I will never understand homes that look like museums hahahah

    I hope you’re having a blessed week.
