Sunny Autumn Day and Thankful Thursday (Two For One Post)

Full on working day yesterday and I wasn’t wrong about this week being busy. Had an early morning work day Tuesday as well, a half-day, voted, then worked in the yard. These photos are extras from Sunday that I didn’t have time to edit before my HHM post. Hope you enjoy!

I snapped these while working in the yard, had taken a break to grab the photo of the bunny I did share in Monday’s post.

A fall hydrangea bloom? And it’s still vibrant and pink…

Can’t walk in the front or back yard now without hearing the crunching of the


Still a few on the trees on Sunday, the Oak tree leaves (and the neighbor’s gum tree leaves, not pictured) are always the last trees to become bare.

And of course, the birdfeeders are kept busy with our constant stream of

Backyard Birds

Never did get a close enough look to determine the species of this silhouetted bird but still liked the photo.

These were taken in no coat (though long sleeved tee-shirt) weather. Still nice this morning, all changes tomorrow when our weekend highs are supposed to be the normal ones for January (36 degrees!), not November.

Thankful Thursday Things

So, this is a bit of a double post. I scheduled the above to publish yesterday morning but for whatever reason, it did not. I think the date on my blog doesn’t match the computer. Something to check into later. However, I’m just going to turn this into a 2 for 1 post. An early Black Friday deal but you don’t have to buy a thing!

A few Thankful Items From This Week
  1. Beautiful weather! The chance to get my wildflower garden seeds and spring bulbs planted.
  2. The right to vote
  3. The joy and laughs I get from working at a preschool. An election day gem: A parent arrived late saying she took her kids with her to vote. Told us how her 3 year old daughter was very confused when they got there because she didn’t see “the boat”. Ha! How fun would it be if we could go on a boat to vote!
  4. New adventures with old friends
  5. Light in the mornings again! (Apologies to my night owl friends but this is so much better!)
  6. And coffee (a staple of any time change)
  7. A good night’s sleep

My list is of course, longer but I’m stopping there today to keep this post from getting too long. What things are you thankful for this week?




2 Replies to “Sunny Autumn Day and Thankful Thursday (Two For One Post)”

  1. Our weather is about to change too, and I’m thankful for that. I do enjoy this warm weather we’ve been having here in Wisconsin but the cooler weather (30s coming) helps set a holiday mood. =)

    Bird activity has picked up on our feeders. The little guys must be sensing that weather change. I don’t get cardinals very often at my feeders, but the Bluejays have returned. Larger woodpeckers are back. Lots of finches and sparrows dancing around. I’d like to get some nice pictures but that would mean cleaning my windows first. LOL!

    1. It’s been warm enough that I could take the photos standing in the backyard but now I’ll also have to be cleaning my windows for pictures (unless I open the door, sometimes I’ll do that). We’re lucky that we have quite a few cardinals lately. I’d love to see a larger woodpecker, we only ever get the red-bellied and the downy ones though I enjoy those. If the squirrels and house sparrows would just slow down a bit, I’ve had to got to filling my feeders every other day because of them. Hope you’re having a great Saturday!
