Happy Homemaker Monday, Hello August

Hello, August! And where did you come from exactly? Wasn’t May/June/July just here?

August is always my reminder of a few things, some good and some sad (our wedding anniversary is the 29th, however, my father passed away 17 years ago on August 1) but mostly I use it as a reminder to make sure I embrace and enjoy the rest of my summer days before the crazy pace of fall starts.

However, can I tell you a secret? This year, I’m kind of looking forward to fall. Mostly, I think because I missed that crazy pace of fall during the pandemic. J’s school  year was so rough on us especially him but this year, I’m hoping and praying we get that much desired normality. Or at least a touch of it. Marching band practices start back up this week so at least we have that (even if it does mean lots of running around for us).

Joining in with Sandra over at Diary Of A Stay At Home Mom as always. Go check out her blog!

The Weather

Strange, true dog days of summer last week with crazy heat and advisories. Woke up most days last week to 80 degrees by 7:00a.m. with it feeling warmer. This morning it was 63 degrees out there! Highs in the mid-80’s most of this week but I did hear on the radio as I was out running errands they’re predicting a high of 95 for Saturday. So who knows?

How I Am Feeling This Morning

A little tired but also a need to do ALL the things. Lots to do today that I didn’t do last week/over the weekend.

On The Breakfast Plate

Flip yogurt (key lime pie flavor), coffee, vitamins. More coffee (an iced caramel macchiato at Starbucks in the grocery store, seems to be my go-to “fancy” coffee drink lately).

On My Reading Pile

Finished Unrestricted Access, the collection of short stories from James Rollins. A library hold came up for me, The Last Thing He Told Me by Laura Dave. A good suspenseful mystery. Read it in about a day. And I’ve started Walking: One Step At a Time by Erling Kagge (note: I know it sounds like an exercise book but it’s not, more of a philosophical type writing). 


On My TV

Needed something light and happy that didn’t require a lot of concentration so I settled on The Good Witch over on Netflix. Not my typical style of show but I’m enjoying it. Not much else, a bit of the Olympics here and there. Whatever random thing my husband happens to be watching (so think Storage Wars, Yukon Gold, or old westerns…)

On The Menu

Seems early to already have this busy of a schedule for J but here we are…

MONDAY: ham steaks, potatoes (on grill), green beans from garden (we’ll all get 2 beans, ha!), salad *J has band practice 6-8:45*

TUESDAY: roast in crock pot *J has a baritone lesson time TBD*

WEDNESDAY: ribs, probably in the crock pot/maybe on grill, corn, salad *I have a hair appt at 11*

THURSDAY: Chicken (grilled, lately I’ve just been marinating it in a bit of balsamic vinegar, oil, and Italian seasoning/dressing mix), salad. Something simple and easy.  *J has band practice 6-8:45*

FRIDAY: Leftovers or OUT or cereal. I’m not cooking it whatever we have.

On My To Do List 

All the things!

  1. Mow the lawn (Husband didn’t want me to do this during the extreme heat)
  2. Plan out fall gardens (vegetable and flowers)
  3. Finish cleaning basement (basement camp didn’t go so well)
  4. Grocery store
  5. Laundry (mostly just need to fold)
  6. Sort out what is in the fridge and freezers
  7. Maybe make a master list of ALL the things
  8. Clean the house (always)
  9. Start cooking a little extra when we have easy meals to put in freezer for busy fall days/nights
  10. Blog at least 3x a week on here (I think I managed this last week)
  11. Go for walk at park with my camera while the weather is nice

From The Camera

My flowers have been bringing me lots of peace and happiness lately. Hope you enjoy the photos here and sprinkled throughout the post.

My bargain zinnias really bounced back!
The black-eyed Susan flowers are taking over but I don’t mind, they’ll bloom straight through fall

To Relax This Week, I Will

Clean the house (It will help to relax later), sit on the front porch and pet the cat while enjoying my flowers, read, take that walk at the park

On My Prayer List

My blogging friend Rebecca, who recently lost her husband followed shortly by one of her oldest and dearest friends, my husband’s good friend who is battling cancer around his jaw and once again in the hospital with low calcium and possible more cancer, my sister-in-law by love who I just found out is hospitalized with throat cancer. Too much illness in this world. A normal school year for J with actual marching band performances. My family that recently moved to Florida (no reason just felt the pull to pray for them). Peace, kindness, and healing graces for us all.

Quote For The Week

I know I’ve shared this quote before regarding August but it rings so true, I’m sharing it again:

August is like the Sunday of summer. (unknown)


How are you spending your August days?

10 Replies to “Happy Homemaker Monday, Hello August”

  1. May you have a beautiful wedding anniversary. Happy Anniversary to you. Very sorry about your dad.
    Your pictures are lovely.
    All the best,

  2. Happy wedding anniversary!
    I too want to start cooking some casseroles for Fall, when we get busier before the Holidays.

    Have a great week and sending positive vibes to all in need around you.
    Lucie recently posted…Happy Homemaker 2021-08-02My Profile

    1. Thank you, our anniversary isn’t until the end of the month but I always start thinking of it early. Need to clean out our freezers before I add anything new, realized what a mess I have today. Hope you are having a great week!

  3. Hello beautiful Friend! ☀️
    Your post is like sunshine with all the lovely yellow flowers filling it up. Gives me a big smile. I know you saw I’m a bit excited for Fall too. I pray that you do have a much better one this year. And happy anniversary early! 💝
    I’m sorry to hear about so many battling cancer and illnesses in your world. They really need to kick this pandemic to the curb and then get the cure for cancer (& Alzheimers!). I’ve had enough!!
    I hope your weather gets mild and that you get to enjoy these last lovely lazy days of summer. Blessings xo
    Carrie@northwoods scrapbook recently posted…Happy Homemaker MondayMy Profile

    1. Thank you! Yes, maybe they can start fast-tracking some research for these other diseases now. Hope you are having a great first week of August!

  4. I’m so sorry to be so late this week. I LOVE your flower pictures. Personally I can’t wait for fall – it’s my favorite season and follows my least favorite season of summer.

    Happy anniversary month! Yours is the same day as my parents was – always sad for me to think about since daddy’s been gone 28 years now 🙁

    I hope you had a lovely week and are enjoying a perfect weekend with some cooler weather.
    Tamy recently posted…PINEAPPLE CHERRY CRUMBLEMy Profile

    1. Thank you! I’m starting to get into a bit more of a fall mood though tomorrow that might be tough with another heat advisory. Those losses and special days are always tough to think about at times. Interestingly, we shared our anniversary with my in-laws, getting married on their 39th wedding anniversary and getting them a special cake at the reception. Of course, my father-in-law has since remarried (my husband’s mother passed away, hmmm…I can’t believe it’s already been 15 years ago, still miss her). Hope you had a nice weekend as well!

  5. Your flowers are absolutely beautiful! I hope that you have a wonderful annivesrary and get a break from the heat! I’ve been melting lately too! Kudos for the fall garden planning! After spring and summer I’m so done with gardening I don’t think I could convince myself to do it in the fall if I tried. Hope you have a wonderful week!

    1. Thank you! Well, I’d probably be less excited about fall gardening if our spring/summer garden ever did anything. I can do good with flowers but vegetables, not so much. Hope you have a wonderful week as well!
