Happy Homemaker Monday, Late Again

Last week and our long weekend went by in a bit of a blur.  And I didn’t get around to commenting and visiting much on your blogs. I’ll do better this week.

We did have a nice but busy long weekend. Spent most of yesterday doing outdoor things.

Since I’m already a day late again, let’s just join in with Sandra over at Diary Of A Stay At Home Mom by getting straight to the categories.

The Weather

This morning is dark and stormy. Yesterday was beautiful and sunny. Tomorrow is set to be another rainy day, then Thursday and Friday we get nicer sunny days again. Followed by chances of rain for the weekend. Temperatures mostly in the upper 70’s. Strangely cool for June.

As I Look Outside My Window

When I looked earlier it looked like a dark and stormy night even though it was 8:00a.m. Thankfully, the storms are not of the severe nature. Just average late spring thunderstorms.

Right Now

I’m enjoying a quiet house, working on this post and getting ready to take a quick break to change out the laundry. Also, cleaning up my e-mail a bit here and there.

Thinking and Pondering

There are quite a few things on my mind. Just not sure I’ve got the words for it all today.

Homemaking Tips

Not sure if this counts as homemaking or organizing but sometime last year I started storing my kitchen storage containers with the lids attached. It makes such a big difference! No more piles of lids or containers crashing out of the cabinet. And it keeps the numbers of containers in check (I should note that my husband isn’t a huge fan of this method for that very reason but he tends to hoard containers so I love it!)

How I Am Feeling This Morning

Could have used a bit more sunshine but at least the rain is making me determined to get some inside chores accomplished. Ones I’ve been putting off for far too long. I guess I’m feeling determined this morning.

On The Breakfast Plate

Oatmeal and coffee.

On My Reading Pile

Still reading Chasing the Scream by Johann Hari, my interesting non-fiction pick. However, I noticed that a Daisy James fiction lighter read is finally available on kindle unlimited so I’ll likely be reading Sunny Days at the Hummingbird Hotel later this week. Or I may save it for when I can sit on the front porch and read.

On My TV 

We’ve been watching all the music shows on network tv: Don’t Forget the Lyrics, Beat Shazam, and Name That Tune. Plus, the new season of Master Chef, it’s a second chances show this time around. On HBO Max, I binge-watched the show Barry. So funny. If you love absurd comedy, it’s worth your time. And thank you Steven Moffat, for adapting one of my favorite novels, The Time Traveler’s Wife, great so far. Nothing like that horrible “chick flick” movie they made it into a few years ago. I have a 2 month trial of Apple Plus TV starting soon so I’ll be checking out the shows over on that very soon.

On The Menu

No school lunches to worry over, J’s out of town for the week, so it’s just 3 of us with random work schedules over here. And I didn’t go to the store on my usual day (yesterday) and not planning to go unless absolutely necessary today. Hmmm…..time to see what’s in the pantry, fridge, and freezer again.

MONDAY: We had leftover pizza/brisket from the weekend

TUESDAY: pork chops, asparagus

WEDNESDAY: spaghetti and meatballs, salad

THURSDAY: salsa verde chicken or white chicken chili, undecided *I work 7-1:30*

FRIDAY: hamburgers and French fries (husband’s turn to cook) *I work 7-4:15*

From The Camera

G had a belated birthday get-together with friends on Sunday night. We smoked a brisket and I made him a cookie cake for it.
Is this the start of a lemon on the Meyer lemon tree? Stay tuned…

Looking Around The House

Living room and main bathroom are good. The rest? *shudder*

On My To Do List

A lot.

  1. Wash our bedding (in progress)
  2. Clean the house
  3. Clean out my e-mail inbox (in progress a bit)
  4. Pay the trash bill! Oops.
  5. Make hotel reservations for a trip we’re planning in July
  6. Grocery store and Target for usual stuff
  7. Spend some time cleaning this basement!
  8. Clean out pantry/fridge/freezer
  9. Take some books to Half-Price books (on a non-rainy day)
  10. Make J an appt for an immunization he needs before the next school year
  11. Make the cat a vet appt

Stopping my list at lucky 11. Maybe I’ll accomplish all that. We’ll see…

On My Prayer List

Friends, family, strangers. Of course, Uvalde and Ukraine. A kinder, gentler world. A safe time for J and the rest of the band on their trip and in their travels.

Quote For The Week

“The planet does not need more successful people. The planet desperately needs more peacemakers, healers, restorers, storytellers and lovers of all kinds.”  (Dalai Lama)


4 Replies to “Happy Homemaker Monday, Late Again”

  1. That is a long to-do list! hope you can get through it.
    Wow a lemon-tree, sounds so exotic for us here up North in Canada

    Have a great week

    1. Apologies for replying so late, computer issues driving me crazy around here. Lemon trees are pretty exotic for the Midwest as well. It’s potted and I have to take it inside any time the temp falls below 40 degrees! Hope you had a great week last week and this one is off to a wonderful start!

  2. We are very much alike, my friend. So many of your days sound like mine. I could eat better though! Oatmeal instead of my junk cereal! Beautiful photos. Have a cozy evening. Rainy here!

    1. Our internet/computer wasn’t very cooperative last week so I apologize for taking so long to respond. Some days I have oatmeal and some days I have the junk cereal or toast and jelly. We’ve had so much rain on and off that I’m happy to see we have a few hot and sunny days coming this week. Hope your new week is off to a wonderful start!
