Happy Homemaker Monday, Magnificent So Far

I was on standby to work this morning so up and ready to go by 7:30 but then, I didn’t have to go in after all.  Meant I was ready for the day early. Tended the garden (read watered a few things), went to the store, and made J breakfast.

As I left the store, the door greeter person told me “Have a Magnificent Monday!” and so far I’ve been doing just that. I hope that you are as well! 

Time to get to the business of planning the week ahead with the help of the wonderful link up hosted by Sandra over at Diary Of A Stay At Home Mom.

The Weather

The word of the day suites it! After another weekend of heat advisory weather, a cool front moved into our area. It’s currently 81 degrees and partly cloudy out there. Cooler than our 85 degree and million percent humidity start to the day. No rain in the forecast the rest of the week but highs in the mid-80’s. Sold! I’ll take it.

As I Look Outside My Window

Earlier this morning as I looked out the backdoor window, I watched with amusement as one of our little hummingbirds chased a baby Carolina wren all over the bird feeder area. The poor baby Carolina wren did not know what to think about that bird chasing it.

Right Now I Am

Procrastinating cleaning the disaster in the kitchen and living room. Working on this post.

Thinking And Pondering

How nice it feels to have a completely free Monday. Normally, J would have a lesson tonight but we had to reschedule because of evening band practice. Then, they had to cancel the band practice. So I don’t have to rush to do anything today. Pondering how I can continue to make my Monday “magnificent.” 

How I Am Feeling 

I’m feeling pretty optimistic this morning (early afternoon), slept well. However, I’ve been sneezing a bit. Probably something in the air though my husband came home for lunch and said his stomach was upset over night. Hoping it’s just something he ate (and that I didn’t cook).

On The Breakfast Plate

Something different! Since I had some time and was also cooking for J, I made us toad in the hole eggs with a side of bacon (already cooked from a different day) and a small cinnamon toast round from the bread center. I did overcook the eggs a bit but still good. For me, also coffee (including my grocery store Starbucks caramel macchiato) and vitamins.

On The Lunch Plate

I was thinking grilled cheese while at the store (white American cheese was on sale in the deli) but now, I’m not sure as that seems like a lot of bread on top of our breakfast. Might just play it by ear. UPDATE: G made mac and cheese for him and J. I’ve not eaten lunch yet.

On The Dinner Plate

Current plan is grilled ham steak, corn on the cob, and asparagus plus honey butter crescent rolls (a splurge but oh my, they are so good once in a while!)

What I’m Wearing Today

Light blue capris and a palm leaf design t-shirt that sort of matches the light blue color. Plus since I didn’t go to work, I left on my leopard print slip on Keds tennis shoes that match nothing.

On My Reading Pile

I broke down and bought a couple of Daisy James novels, Wedding Bells at the Villa Limoncello and Summer Dreams at the Villa Limoncello. There’s a third one in the triology but I switched things up and am reading Trapper Road (Stillhouse Lake, #6) by Rachel Cane and Carrie Ryan. It’s a good series and book but kind of sad to read as the original author, Rachel Cane, passed away before finishing her manuscript and her friend finished it. It is true to her style and I am enjoying the story.

On My TV

I was on a bit of TV kick over the weekend watching Best Leftovers Ever! on Netflix as well as a random movie with Ryan Reynolds and Dwayne Johnson called Red Notice (dumb but entertaining).  Found a gardening show on Discovery Plus so watched a bit of it plus a few episodes of Chopped (the Netflix show mentioned is only 8 episodes). Need to finish up Ted Lasso and of course, I’ll watch the latest Better Call Saul episode tomorrow.

On My Menu

Not sure if it was watching a few cooking shows or the weather change but I did feel slightly inspired at the store this morning. Nothing overly exciting but I did have ideas of what I wanted to make.

MONDAY: Grilled ham steak with smoked honey, corn on the cob, asparagus, and honey butter crescent rolls

TUESDAY: Hawaiian pulled pork sliders, coleslaw *J has an appt at 3*

WEDNESDAY: Taco salads

THURSDAY: Pepper steak, rice *J has band practice 6:30-8:45*

FRIDAY: Chicken sausage, broccoli, and orzo pasta skillet

**I might change today’s menu to minestrone since my husband came home and ate a ham sandwich for lunch plus I do have some veggies I need to use. Or maybe I’ll make that for our lunch.

Looking Around The House

The kitchen is the worst. Everywhere else just needs a bit of straightening and quick cleaning.

On My To Do List

  1. Return overdue library books
  2. Grocery store DONE
  3. Finish up the laundry (did most of it over the weekend)
  4. Figure out a “finger food” to take to a birthday party this weekend
  5. Figure out what fall veggies we’re going to plant in empty raised bed (onions did not do so well)

From The Camera


Quote For The Week

Happy are they who take life day by day, complain very little, and are thankful for the little things in life. (Unknown)


12 Replies to “Happy Homemaker Monday, Magnificent So Far”

  1. Your photographs are sooo beautiful! Your cat is gorgeous as well! I’m glad you had a magnificent Monday! That is super catchy 🙂

    1. Thank you! It is a catchy phrase isn’t it? Hope you had a magnificent Monday and are on your way to a wonderful week!

  2. I hope your Monday was as magnificent as ever! I love days when I don’t have to do anything! I can understand about the kitchen. Our guest room is a complete disaster.. the room I staged my packing for the trip and the room where I unpacked .. The clothes have been washed but there is so much disarray I have no where to stage putting them away! oh, me!!

    1. It was a pretty nice day. Hope you can get your guest room sorted out, at least you can close the door right? 😉 Maybe I need a door on my kitchen. Hope your week is off to a fantastic start!

  3. What a wonderful treat to end up with a completely “free” day! I hope you enjoyed it. I loved all your pictures, especially the hummingbirds and I absolutely LOVE your cat – reminds me of my Sady every time I see it 😀 Glad you’re seeing a bit cooler weather too. I hope the rest of your week is just a great!

    1. I did enjoy my day although they did put the band practice back on the calendar, it’s been a bit of a back and forth as the overseeing organization decided to classify band as a sport this year making it so all the kids required physicals before official marching band practice could begin. And gave everyone approximately 2 weeks notice, SIGH. We’re clear but quite a few of the others aren’t yet. They worked around it yesterday by having “band music practice” indoors and not marching. Can you believe it is 66 degrees here this morning? It feels so nice! Hope your week is off to a wonderful start!

  4. Nothing like a free day that you weren’t expecting, those are the best.

    I’m like you with the weather, if it cools down slightly and even if no rain is forecasted, I take it….like gladly take it hahah

    Have a blessed week,

    1. I do hope it cools down for you soon. Have to enjoy those unexpected free days, don’t get too many of them. Hope you are having a great week so far!

  5. Hello Lovie!
    Sorry I’m a little late. Been at the hospital with my Mom a lot. I’m glad you got to relax and didn’t have to rush yesterday. I always love your pics and that hummingbird – be still my heart!!
    I love when you describe your wardrobe and talk about shoes that match nothing. You crack me up. I hope you and your hubby are healthy and they were isolated incidences. 😉 Blessings on your week xoxo

    1. Hope all is well with your mom! We’ve had more than our 1 guardian hummingbird this summer, I’ve been needing to refill the feeder 2x a week. The one in the photo is one of the ones that is not shy at all! Everyone here seems to be healthy, whew! Hope the rest of your week goes great!
