Happy Homemaker Monday, Manic Style

Felt a bit like just another manic Monday (wish it was Sunday…are you singing yet?) around here. Oh, and random trivia before I get my actual post: Did you know that Prince wrote the song Manic Monday? Heard it on the radio a few weeks back. Please share any trivia winnings with me. Ha!

On to the weekly planning post where I join the link up hosted by Sandra over at Diary Of A Stay At Home Mom.

The Weather

Hot, hot, and hotter still. Was I wearing my winter coat last week? Highs in the 90’s most of this week with chances of rain for the weekend. It’s a bit windy out there right now, comfortable but I can feel the heat building.

As I Look Outside My Window

Clouds from the weekend are blowing away and the sun’s appeared. Wish I could stay home and play in my garden areas. However, it’s a working day.

Right Now I Am

working on this post while the laundry goes, I’ve just returned from the grocery store, and need to run up and grab my caramel macchiato (iced) from the kitchen counter before it turns watery.

Thinking And Pondering

Lots of things. Had a really nice Mother’s Day weekend, hope everyone else did as well. Of course, I’m paying a bit of the price for a lazy day yesterday. However, it was worth it for a nice low-key day. We just ordered in pizza, then went and got some rocks for my butterfly garden area. Main excitement came when I picked up one of the rocks and there was a baby copperhead (we think, very small but venomous head shape) underneath it. Gigantic wolf spider under a different one. YIKES! Glad I had on gloves. (I’ll share photos of the “new” area later probably in a separate post)

Homemaking Tips

I think of these during the week and then forget them when posting time comes along. Going to have to start writing them down.

How I Am Feeling This Morning

Motivated but tired. Didn’t sleep well. And then, J overslept but managed to get to school on time. Hooray!

On The Breakfast Plate

Lemon curd full milk yogurt (lots o’ protein), coffee, vitamins, apple cider vinegar tabs, and more coffee from the grocery store.

On My Reading Pile

Finished a really good non-fiction read over the weekend: Stolen Focus: Why You Can’t Pay Attention and How to Think Deeply Again by Johann Hari. Went ahead and reviewed it over on Good Reads.  Yesterday I started reading The Turn of the Key by Ruth Ware. I love Ruth Ware’s books but this wasn’t a great choice to start reading prior to bed. A bit scary for me though I’ll finish it.

On My TV

Better Call Saul, season finale of Masked Singer, not sure what else.

On The Menu

Dropped J off at school and went straight to the store this morning. Still trying to eat from freezer/pantry as much as we can.

MONDAY: chicken sausage, broccoli, orzo skillet *I work 12-5*

TUESDAY: Ham steaks, green beans, corn *I work 7:45-4:45*

WEDNESDAY: Likely out *J has 6:30a.m. band practice* *J has an appt at 3*

THURSDAY: Going to try the shrimp tacos Billie Jo from Afternoon Coffee and Evening Tea mentioned in her post last week.

FRIDAY: Freezer foraging day

From The Camera


Looking Around The House

Laundry mountain on bed, rest needs a bit of a clean, not awful but not great

On My To Do List

  1. Organize bills to be paid
  2. Fold all that laundry, ugh
  3. Get some more outdoor plants/clean front porch/work on garden
  4. Grocery store/DONE
  5. Pick up things I forgot at Target last week plus look for some summer work clothes

On My Prayer List

Friend diagnosed with skin cancer, another friend having some family issues, co-director at my school, family, strangers. Health, peace, compassion, and kindness to overtake all the sickness and hatred that seems so prevalent in the world lately.

Quote For The Week

Not a quote this week but how can I not end my post with this iconic song? Sing along with me…


6 Replies to “Happy Homemaker Monday, Manic Style”

    1. Yes, snakes and spiders. More here this morning (just spiders, no snakes thank goodness!). It’s the muggy and buggy season already. Thank you. Hope your week is going great so far!

  1. Hello Jean my Girl!
    Sorry so late this week.
    I love that song….and didn’t know Prince wrote it. That’s cool, you trivia queen you. 😎
    Okay, I love gardening and the critters. I deal with spiders and little garter snakes all the time. However, venomous – no thank you! And I’ve had to deal with a wolf spider once and they’re big suckers! Again, no thank you. The price we pay to enjoy some outdoor beauty. Sigh
    I love your fuschia – they’re always so gorgeous! Enjoy the warmth and sunshine. We finally hit an 80* day here. It was awesome! Glad you let yourself get rest for Momma’s Day. Blessings. xo

    1. Happy New Week! A bit late replying over here. Yes, I know the bugs all help with the outdoor beauty we love but I could definitely do without a few of them. Thank you, a hanging basket of Fuchsias was the very first plant/flower I ever bought myself when I first lived on my own and I’ve loved them ever since. Hope you had a great weekend with more of that warmer weather!

    1. Thank you! I always like seeing the young birds this time of year when they are looking kind of fluffy like that.
