Happy Homemaker Monday, May 1

If the calendar didn’t tell me otherwise, I’d be tempted to think it’s the first day of March around here. Chilly and windy out there! Still, lots of blue skies, sunshine, and flowers blooming so that’s nice. 

Joining in with Sandra over at Diary Of A Stay At Home Mom for the weekly Happy Homemaker Monday link up.

The Weather

Guess I already mentioned it a bit. It’s 59 degrees out but so windy out there that it feels much cooler. Supposed to be in the low 60’s today and tomorrow and still in the 40’s overnight but warm up later this week. Then, we’re due to be in the mid to upper 70’s with lows in the 50’s at night. Someday, maybe my summer plants can move back out there and stay for a while.

As I Look Outside My Window

I see cardinals and house finches at the bird feeders. And of course, the horde of house sparrows. A few woodpeckers. And crows! Can’t see their nest any more but I can certainly hear these birds when they get upset over things.

Right Now

Doing a bit of laundry and working on this post. A little later than normal, just taking a bit of a slower pace today.

Thinking And Pondering

Trying to determine a polite response to a teacher who asked me to work for 1 hour in the afternoon next week. One hour is not really worth my time. Sometimes I don’t mind but usually only for the early morning shifts, ie if someone is running late or I’m already planning on being out that way. And since I’m human, I’ll admit sometimes the person asking impacts my answer.

Once in a while requests for short shifts are different than constant requests for short shifts.  I want to be helpful but at the same time I don’t want to set a precedent. Constantly asking me to cover 1-2 hours shifts feels a bit disrespectful of my time and efforts and I don’t like it.

How I Am Feeling

Happy. J decided he’s going to walk at graduation. It’s a bit of a scramble for some things but I’m so glad he’s going to get the experience (and let us have it as well). Either way would’ve been okay but this is the outcome I was hoping he’d choose.

On The Breakfast Plate

Coffee. Half of a cinnamon raisin bagel.

On The Lunch Plate

Payday for me so I treated the boys (and myself) to Backyard Burger.

On The Dinner Plate

Grilled chicken legs, asparagus, coleslaw, and strawberries

What I’m Wearing Today

Long-sleeved black tee shirt (in May!!), jeggings, tennis shoes

On My Reading Pile

All my hold books came in at once! Had to let the next person in line have one of them (they’re all e-books). Finished reading Fairytale by Stephen King. Was kind of surprised to see a few negative reviews as I enjoyed it. Not quite as scary as some of his previous works, more of a fantasy type novel. Now, I’m reading The Family Upstairs by Lisa Jewell. I’ve already read the sequel of sorts so I’m glad to find out the original story.

On The TV This Week

New episodes of Barry, Dr. Who, The Spring Baking Championship, and The Big Door Prize. Then, with my husband, I’ll watch Masked Singer, Ted Lasso, and Wayward Pines. Also, The Last Thing He Told Me (by myself, husband wasn’t interested). Might watch the Ghosted movie though I’ve heard it’s not that great.

On The Menu

A bit of a slower paced week so far. No baritone lesson for J.

MONDAY: chicken legs, asparagus, coleslaw, and strawberries

TUESDAY: French toast, bacon, and broiled tomatoes

WEDNESDAY: Sausage and zucchini skillet, maybe pasta salad on the side

THURSDAY: Hawaiian pulled pork sandwiches, sweet potato fries *J has an appt at 11* *I work 3-5*

FRIDAY: Homemade pizza on the grill (or OUT) *I work 8:30-5*

Looking Around The House

It’s a mess but I’m struggling to find motivation to do anything about it today.

On My To Do List

  1. Take J to take his end of course exam in history at 7:15 *DONE* (And yes, he was done but oops, they missed this requirement. Done now)
  2. Email regarding a couple graduation questions. DONE
  3. Grocery store DONE
  4. Laundry IN PROGRESS
  5. This post IN PROGRESS
  6. Pay bills
  7. Garden chores/looks like I’m going to need to at least water plants
  8. Figure out graduation announcements/party plans. YAY!
  9. Look for or order some new summer clothing. Probably the only person to say this but I actually miss K-Mart. They were my go-to for cheap yet somewhat nice looking work clothing.
  10. Whatever else I’m not thinking of at the moment

From The Camera

I actually found a hanging basket of blue lobelia yesterday. So happy that I don’t have to try and make my own this year. Plus, it was a bargain price! And of course, I’m still enjoying the orange tulips though some are starting to fade a bit. 

On My Prayer List

Friends, family, strangers. My boss and her family as she just lost her husband to cancer. Another teacher whose father had a heart attack last weekend and was in the hospital (probably still there but I didn’t work today so I haven’t heard any updates). Peace, health, and kindness for the world.

Quote For The Week

Delight yourself in the Lord, and he will give you the desires of your heart. Commit your way to the Lord; trust in him, and he will act.  (Psalm 37: 4-5)


10 Replies to “Happy Homemaker Monday, May 1”

  1. Your pictures are beautiful! How IS Wayward Pines? I’ve been wondering about it.

    1. Thank you. Wayward Pines is honestly, a bit weird but in a weird good way. Borders on being scary (if you’re a chicken like me) but is weird enough that it’s not really (so far anyway). Worth a watch probably.

  2. I would be annoyed to be asked to come in for an hour of work as well. I agree — not very respectful of your time! So glad your son will be walking at graduation — I am sure you will be beaming with pride! As always, your flower photos are just stunning. Have a great week!
    Carol recently posted…What on the menu this week?My Profile

    1. I did let the teacher no that an hour wasn’t enough for me and she understood so I don’t think she was being intentionally disrespectful. Still, it was a bit annoying. Yes, I’m so excited about him walking since it was such a long road to graduation for him. Thank you. Hope your week is off to a great start!

  3. Absolutely love your colorful photos! So dramatic! I understand how hard it can be to get motivated. That is when I need to pray, for He is the answer forall my weaknesses!

    1. Thank you! Those dramatic photos were pure accidents, LOL. Wish I knew how I did it so I could recreate them. Praying for some motivation may need to happen soon around here. Hope you have a wonderful week!

  4. As always your flower pictures are stunning! I’m so jealous. I’m still a week or two from being able to reliably dig in the dirt here. As for your polite response, the older I get I’m finding No is a complete sentence because you’re right – your time is valuable, but I do tend to soften it with things like,…I’d love to, but that just doesn’t work for me… I hope the rest of your week is WONDERFUL!

    1. Thank you! We still had a cold snap last night. Looks like I’ll be re-doing part of my herb wall. What is with this weather? Hopefully, it’ll stay warm from now on. Hope your week is going great!

    1. Thank you! I’m really amazed at how long my orange tulips are lasting. Probably the last week for them, I’d guess. Hope your week is going great!
