Happy Homemaker Monday, President’s Day

Glad today is a holiday for most of us around here. We woke up to negative 9 degrees and now it’s snowing. My stubborn husband still went to work. Hopefully, he won’t have too much trouble.

Seems most of the country is “enjoying” this wintry weather. Thankfully, there are warmer days (and by that, I mean we get to see the top side of the freezing point by week end) ahead.

Time to join in with Sandra over at Diary Of A Stay At Home Mom and plan this freezing cold mid-February week.

The Weather

Did I mention it’s freezing cold outside? And snowing? With dangerous wind chills? Again, so thankful today is a holiday. This crazy cold stuff lasts until sometime tomorrow afternoon. (Not thrilled to work in the morning) Then, on Wednesday, we see a balmy 20 degrees but with more snow chances. And a full “tropical” heat wave arrives just in time for the weekend with highs in the mid-30s.

How I Am Feeling This Morning

Like I drank a bit too much coffee because I did. And am I going to drink a bit more? Probably. Beautiful brown motivation in a cup.

On My Mind

My work. I’ve made no secret about loving my job. However, lately, they’ve made changes. And while I don’t hate it, I no longer have the “I love it so much I’d do it for free” feeling. One of my very favorite teachers is leaving soon. And with her departure, only one other teacher who was there when I started remains.

Realizing it’s a high turnover field I should’ve expected this. Yet, as I told the soon to depart teacher, it feels as if the whole dynamic of the place changed. And suddenly, I find myself questioning my thoughts that I’d probably be there “forever” and wondering if I, too, should move on to something else.

Currently, I’m telling myself to wait and see what spring/summer brings. However, when I started, the school had a such a homey and family feeling to it. And lately, it feels (for lack of a gentler word) so institutional to me. Not something I enjoy. Pausing and praying about it all. For now.

On The Breakfast Plate

A cinnamon swirl bagel with butter (wasn’t feeling the cream cheese) and I already mentioned the too much coffee. Plus my vitamins.

On My Reading Pile

Bad books that I keep reading. Okay, not bad but average. Maybe slightly above average. I’m working my way through the Virgin River series by Robyn Carr. Currently, I’m about halfway through the 3rd one, Whispering Rock.

Thought I’d test the books out before watching it on Netflix. However, I tried one episode of the series after being halfway through the 2nd book. And, it’s not my thing. “That’s pretty chick-flicky” was my husband’s comment. I do not disagree. Honestly, I keep reading the books because I’m fascinated by the town more than the characters or story lines. Bucket list item of mine is to visit the redwood forest so the books appeal to that side of me. The rest, chick literature. And not that well done, in my unpopular opinion.

Also, prior to this series, read The Long Road To Mercy by David Baldacci. Knew he was a pretty popular author so gave it a try. I’ll probably pick up the sequel at some point. Again, this rated just slightly above average for me with the setting (Grand Canyon) holding my interest a bit more than the characters. Though the thriller/action genre is more my thing.

On My TV

After trying and (not succeeding) to watch Virgin River, I switched over and watched X-Men: Days of Future Past on Disney Plus. Knew I’d enjoy it having gone to see it in the theater (remember those?) by myself when it first premiered. Wanted to watch it again as one of the characters is now in WandaVision (something else I’ve been watching weekly)

And since sometimes, you just have to “let it go” and give into the weather, I watched Frozen II on Disney Plus as well. Rare thing to say but the sequel was much better than the original. I really enjoyed it!

This week, I’ll probably watch a bit more Fear the Walking Dead while folding laundry (guess I’m the person who’d rather watch zombies than romance shows) as well as the new episode of Prodigal Son. My husband and I have also been watching Name That Tune but we don’t make it a priority.

On The Menu

Kept things pretty simple for Valentine’s Day yesterday


Since I have no plans to get out in this weather, it’s going to be a menu based on what we have around here. I went to the store last Wednesday but with everybody home, I think I could go to the store every day and it still might not be often enough.

MONDAY: Pork chops (maybe, have a I need to cook them if they’re okay situation. Forgot them in the fridge. UGH, hate to waste food but sometimes life happens) *Not sure if J has his lesson at 6:30 tonight or not, weather stuff*

TUESDAY: Pancakes and sausage and/or bacon *I work 10-3, though I could see this teacher pulling a do you mind just staying all day*

WEDNESDAY: Spaghetti or chicken of some sort, maybe I’ll do chicken cacciatore, this choice depends on if I can cook the pork chops or have to toss them

THURSDAY: Roast in the crock pot *I work 1-5:30*

FRIDAY:  Fish sticks and French Fries (or OUT, we didn’t get a Valentine’s take out as our planned restaurant didn’t open due to the weather so I cooked at home on Sunday)

From The Camera

New Recipe I Tried Last Week Or One That We Really Enjoyed

I’ve made this minestrone soup recipe with whatever was on on hand and they’ve ate it with no complaints twice now. No photo but nice to have another second time around success story! I serve it with Parmesan cheese and bread. Oh, and I have to brown some hamburger on the side for my husband to add to his but it’s plenty filling without any meat.

To Relax This Week I Will

Hopefully, get the house decently cleaned, light a new candle, and sit enjoying a clean house with a cup of tea and a book. Maybe try a new craft project (just something small I picked up at the $ spot at Target a few weeks back)

Something I Want To Share

I’ve got nothing. How about a lame joke?

Source: Pinterest


Quote For The Week


Love is the strongest force the world possesses and yet it is the humblest imaginable. (Mahatma Gandhi)


How’s the weather where you are this week?

16 Replies to “Happy Homemaker Monday, President’s Day”

  1. I love the photo of the ice! We are having similar weather here. Right now we are in between snow squalls. I am with you; I like Frozen 2 better than Frozen. We watched both here last week 😉 The work issue is a hard one…I wonder if the new environment is due to new restrictions due to COVID as well as all the new employees? I know that this year the school interactions I’ve had with my kids teachers and that my kids describe is much more sterile and just awkward mainly due to the COVID guidelines everyone has to follow. Hope you have a good week and stay warm.
    Rachel recently posted…My 6 goals for 2021: Week 7 of 52My Profile

    1. It’s been so cold here that the power company started doing rolling short-term power outages to meet demand. We lucked out this round. I’m sure with the cold still around over night, we’ll get our turn to be without power for 20 to 30 minutes tomorrow. Check and it was warmer in Alaska today, LOL! Some of my work issues probably are related to the COVID stuff (though I thought I was used to it) and why I wanted to give it time. We’re actually getting a snow/weather day tomorrow (we didn’t have a few when I thought we should have as in every other school was out and it was part of what was bothering me though I know that sounds silly). I think that will help. Hope you have a great night and stay safe and warm also!

  2. I LOVE your pictures this week. The ice crystal and the bird are both so perfect! Terrible weather, but it provides such pretty pictures. Keeping you in my prayers as you decide about the job – nothing worse than that feeling of uncertainty brought on by too much change 🙁

    I enjoyed reading Virgin River because my mind conjured up the prettiest town and nicest people 🙂 The series is truly chick flicky.

    I’m glad you have enough to create a menu without going out in this weather – it’s just crazy all over the country!

    1. Thank you! I’d like to get out there and practice taking more photos but it’s way too cold. Was out there for just 5-10 minutes cleaning off my car and still don’t think I’m warmed up from it. And snow day tomorrow after all so I didn’t need to do it after all. At least, the car is ready should I *have* to get out for any reason. The Virgin River books do make me think of a pretty little town and nice people. I think the series lost me on the first episode because it was so different from what I had pictured in my mind as well. Hope you have a great week!

    1. They’re the reigning favorite around here (followed closely by Kit Kats). Hope you stay safe and warm as well!

  3. Of course, we don’t celebrate Presidents Day in Canada, but this year it is Family Day. I am not sure whether the two events normally fall on the same day, or it just happened that way this year. Most people have been under lockdown rules so I suspect that a statutory holiday means little to them. As for me, I shovelled the driveway, created a blog post, and did some initial preparation for an upcoming Zoom meeting. I am cooking dinner – haddock, rice and a Greek salad. Should be good.
    David M Gascoigne recently posted…Random Memories of Australia – Part 7My Profile

    1. Happy Family Day! Sounds like a great holiday though I suppose every day does feel a bit like family day if you’re all on lockdown together. Your dinner sounds great! With the holiday and cold weather, we got way off track plus my pork chops were bad so all kind of just scrounged around for leftovers tonight. Hope you have a great rest of your week!

    1. I know quite a few people loved Virgin River. Action/adventure/suspense has always been more my thing. Glad you liked it 🙂 Hope your week is going well!

  4. Oh …the photos!!!!!!!
    I love your sentence about cleaning, lighting a candle, and relaxing with tea and a book!
    And I hope your pork chops made the cut.
    You should see me when I forget something in the fridge! I run around shoving it in everyone’s faces saying, “Smell this! Is it bad???”
    Have a cozy at, my friend. Prayers on the work issues.
    BillieJo recently posted…Monday Morning CoffeeMy Profile

    1. Thank you so much! With all the snow/cold days we’ve been having, I’m pretty much to the point where I’m going to skip straight to the tea & a book part. Save the cleaning for when fewer people are underfoot. Husband said the pork chops smelled “a little vinegary” but were probably alright. Over-ruled that and went with the “when in doubt, throw it out” motto. Not the best time to take chances. Hope you are having a warm and wonderful week!

  5. Hello beautiful Lady! Sorry you’re getting my northwoods weather. Lol Heck, the way it’s been here if it gets in the 30’s I think I’ll wear shorts. 😉 (not really). Sorry about the pull you’re feeling related to your job. I pray the Lord gives you the clarity you’re looking for and that it will improve for you, one way or another. 🙏
    I never read the books, but I like the Virgin River netflix series – although I’ll admit it took me a few episodes until I got more into it. I don’t have Disney plus, but I know I’d like Wanda vision too.
    Love your joke! Lol Stay warm dear Gal and have a great rest of your week. xoxo
    Carrie@northwoods scrapbook recently posted…Happy Homemaker MondayMy Profile

    1. Ha! The teenagers around here do wear shorts when it’s in the 30’s (and colder sometimes). Thank you for the prayers. I’m just pausing to think for now, hopefully, it all works out okay. I really want to get back to the part where I love it again. (Still love being around the kids though glad not to work today). Hope you are having a great week and that it doesn’t get too cold for you.

    1. Yes, something about the snow and out they go. In fairness, I used to be a bit like that but mellowed a bit. Thank you. Hope you are having a wonderful week!
