Happy Homemaker Monday, Short Week

Today’s a holiday so we’re all home except my husband. His boss is making him work today. I wonder about that boss of his sometimes. (He’s self-employed)

Wish I could say I spent a few extra minutes sleeping in today but I got up early to “practice” a bit for a more structured week. Still took my time with things this morning.

J was up early as well uncertain about whether he had school. Encouraged me to not watch the news this morning, just turn it on for the weather. And so, we watched an episode of Peep and the Big Wide World together. One of his old, preschool favorites. So, thankful my son and I aren’t arguing so much these days.

Now, I’m taking a few minutes to put up this post and look at the week ahead. Joining in with Sandra from Diary Of A Stay At Home Mom.

The Weather Outside Is

Yesterday afternoon


Seasonable. Saw the sun yesterday but a bit cloudy now that it’s mid-morning. We’re supposed to get in the low 50’s (a little warm) later this week but most the week has highs in the mid 40’s. No rain/snow expected this week. Most of the snow from last week is gone.

On The Breakfast Plate This Morning

Cinnamon swirl bagel with cream cheese, coffee, and vitamins

As I Look Outside My Window

Gray skies, brown ground, good sleeping weather says the cat.

As I Look Around the House

It’s been worse and it’s definitely been better. Probably spend a bit of time cleaning today so we’re ready for our four day work/school week.

What I’m Wearing Today

Long-sleeved purple V neck shirt, kind of like a sweatshirt, navy leggings, tennis shoes

Currently Reading

Go me, I returned the two books I couldn’t get into back to the library. Read and finished Tuscan Dreams at the Cornish Confetti Agency by Daisy James. Her books are great for light, romantic, escape reading.

I also read and finished just last night, The Year of Less, How I Stopped Shopping, Gave Away My Belongings, And Discovered Life As Worth More Than Anything You Can Buy In A Store by Cait Flanders. It was a decent memoir but she lost me when she delved into giving advice at the end. You can see my Goodreads review here.

Even though it shows I’m reading two books over there, I’m not. Need to remove them. Unless a library hold arrives today, I’ll probably start in on the The Conjurer (Vine Witch #3) by Luann G. Smith just to have something to read at J’s lesson tonight.

On The TV This Week

Maybe something while I fold a little laundry today, not sure what I’ll watch. Prodigal Son tomorrow night as I’m definitely hooked for the new season. And I gave WandaVision a try over the weekend and liked it so I’ll watch the next episodes of that whenever they release.

Otherwise, I may look into if the seasons of Family Guy are streaming somewhere. Every time we catch that we end up laughing and my husband and I could use a new watch together show.

On The Menu This Week:

Oh, still on the TV thing, we’ll of course, watch the Chiefs play! I was so happy over the win (whew, that breeze you felt was probably a collect cry of joy/sigh of relief from this entire city) that I rebooted Thanksgiving dinner last night. We had turkey (from the freezer), sweet potatoes, corn, and roasted acorn squash.

MONDAY:  Spicy potato soup, crusty rolls (from a bag) *J has a baritone lesson at 6:30*

TUESDAY: Lemon Artichoke Chicken *I work 8:30-??, covering a morning* (carryover meal from last week)

WEDNESDAY: Spaghetti, garlic toast, salad

THURSDAY: Husbands choice but I’ve slated it for hamburgers & hot dogs *I work 9-6*

FRIDAY:  Tacos *I work 8:30-5:30*

Something Fun To Share

When on Instagram, I kept seeing this tag #DianeinDenmark. Curiosity finally got the better of me and I looked her up on the Internet. She has a blog and You-tube channel (mostly, the blog provides links to the You-tube). I think I’ll probably start following along with her as I like her personality (one of those people who just seems to ooze happiness) and her paper sorting idea surely resonated with me today.

Favorite Photo From The Camera

Camera battery died yesterday while I was out waiting for the Stealth jet to flyover (Chiefs game start and we’re in the flight path) but I missed it anyway. So, snapped this cold little robin waiting for spring this morning.

Quote For The Week


If I cannot do great things, I can do small things in a great way. (Martin Luther King, Jr)


10 Replies to “Happy Homemaker Monday, Short Week”

  1. I, too, got up early to try to get into a more structured routine. I’ve gotten into the habit of sleeping in a bit. I also hope that Malcolm from The Prodigal Son stays on the good side and doesn’t go too dark. Thanks for stopping by!


    1. Hope your week is going well! Enjoyed last night’s episode, have to admit I almost enjoy the dad as much as Malcolm. Glad to have someone else watching the show 🙂

  2. Hope this comment works.. having a bit of trouble, but I am glad I found you and I enjoy your new look ! Gret photography!. Happy New Year!

  3. Hello Sweetie!
    Happy week to you. I’m so happy to hear there is less arguing with your kiddo. My teen and I have our moments yet, for sure. Lol
    Love seeing your kitty lounging, makes me feel cozy too. 😊 I’m impressed with your book time. I need to get better about going to bed a little earlier each night so I stay awake to get somewhere with my reading! And great video. She had some good tips and was nice and upbeat.
    Yay for the Chiefs and my Packers!! 👏
    I hope you have a blessed rest of the week my Friend. ❤️
    Carrie@northwoods scrapbook recently posted…Happy Homemaker MondayMy Profile

    1. Think I jinxed myself as today is proving to be a rough one again, not so much with the arguing as with the school issues again. I feel for these kids, trying to do all this school stuff in the middle of a pandemic. My oldest has even been a bit grumbly lately, on a bizarre sleep schedule, driving me nuts. My book time is a bit built in as I read for 30 minutes at least once a week during J’s lesson but that usually gets me enough into my book of choice that I’ll find time to finish it. Yes, yay for our teams! Wouldn’t it be fun if they met again? Happy Wednesday!

  4. I think alot of these teenagers are having a hard time being away from their friends at school and such. Mine is getting bored. He gets irritable alot too. Sadly, we are the brunt of them dumping all their feelings and frustrations out on. We are their safe place that they can dump their feelings on. I have to keep this in mind when mine is in a bad mood. They don’t feel this comfortable with anyone else.
    Teens are also new to learning how to deal with new emotions from hitting growth spurts. Not to mention peer pressure and drama. I learned just a few months ago that our teen was cutting all his wisdom teeth at one time. Never said a word to us. Teens are not use to opening up and just talking, especially males. Watch for signs of isolation from everyone, not eating, not sleeping good, etc. This could be signs of depression. Anxiety also causes depression. Some kids are beginning to go through depression from all we are dealing with from the virus crap.
    Tracy recently posted…Tuesday TidbitsMy Profile

    1. Yes, it’s so hard for them. Mine dealt with (and is still dealing with it) a lot of anxiety last semester. Actually, home again today although it’s in person because of anxiety. I told him it’s “anti-procrastination” day and we’re going to go through everything and get him all caught up on things (he can’t be that far behind as it’s only the 3rd week of the semester!). My plan for today was to do chores I’d been putting off so I’m just rolling his school stuff into it. Hope the wisdom teeth aren’t causing your kiddo too much pain, that’s a painful thing! Hope your Wednesday is off to a happy start.

    1. That is quite a coincidence. She’s quite motivating as I actually cleaned out my clothes dresser today. Made soup Monday, Spaghetti tonight. Hope your week is going well.
