Happy Homemaker Monday, Still Here

Maybe I should just start planning on taking blogging breaks when school starts. I missed catching up with everyone last week but it was another whirlwind of activity. J’s school started and I continued to help out at the preschool. This week should be a bit more reasonably paced. Maybe.

Definitely missed having a weekly plan in place. I’m glad to have a bit of time this morning to post here and then link up with Sandra over at Diary Of A Stay At Home Mom.

The Weather 

Hot, then rainy, and then hot again. However, not heat advisory hot. Just normal end of August hot. Might thunderstorm this afternoon, then highs in the upper 80’s/low 90’s for the rest of the week.

As I Look Outside My Window

It’s bright and sunny out there. We have 3 (!) little hummingbirds that fight over our feeder and are so entertaining to watch (but hard to catch on camera!).

Right Now I Am

Ignoring a lot of housework to work on this post instead.

Thinking And Pondering

My sunflowers didn’t bloom so I cheated and bought one at the garden center!

It’s the time of year when I get a little garden obsessed. If you can recognize a perennial flower, it’s a great time to shop for flowers for next year. Or replace a few annuals that didn’t quite make it in the drought.  Plus I’m planning a bit of a front yard garden expansion going for a cottage garden look.

How I Am Feeling

Pretty good. Yesterday I was feeling a bit down but being outside works wonders for the mood.

On The Breakfast Plate

Flip yogurt, coffee, vitamins, and a Stoopwafel.

On The Lunch Plate

Good question. I’m not sure. No dinner leftovers (it was a hit!) so maybe just a scrambled egg or something.

On The Dinner Plate

Absolutely no idea. It’s our 24th wedding anniversary but I work until 5:30, followed by needing to get J to his baritone lesson so it’ll be a late dinner.

What I’m Wearing Today

Currently: Black t-shirt, light tan linen look shorts, and leopard print slip on shoes, no socks. Later, for work: probably change into a work t-shirt and some thin cotton pants plus tennis shoes (with socks).

On My Reading Pile

Trying to get through The Secret Life of Trees by Peter Wohlleben but I’m struggling with it. Just started Before She Disappeared by Lisa Gardener. And I’m also casually glancing at all of these:

Ignore the weird slice of sunlight there


On My TV

A few too tired to do much else as well as a rare rainy day led to a bit of TV watching. Discovered two series I really enjoyed and very much hope to see second seasons added. The first on Netflix, The Sandman. Kind of a dark fantasy, just enough for those of us who can’t do scary.  And the second, also a bit dark/comedy and drama combo on Apple TV, Severance. Both well worth your time. (On a semi-related note: As I start to evaluate the million streaming services we have here, I think Apple TV is going to replace Hulu for us. We’re too hooked to not be able to see the 3rd season of Ted Lasso).

On The Menu 

Okra bloom!

Anyone know of a chef that will work for free? Must be able to feed a super picky family and do clean up duty. Send them my way!

MONDAY: No idea *I work 1-5:30* *J has a baritone lesson at 6:30* *Our wedding anniversary*

TUESDAY: Fish (from store boxed frozen), cucumber salad (with homegrown cucumbers!), fried okra (with some homegrown okra plus some my brother-in-law gave us)

WEDNESDAY: Pork chops, baked potatoes *Chelsey has an 9:15 vet appt*  *I have work training 1-2:45*

THURSDAY: Chicken fajitas, yellow rice *J has band practice 6-8:45* *I have a senior parent band parent meeting at 7* (Might switch this menu to Wednesday)

FRIDAY: OUT *J has an appt at 3*

Looking Around The House 

My summer loving self is going to need to do some serious fall cleaning at some point. I’m getting that back to school time to clear the clutter restlessness. Just me?

On My To Do List

A glimpse of my garden expansion planning
  1. Lots of outside chores: repotting plants to transition inside, marking off expanded front garden, weeding butterfly garden by driveway edge (it’s an embarrassing mess!)
  2. Clear out pantry/fridge/freezer (this is my typical Labor day weekend project)
  3. Take cat to vet on Wednesday morning
  4. Keep up with laundry (trying the one load a day thing)
  5. Spend some time cleaning the basement area

From The Camera

Should probably add pick up the camera more to the to do list as I ran around taking most the photos in this post this morning.

Quote For The Week

Remember that children, marriages, and flower gardens reflect the kind of care they get.
(H. Jackson Brown, Jr.)

16 Replies to “Happy Homemaker Monday, Still Here”

  1. Hummingbirds! How nice. We haven’t them here in Then Netherlands. Thanks for sharing your nice photos. And a stroopwafel, mjammie!

    1. Thank you! I always find it interesting that there aren’t hummingbirds over there. Then again, I’m sure you have some great birds that we don’t have here. Hope you are having a wonderful week!

  2. I love hummingbirds but yes, they are so difficult to photograph, they’re so fast. My husband has been watching The Sandman and says it’s very good.

    Love your photos, as always. Have a blessed week Jean 🙂

    1. It takes more patience/time than I have lately to get those hummingbird pictures. I’m really hoping they give The Sandman a second season, they did give it a bonus episode (already on there) so I have high hopes. Hope your week has been wonderful so far!

    1. Thank you! Hope you are at the start of a wonderful Wednesday in the middle of a great week.

  3. It is a never ending list of chores, especially with kids at back to school time and horrible complicated when they have extracurricular activities so definitely get back to your self care. Love the request for a “free” chef – too funny! 😀 I also LOVE all your pictures, your kitty is adorable as always and the okra bloom is perfect! HAPPY ANNIVERSARY! Have a great week.

    1. Thank you. I did opt to say “no” to work yesterday so I could do some things on my own list. Already planning to plant more okra next year and some in the front yard garden as I do think the blooms are so pretty. Hope you are having a wonderful week so far!

  4. Your garden is stunning! We’re finally moving our chickens, so I’ll be able to plant some more plants and flowers in our backyard and not have the little dinosaurs destroy everything. I completely get the craziness of life. I’ve been saying I’ll get back into blogging and then something else comes up. Life is funny that way.
    Have a wonderful week!

    1. Thank you. It’s definitely a work in progress and I let the black-eyed Susan flowers get a little out of hand this year. Glad it’s not just me thinking I’ll get back to the blog and then constantly getting derailed. Hope your week is going great so far!

  5. Hello Lovely Friend!
    I love how you love the hummingbirds and flowers as I do. I’m so glad it gives you some therapy too. 🤗
    Your chef comment makes me laugh! If we lived by each other we could do those work together on freezer meals together kind of thing. Take a whole day to make a bunch of things together that can be easily frozen and then thrown in a slow cooker or oven later. Wouldn’t that be fun?? We could gab away while we worked and dance around the kitchen to tunes. 😉
    I love your pics always – I love being amongst your flowers and wildlife even that way. I hope you have a blessed week and life slows down. Just visit when you can. xoxo

    1. Outdoors is definitely my therapy, keeps me semi-sane while I wait for “my turn” to have a meltdown some days. Oh, that sounds so fun to do a freezer meal day together! I know we’d have fun. So are you moving south or am I moving north? LOL! Hope your mom is doing well this week and that you are having a great one!
