Happy Homemaker Monday, Sunday Style Again

I work just a few hours tomorrow. It’s the first day of school at my work, way too early to start but nobody consulted me on things. Of course, it’s also way past time for the summer program to end. It ended on Thursday and somehow I ended up working a few hours of it. I try to avoid working the last days as it’s so hard to say goodbye to some of those kids. Did I go home and cry a bit? Not telling.

I thought it best to go ahead and get this post written today since tomorrow and possibly the rest of the week might be a bit busy. We’re getting ready to go out of town starting on Thursday so lots to do.

Joining in as always with Sandra over at Diary Of A Stay At Home Mom.

The Weather

It’s 74, cloudy, and rainy today! Such a nice change. Bit stormy at times and I guess a chance of strong storms tonight but I don’t mind. We needed the rain. And the cooler weather though I wish I’d managed to plant a few more things yesterday. Supposedly, after the rain clears out, it’s not going to get above the low to mid 80’s all week until it shoots up into the 90’s on Saturday. Not sure I believe it’s going to stay that comfortable for that long.

As I Look Outside My Window

Cloudy skies and rain though I did see the end of the sunrise earlier before the clouds fully moved in on us.

Right Now

Working on this post, listening to the dryer, thinking I need to add some more clothes to the washer.

Thinking And Pondering

The kind comments from last week regarding my feelings with all the transitions. Feeling a bit better today. Also, realized I needed to give myself permission to fully relax. After working so many hours last month, I had slowed down on my days at home but still felt guilty about doing it. Also, realized something was making me just not want to be at home. If I’m at home, I’m outside or planning somewhere to go. So, yesterday, I gave myself permission to just do the “lazy” things I wanted to do. And it helped my mood and attitude so much. Now, I feel ready to tackle making home somewhere a bit more welcoming to myself (and to others).

How I Am Feeling This Morning

Just a little tired, can’t figure out how to reset the furry four footed alarm clock to a more reasonable hour.

On The Breakfast Plate

Stale croissant, spoonful of Nutella, and a couple pieces of bacon

On The Lunch Plate

No idea. *UPDATE: my husband ordered pizza*

On The Dinner Plate

Husband is making pulled pork (in the rain!)

What I’m Wearing Today

Kansas City Chiefs tee shirt (Football is back! Hooray!), black shorts, leopard print slip on shoes

On My Reading Pile

I read This Is How You Lose the Time War by Amal El-Mohtar in about 2 days this weekend. Wasn’t sure about it at first, it’s a heavy dose of sci-fi but ended up loving it. And I’ve started a new historical fiction one called The Christie Affair by Nina de Gramont that has lots of promise, about the 11 day disappearance of Agatha Christie.

On My TVย 

In just a bit, Kansas City Chiefs preseason football game!ย  *update: they lost, SIGH, but it’s just preseason and they did lose on the very last play so at least it was a game.* Yesterday, I watched the best movie I’d seen in a long while. Air on Amazon Prime is definitely worth your time. Also caught up a bit on Fear The Walking Dead at some point last week. Not sure what else I’ll watch this week.

On The Menu

Zucchini bars though they were more cake like than I prefer

This is going to be an interesting week because my husband and I leave Thursday for our anniversary trip so the boys will be on their own for the second half of the week.

MONDAY: Pepper steak/chicken and rice *I work 8-11*

TUESDAY: Grilled chicken legs, corn on the cob, salad

WEDNESDAY: ham steaks, potatoes, fried apples, maybe cornbread

THURSDAY: G and J’s choice

FRIDAY: G and J’s choice

Looking Around The House

I’m hoping to have it somewhat clean before we leave.

On My To Do List

  1. Work
  2. Grocery Store
  3. Finish Laundry
  4. Pay bills so we don’t have to come back to the task
  5. Few outdoor chores if it’s not too soggy, we’ve had LOTS of rain today but it’s been nice

From The Camera

First a few from last Friday, J and I went to Worlds of Fun, a local amusement park so I could ride the Zambezi Zinger, a discontinued roller coaster that they’d rebuilt and reimagined. It was not the same, no pictures. And then, he got me to go on one called The Mamba. Terrifying for someone scared of heights but fun. When I can see the downtown skyline from the top, um, no thanks but it was too late. Still, fun. Just scary.ย  Also, I pretty much lived at this amusement park in my early teenage years and then, worked there in my later teenage years so it was fun to share the nostalgia of it all with my youngest son. Happened to be the parks 50th anniversary this year so they had a fun display of things. Oh, how many times I did ride the roller coaster pictured below:

Amusement park photos were phone pics. Here are a few camera pics.

On My Prayer List

Friends, family, strangers. The people of Maui impacted by the fire. Safe travels for myself and my husband and the boys (ok, so they are young adults) to be okay while we’re gone. Peace and kindness in the world.

Quote For The Week

There are far, far better things ahead than any we leave behind. (C.S. Lewis)



16 Replies to “Happy Homemaker Monday, Sunday Style Again”

  1. Een delightful blog to read, so human and close to oneself. I find that unique. I wish you a pleasant week and I hope everything is going well. Without fuss or unpleasantness, and may there be many moments of joy every day.
    Thanks for sharing the flowers and I am always happy to see that nice cat!!!

    Love from me!

    1. Thank you! Your comments here are always so kind. The little cat is always fairly nice as long as we do her bidding. She wasn’t so nice when I wouldn’t let her out predawn this morning (we could hear an owl in our backyard). Ha. Hope you have a wonderful rest of your week!

  2. What beautiful photos – especially your kitty in the garden! I hope you and your hubby have a wonderful time away. Just the time you need to rest, regroup and recharge:) Happy anniversary!!

  3. Beautiful photos! Love the ones of flowers. Love your CS Lewis quote. Have a wonderful time away!

  4. Hello my Lovely!
    I’m so glad you’re feeling better about the new balance of things and giving more time at home ๐Ÿ˜‰
    You’re such a brave soul loving coasters like that! My daughter is a thrill seeker in the coaster world. Just loves them all!
    I hope you have a wonderful and romantic anniversary trip. I’m sure your boys will do you proud back at home. ๐Ÿ˜Š Happy anniversary! ๐Ÿ’ Blessings on your week ahead. xo

    1. I used to love roller coasters like that when I was younger but have never been one for heights! Thank you, I’m getting a bit excited. We’re actually going a bit before our anniversary (it’s not until the 29th, maybe we can celebrate twice?) but this week just worked better. Hope you’re having a great Tuesday so far.

  5. I hope you have a wonderful and romantic anniversary trip. I will also be leaving on Thursday with my husband for a short holiday by the sea and the children will stay at home alone. I think your boys, like my children, are looking forward to some time alone at home.

    1. Thank you! Ha, yes, my oldest keeps reminding me that they’ll be just fine. Hope your week is going wonderful so far. Enjoy your trip as well!

  6. Happy Anniversary!!

    It was fun to see a glimpse into your day. Thanks for also visiting my blog.

    I used to LOVE roller coasters but now at age 63 my neck/back issues would NOT like that ride. hahah

    I hope you have a wonderful week.

    1. Thank you! I was a bit worried how I would hold up on the roller coasters but did okay. We avoided a few that I knew were a bit rough. Hope your week is going great so far!

  7. As always, your photos are absolutely delightful! Still LMBO at “canโ€™t figure out how to reset the furry four footed alarm clock to a more reasonable hour” statement. I tried and tried for years and was NEVER able to figre out how to reset ANY of our 4. ๐Ÿ˜€

    HAPPY ANNIVERSARY week and hope you’re having a GREAT trip. Today was our anniversary also and are taking the weekend off also.

    1. Thank you! Our anniversary isn’t actually until the 29th but we went a little early. It was a nice trip but it did feel good get home on Monday night. Happy (belated) Anniversary to you! Hope it was wonderful along with your trip!
