Happy Homemaker Monday, Welcome February!

Not the best start to the new month around here. Someone stole not one but both of my husband’s ATVs out of the backyard over night. SIGH. I’ll probably be working on this post on and off this morning as we wait. Lots of waiting today.

I woke up early and waited for J to get up for school (clearly not early enough to hear the backyard heist)

He has to wait for the police to return his call. 

Then, wait for an official police report so we can contact our home owner insurance company.

Plus, I’m waiting for G to wake up so we can ask if he heard anything (doubtful as he usually wears headphones while talking to friends at night). However, we do think the thieves rolled the vehicles out of the backyard away from the house so it’s not likely.

SIGH, not my plans for the first Monday of the month.

Let’s just try and get on with planning this first week of a new month. Joining in with Sandra over at Diary Of A Stay At Home Mom.

The Weather

Cloudy and chilly. Upper 20’s out there right now, we’re supposed to hit the mid-30’s today. Warming up all early in the week to around 53 on Wednesday. Then, back down to chilly, cold temperatures we slide. I just hope the sun makes an appearance and soon.

How I Am Feeling This Morning

Lots of mixed emotions. Sad because of what happened. Relieved that J went to school. Motivated to get things done around here despite the bad start. Physically, I don’t feel too bad, slept decent. Maybe too decently? Wish I’d heard something last night and flipped on the lights to stop things.

On My Mind

My husband, he’s as you can imagine quite upset but staying remarkably calm.

On The Breakfast Plate

Working on a sugar-free week so I had an English muffin and scrambled egg instead of my usual choices. Still had coffee and vitamins.

On My Reading Pile

Still stalled out on reading Hamilton by Ron Chernow. Also, tried starting The Little Book of Cottagecore: Traditional Skills for a Simpler Life by Emily Kent. Thinking I’d probably enjoy it in hardcover form, not really getting into it in e-book form. Noticed Brian Freeman has a book titled Infinite on the Amazon Prime First Reads this month. That’s probably going to be my choice for tonight as I know I’ll not have trouble reading this author.

On My TV

Way too much! I watched a bit much over the weekend. Finished all the Marvel timeline movies (forgot how much I despised that ending of Infinity War: End Game). And then, in desperate need of something lighter, I re-watched Frozen. And my husband and I finally got around to watching a few more episodes of Cobra Kai on Netflix. Hoping to do a bit more reading (or something that’s not TV watching) this week. However, I’ll still watch Prodigal Son on Tuesday night and probably something else, just haven’t decided.

On The Menu This Week

I still need to get to the grocery store, the excitement (of a bad kind) from this morning delayed my trip. Keeping it simple this week. Might make changes after my grocery trip.

MONDAY: Roast in the crock pot Forgot to thaw it. Probably going to do chicken sandwiches *J has a baritone lesson at 6:30*

TUESDAY: Roast in the crock pot

WEDNESDAY: BLT’s and French Fries

THURSDAY: Pork chops and sweet potatoes

FRIDAY : Chicken Enchilada Soup *I work 1:30, maybe 7:30 to 5*

From The Camera

Not much to share, only really took bird photos last week (see previous post for those). For fun, from the phone camera, here’s a picture of a picture I liked at Target.  A little too pricey for me currently but maybe if it gains a clearance sticker…


Looking Around The House

It’s not awful but I’m in a clean it up, clear it out kind of mood. Excited that I could get into J’s room and air it out a bit this morning.

New Recipe I Tried Last Week Or One That We Really Enjoyed

Sadly, I was the only fan of the Parmesan Roasted Leeks. J said they tasted like the bad part of onion rings. G said they were way too strong. And my husband refused to try them! More for me. They looked pretty in the beginning stages of cooking. (Forgot to snap a finished photo) And yes, this is another phone photo.

To Relax This Week, I Will

Bundle up and get outside with my camera, drink tea and read a book. Look at beautiful images of nature and cozy spaces from around the world on Instagram.

Something I Want To Share

Songs ever get stuck in your head? Here’s the tune I’ve been singing ever since Sunday afternoon:

Quote For The Week

Hustle and Heart will set you apart. (Alisa Jacobs)



14 Replies to “Happy Homemaker Monday, Welcome February!”

  1. Wow, rough start to the new month for sure!! Sorry this has happened! I hope the rest of your week/month goes better !

    1. Thank you! Looks like one of them might already be located (turns out someone was riding it as a means to try and make a faster get away breaking into other backyards & another neighbor called the police on them last night). Older one though, hoping they also find the one he just purchased in July of 2019.

  2. So sorry to hear about your troubling start to February. I hope the thieves are caught and prosecuted! Frozen is always fun to watch 🙂 Squee for Prodigal Son being on again tomorrow night. Can’t wait! lol Thanks for stopping by 🙂


    1. Thank you! I hope they catch them as well. Definitely time to start thinking about upping the security around here (we have a couple trip lights near the house but I think we’ll be installing some at the far end of the backyard now). Looking forward to escaping for a bit on Tuesday!

  3. Oh no! That’s no way to start your day (let alone a new month). When I was in college, my dad’s pickup was stolen out of our driveway overnight — I remember the stress of dealing with the police, the insurance company, everything. I hope it’s resolved soon!

    1. Thank you. I’ve had a friend (in another state but it happens here, too) that had her car stolen from the driveway. Thankfully, we already have one of them (the older one) back and insurance covers the other. Now, we’re working on upping the security measures in the backyard. Hope your Wednesday is off to a wonderful start!

  4. So sorry about the atvs. I always fear that around my house. We have alot of equipment. But we do have insurance so that’s peace of mind. If someone is going to steal it, they will no matter what. Maybe some motion sensor lights? Maybe they will turn up somewhere. It’s amazing but it happens sometimes.
    Tracy recently posted…The Big 18My Profile

    1. We had motion sensor lights but on the front and by the back deck (though I didn’t know my husband had covered it for the kids in summer, you know those run around flashlight games they like to play, and left it). We’ll definitely be adding more lights soon, I think. One of them already turned up so that’s good news. They were using it to rob another neighbor’s backyard and he chased them off and called the police. It was the older one so we’re currently still out the brand new one. Staying positive though.

  5. So sorry you guys are dealing with that. I can’t stand people who steal. Good luck with your sugar free week! I don’t know that I could do that. Hope your week gets better!
    Rachel recently posted…Life lately…My Profile

    1. Thank you! I’m trying to do the sugar free week from memory based on a challenge I did a few years ago (couldn’t find her blog again, think she moved on). It let you have a little sugar the first 2 days as long as it was under 5 grams and a square of dark chocolate for emergencies (LOL). I was surprised how well I did yesterday considering all the stress of the morning. Today’s grocery store day so we’ll see if I can avoid the temptations of the teenager snacks I’ll most likely purchase. Hope you have a great week!

    1. Thank you. I generally try to think most people are good (I still do) but things like that make me pause and ask that same question. We (the police) located one ATV and the insurance is covering the other (it was brand new as of 2019 so our hopes of it being found are not high), not all bad news. Been a busy 2 days of the week, feel like I’m finally back to starting my week and making progress on my “normal” Monday things. Hope your week is going great so far!

  6. Oh Sweetie!
    I’m so sorry about the theft. That’s crazy!! I hope you’ll have a happy update about them next week. 🙏
    I have been watching too much tv too. And I’m feeling in the zone to purge, clean, organize…so trying to really roll with that mojo and knock out more projects.
    Yay on the healthy eating plan! I’m trying to work on all things health too. Hang in there dear Jean! I believe better days ahead in every way. Blessings. xo
    Carrie@northwoods scrapbook recently posted…Happy Homemaker MondayMy Profile

    1. Thank you. Didn’t watch any tv pretty much all day yesterday except the news & Name That Tune later at night. Of course, I didn’t get much done either so I’m not sure what I did other than not watch as much TV. Ha. I think it’s that time of year for the cleaning and purging and trying to get healthy again. Hope you’re having a great week!
