Happy Homemaker Tuesday, A Second Rainy Day!

After a week of nothing but working and watering the garden (last week wiped me out), it’s been raining on and off since the super early (middle of the night Sunday) yesterday morning. We needed it so bad. And if you are still somewhere with the crazy heat wave, I hope some rain and cooler temperatures find you soon.

At some point, I’m hoping to get back into a better blogging routine. For now, I’m just happy today for a few minutes to join in with Sandra over at Diary Of A Stay At Home Mom for the Happy Homemaker Monday link up. And of course, catch up with all of you!

The Weather

Not to brag but did I mention it rained yesterday? And today! And maybe even tomorrow. Yesterday’s high was mid 70’s. It’s still cool and comfortable today. As much as I love my summer weather, even I was getting a bit sick of highs in the upper 90’s and 100 with higher heat index values.

As I Look Outside My Window

I’m in the basement so I can’t see anything through the window as it has the privacy film on it. However, I’m glad the flying ant thing on the inside of it seems to have found somewhere else to go as it was making me rather nervous.

Right Now I Am

Spending some time on this post instead of going to Target like I need to be doing (no, I really do need things there today).

Thinking And Pondering

If I watch the news I feel kind of down about here and everywhere and everything. Yet, when I went to the store yesterday in the beautiful rain, I overheard a woman offering to bring up the car for a stranger (I know I wanted to be suspicious as well but could just tell it was nothing but a kindness offered to an older woman who clearly had walking difficulties). One of my favorite door/parking lot people (not sure his exact job title) told me a funny joke as I left (I don’t offend easy so apologies if this offends anyone: What does congress think Roe v Wade actually is? Two ways to cross the Rio Grand. HA!)

How I Am Feeling

She’s been on a terror waking us up to go outside in the middle of the night lately. She looks as sleepy here as I’ve felt lately.


Much better than yesterday. I didn’t sleep well Sunday night and slept on my wrist so it hurt all day yesterday. Amazing what a decent night of sleep does for the mind and the body.

On The Breakfast Plate

I made waffles and bacon this morning so J could have a decent breakfast prior to band music camp. Plus, I had coffee.

On The Lunch Plate

Spaghetti. It’s what we had for dinner last night.

On The Dinner Plate

Some form of tacos. Maybe taco salads.

What I’m Wearing Today

Orange Ponca City, Oklahoma t-shirt, jean shorts, and my leopard print slip on shoes.

On My Reading Pile

After Carrie from Northwoods Scrapbook mentioned the Enchanted Mystrery garden books by Bailey Cattrell, I knew I needed to read those. Requested them from the library and absolutely loved them. Really wish there were more than 3 books in the series. Last night I finished up Rock, Paper, Scissors by Alice Feeney. A pretty creepy novel that would be good for Halloween time, I think.

On My TV

Doctor Who, still have one season left of the Peter Capaldi doctor, I think. Over the weekend, I binge-watched a series called Dark Winds on AMC+ that was pretty good, just 6 episodes so perfect to watch on a day when it was too hot to do much else.

Started watching Ted Lasso on Apple Tv. Always skeptical of the overly hyped shows but this one is hilarious. And, Better Call Saul started back so watching that as well.

On My Menu This Week

The heat wave had me craving fall comfort foods (or maybe just the weather for them?) but with absolutely no desire to cook at all. This week is staying pretty basic as we’re going on a short trip starting Thursday. G has to work so will stay here holding down the fort.

MONDAY: We had spaghetti *J has music/band camp 8-4* *J had a baritone lesson at 6:30*

TUESDAY: Tacos *J has music/band camp 8-4* *J has an appt for a physical, new band requirement, at 5*

WEDNESDAY: Roast in the crock pot *J has music/band camp 8-4* *I have work training 1-2:45*

THURSDAY: Out of Town

FRIDAY: Out of Town

Looking Around The House

I’ve let go of the dream of leaving a spotless house when we leave on Thursday. I’ll focus on the house next week.

On My To Do List

  1. Go to Target. Need to get a card/gift for a retiring teacher
  2. Fill the car with gas, was hoping to wait until we left for our trip but the little illuminated gas pump says I better go ahead and do it today
  3. Make a loose itinerary for our trip
  4. Pay bills
  5. Other stuff that I’ll think of later

From The Camera

(all pictures probably from last week or the week before)

Quote For The Week

Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. (Philippians 4:6)



8 Replies to “Happy Homemaker Tuesday, A Second Rainy Day!”

  1. Good morning Jean, I’m just now coming around to say hi to everyone. Glad to see you have rain and cooler temps. I hear ya, I’m sick of the triple digits and we’ve no rain for so long, would love a huge downpour at some point.

    As always I enjoy all your photos 🙂

    Hope you have a blessed week,

    1. Yes, the rain has been so nice and we’re on our 3rd day of it. Now, we’ve gone to heat advisories to possible flood warnings in places (not near us though it may impact our trip plans a bit). I do hope you get some rain and very soon. When my brother was up here from south Texas a couple weeks ago, he said they weren’t allowed to water anything but gardens. Hope you have a wonderful Wednesday and rest of your week!

  2. Hello there, my friend. Yes. This rain is so very welcome, isn’t it? Thank you for the book recommendation! I am always looking for books to read around Halloween! I have been reading an autumn cookbook and marking recipes. I hope you have a good remainder of the week! They pass so quickly!

    1. Still enjoying the rain on our 3rd day of it. I was a little worried about leaving my 21 year old son in charge of watering the garden while we were gone and now I won’t have to worry about it at all. Hopefully, it will help the garden grow great and not turn it into a huge weedy mess. Maybe both. I find myself kind of in the mood for autumn this year which is a bit odd. Speaking of books, I noticed the Enchanted Garden author writes under another name, Bailey Cates and has a magical bakery mystery series, the first one titled Brownies and Broomsticks. Maybe a fun (and not so creepy) read for fall as well. Hope your Wednesday and rest of the week is amazing!

  3. Hello beautiful Friend!
    I’m so glad you got some rain and cooler temps – yay!
    And I’m with you on the news can make me so sad…but I still see kindness around me every day and try to be part of that myself. When Matt moved here – I loved that it’s one of the things he’s observed as he said, ‘Everyone around here is so nice!’ 😊
    I adored Ted Lasso and it just made my soul happy. And I love the Roe v Wade joke! 😂
    Love your pretty flower pics. 😍 Have a blessed rest of the week xoxo

    1. We’re still getting rain and cool temps today! Supposed to go back to hot (normal hot though) next week. Aw, it’s always so nice when kindness is noticed 🙂 By the way, I finally watched CODA as well last night. What a great movie! And I can see why Annie is such a fan of the actor who played the brother 😉 Hope you have a wonderful Thursday and super happy weekend!

  4. So glad you’re getting the rain and cooler temperatures! We’ve been in triple-digit temps for two solid weeks now and everything is so dry, but it looks like we’re finally going to get a break, too. In fact, I woke up to rain this morning and the next few days are supposed to be much cooler. I’m so thankful! Your menus look great and I hope you got everything done that you needed to before leaving on your trip. Enjoy it and have a great rest of the week! 🙂

    1. Hope you had a few days of rain. I guess we had another day of rain while we were across the state in Saint Louis, we arrived just after the flooding cleared. The weather there was beautiful but I guess we’re back to heat indexes near the 100’s this week. Hope your week is off to a great start. Hoping to catch up with a lot of blogging tomorrow afternoon (agreed to work tomorrow morning, needing a dose of preschool magic :))
