Happy Homemaker Tuesday, One Day Late

Not really a surprise anymore that I’m a day late with my Happy Homemaker Monday post. It’s just started off to be that kind of a week.

Worked yesterday so it does feel a bit as though my week is starting today. Let’s just get straight to the categories.

Don’t forget to check out the Happy Homemaker Link Up over at Diary Of A Stay At Home Mom.

The Weather

Something *finally* woke up spring or perhaps summer decided to take a trial run. Dare I say it was a little hot yesterday? Hot and windy, really windy. Today is also going to be warm, predicted high of 82, but maybe not so windy. Good chances of rain tonight into tomorrow. Then, it looks like a decent weekend with highs in the upper 70s. Sold, I’ll take it!

How I Am Feeling This Morning

Still trying to shake off yesterday’s mood. Been in such a funk lately. Work was okay, I was mostly in the preprimary class but it was the outdoor picnic day (postponed Earth day celebration) so it wasn’t bad. However, home was just frustrating. I’ll just leave it at that. Bit frazzled over all the things I should do today and all the things I want to do today. A bit of overlap on some of them.

On The Breakfast Plate

Lemon meringue pie yogurt, coffee, and vitamins.

On My Reading Pile

I just started in on Confessions on the 7:45 by Lisa Unger and it’s very good so far. Read a couple of David Bell books last week, not bad just not my favorites. Characters aren’t very likeable in his books. Good for low concentration reading. Books were The Request and Since She Went Away. If you have a choice between a book by Lisa Unger and David Bell, go with Lisa Unger, so much better.

On My TV

I’ll watch Prodigal Son tonight. Might see if we have a streaming service where I can watch Debris from the beginning. Always catch glimpses of it and think it looks interesting. Movies I watched over the weekend: Souls (very good, I’d watch it again!), Green Lantern (with my husband, I’d seen it before and slept through the end, it’s probably one of the worst super hero movies out there), and King Arthur: Legend of the Sword (Really enjoyed this one! Charlie Hunnam plays King Arthur and Jude Law plays King Vortigern, longer movie but worth watching, definitely not the Disney version of things, it’s on HBO Max).

On The Menu

Being in a funk equates to not having a great menu plan.

MONDAY: I was ticked off at the family and left them to their own devices, personally I ate chips and salsa plus a balanced break thing with nuts and pepper jack cheese cubes *I worked 8:15-3:30*

TUESDAY: Grilled Chicken Legs (probably going to just marinate them in some Italian dressing), salad

WEDNESDAY: Pork Chops (I’m going to grill them tonight), baked potatoes, salad *MNO!!*

THURSDAY: Stuffed peppers or spaghetti depending on mood/weather

FRIDAY: OUT or leftovers *J has an appointment at 4*

Looking Around The House

I’d rather be outside. It needs a good straighten and cleaning especially the kitchen (going to have a discussion about this with the teenagers)

To Relax This Week I Will

Work in the garden areas planting flowers. Maybe set up some fairy gardens. Go for a walk. Try to clean and clear out the house, want to redecorate a bit.

Something I’d Like To Share

How about something a little positive? My husband made me a raised garden bed using an old box springs we removed from J’s room.

Needs one more layer of soil. Not sure what we’re going to plant yet, maybe tomatoes here and something else over in the garden.

From The Camera


Quote For The Week

“Nothing is worth more than this day. You cannot relive yesterday. Tomorrow is still beyond your reach.”
(Johann Wolfgang von Goethe)


What do you do to get out of a funk?



6 Replies to “Happy Homemaker Tuesday, One Day Late”

  1. Oh, I know the feeling of being in a funk very well. I had a few days like that last week – it’s like nothing aligned right. I do feel that getting out and going for a walk and just being in nature helps. And honestly? Chips and salsa don’t sound like a bad idea, either, LOL! Hoping your week improves!
    Carol Bancroft recently posted…Happy Homemaker Monday, April 26, 2021My Profile

    1. Maybe it was the full moon rising? (Wait is that a song?) I do feel better (though tired) today after time spent outside and some time visiting with friends in person. Hope you have a great weekend!

    1. Thank you! I actually spent some time planting flowers in the rain yesterday until it was too heavy and I had to come inside. My week was better though I’m looking forward to the weekend (mostly to being outside again). Hope you have a great Thursday and a wonderful weekend.
