Happy Homemaker Tuesday, Snow Day!

A day late with my post (same year, same timing of my posts!) after I ended up working yesterday. We’re in the midst of a predicted winter storm over here and today I have a snow day! Wasn’t scheduled to work but it’s still exciting to have a snow day.

Time to join in with Sandra over at Diary Of A Stay At Home Mom and plan this week.

The Weather

It’s snowing! Not that cold, at least not yet. It’s mostly in the 30’s for the next two days. Then, we’re due to get some kind of cold front that puts the temperatures down into the 20’s. Oh, and with a chance of more snow Friday into Saturday. The forecast for the Chiefs game this weekend: Mostly cloudy with a high of 15 degrees (and that’s one of the more generous predictions I’ve seen). Winter is here. The weird thing is I’m not even upset. I’ve missed it the past few  years. (That outlook subject to change, of course)

As I Look Outside My Window

Hard to see, this is out the front window, but big fat snowflakes were falling (probably still are, I’m in the basement with no view to work on my post).

Right Now

Working on this post, rewashing the laundry I forgot (oops), and trying not to think about all the cleaning chores awaiting me upstairs.

Thinking and Pondering

Not too much, I’m in a just kind of go with the flow mood this morning.

How I am Feeling

Not too bad though I did wake up with a slight headache. It seems to be going away, thinking I just needed some caffeine from my coffee. *UPDATE: between the computer going slow and the cat being fussy, knocking things over, I’m feeling a bit frustrated as I’ve been working on this post for over an hour now (with breaks to do things like start dinner in the crock pot)

On the Breakfast Plate

Maple and brown sugar oatmeal, sausage patty, vitamins, and coffee.

On the Lunch Plate


On The Dinner Plate

I planned on roast but forgot to thaw it so I guess I am pondering if I still want to have that for dinner. UPDATE: I decided to go ahead and make the roast.

On The Menu

Would you believe I got up and went to the store by 6:15 A.M. yesterday after getting called into work? I had to be at work at 8 and knew I didn’t want to go after work even though my husband said it would just be raining. It was not raining after work, snow started at about noon yesterday. Glad I went.

MONDAY: Chicken strips and sweet potato fries (all frozen stuff) *I worked 8-4:30*

TUESDAY: Roast in the crock pot

WEDNESDAY: Maybe pork chops? *I work 1-3:45*


FRIDAY: spicy potato soup

Not sure I’ll stick to the above menu, we’ll see what ideas I can get out of the rest of them.

What I Am Wearing Today

Snow day uniform:

Pink leopard print pajamas/loungewear…top is more like a hoodie and bottoms have pockets though I probably wouldn’t wear this outfit to the grocery store. Add in black and white fuzzy socks.

On My Reading Pile

Finished some good ones over the weekend: Pretty Things by Janelle Brown, I don’t think I’d read anything from her before so I’ve requested more. Prior to that I read It Girl by Ruth Ware, her books have yet to disappoint me. Ruth Ware’s book was a thriller, of course. Not sure how I’d classify Pretty Things, not really a hard core thriller but still exciting and interesting. One of those makes you think about the social media kind of books.

On My TV This Week

I did enjoy that new Rob Lowe game show, The Floor, last week so I’ll probably watch it again. Not really sure what else, need a new show to watch. Mentioned in Saturday’s post, we watched The Creator and Leave the World Behind over the weekend, both were decent movies. I’ve picked up the Leave the World Behind book from the library to compare. Oh, and of course, I watched and will watch the Chiefs game!

Looking Around the House

Just a few Christmas things I’ve yet to put away included in the usual mess. Kitchen table needs serious attention as does pretty much everywhere else.

On My To Do List

I’m not even sure, let’s see

  1. Figure out what is going on with this computer!
  2. Clean the house/laundry
  3. Pay bills
  4. Clean out fridge/freezer
  5. Go outside and play in the snow (before it gets crazy cold)

    Snowman from my walk on Sunday, not my creation

From The Camera

I did go on a walk Sunday while there was a bit of sunshine and before the snow moved into our area. A few photos sprinkled into the post up above as well. Thank you to Aritha for the idea to take a picture of the sun while it was there:

Sun reflected in a pond at the nature center


Look at the shimmer on the ice:

Quote for the Week

God spoke today in flowers, and I, who was waiting on words, almost missed the conversation.
(Ingrid Goff-Maidoff)





12 Replies to “Happy Homemaker Tuesday, Snow Day!”

    1. Oh no, freezing rain on top (or underneath) snow is not good. Hope you stayed safe! Have a great rest of your week!

  1. Hello! Yay! A snow day! It sure is beautiful! We watched The Floor too. I liked it, but I can’t get past Rob Lowe as that loser in that eighties movie. LOL! Have a cozy week. My Steelers are playing The Bills. I think I know how that will go!

    1. Yes, the snow was so pretty yesterday and the’re predicting more of it for both Thursday/Friday and Sunday as well! I do like the snow but am not so excited for the super cold snap coming with the second batch of it. Oh, now I am trying to think what movie….St.Elmo’s Fire? Ha. I’ll be pulling for your Steelers as they’ve been my back up team for years dating back to the 70’s with Terry Bradshaw (The Chiefs were so awful back in the mid 70’s that the Steelers weren’t even my back up team, LOL). Hope your week is going wonderfully so far!

    1. Hope you are staying safe and enjoying your snow day! That wind is the hard part, we had some pretty large tree branches on the ground yesterday afternoon. Have a great rest of your week!

  2. Hello Dearest!
    Wow what beautiful pics! I love your pj’s too. So cute!! Totally something I would wear too – but not to the grocery store either. Lol
    Feels kind of good to be back to “real” life – but haven’t taken decorations down yet. Enjoying the holiday feel a bits longer.
    Blessings on the rest of your week! xoxo

    1. Thank you! I actually have some Christmas decorations lingering around here as well though I think today might be the day. I did take the Merry Christmas and tree decorations off the bulletin board in the classroom at work yesterday. Left an undecorated tree with snowflakes around it. (hoping the regular teacher wasn’t too upset about that today as I forgot to leave her a note about doing it) Hope you’ve had a great week, can’t believe the weekend is already here. Hope you are getting ready for a great one!

  3. I love the snow pictures! We had a little bit but it is already melted. They are saying we should get some this weekend, I just hope it sticks! Love the bird picture as well! He’s so cute! Hope you are having a great week!

    1. Thank you! Our snow didn’t melt and we’re getting a bit more today though not the fluffy fun kind as our super cold weather is moving into the area. Hope your week was wonderful. Happy weekend!

    1. Thank you! The snow is still there though not on the trees like that and not quite as pretty now that cars and footprints have been through it all.
