Happy Homemaker Victory Monday

Well, if you follow football in any miniscule amount, you know how I must start my post today.

How ’bout those……


They are Super Bowl bound for the 3rd time in four seasons! Hopefully for a win.

Cincinnati played a good game and to say this city is still on the edge of our seats/running on pure adrenaline this morning might be an understatement. I’ll try not to be too obnoxious during my post today but make no promises.

However, I know not everyone including some in my own family are sports fans so let’s get to the task at hand. Time to plan the week by linking up with Sandra over at Diary Of A Stay At Home Mom.

The Weather 

Saturday afternoon

Good thing we have the excitement of a victory to keep us warm today. The weather on its own is cold. It’s cloudy and 12 degrees right now. The wind chill was negative 2 when I took J to school earlier (hey, another victory there. J went to school today!).  Not supposed to snow or anything, cold to start the week but by Saturday, temperatures back in the 50’s. Welcome inside the pinball machine of weather that is the Midwest in winter.

As I Look Outside My Window

Nothing as I’m in the basement. However, outside the car window this morning I did spot a skunk at the end of our road this morning.

Right Now

Working on this post and trying to warm up a bit. Might need to take a break for another few sips of coffee.

Thinking And Pondering

If I want to send flowers for a family birthday I completely forgot. It’s one of those sticky family situations where a missed card will be interpreted wrong. Despite it being a completely innocent slipped my mind kind of thing. I’ll probably send the flowers just to keep the peace and because this person isn’t in the best of health. Better to send flowers to the living while they can enjoy them. Well, that got rather morbid. Let’s move on back to happier things.

On My Bedside Table

Currently, my camera bag. I discovered I need to charge the battery so photos in this post are either from the weekend or my cell phone.

On My TV Today

Probably a few more episodes of Jack Ryan (season 3) on Amazon prime while finishing up the laundry.

Listening To

It’s quiet right now though I hear G stirring upstairs getting ready for his class. I heard this on the radio while driving home from dropping J off at school:

Just the “welcome to the red kingdom part.” Imagine I’ll be hearing it a lot (more) the next couple of weeks as the DJ on my local station likes to play that clip.

On The Lunch Plate

Not really sure. Here’s a random picture of a donut from yesterday. Should probably eat something healthier today.

On The Dinner Plate

I’ve been craving minestrone soup. Thinking I’ll cut the recipe in half and pull some grilled chicken out of the freezer for the ones who aren’t soup fans. Plus garlic bread.

On The Menu This Week

Mini Aussie pies weren’t a huge hit (a last-minute menu change)
and it turns out, kiwi is also not a huge favorite here


MONDAY: minestrone soup, grilled chicken, garlic bread *J has a baritone lesson at 6:30*

TUESDAY: pork chops, baked potatoes

WEDNESDAY: Quick chicken sandwiches (frozen chicken patties in freezer), French fries, green beans maybe? *J has an appt at 2*

THURSDAY: Pepper steak, rice

FRIDAY: maybe waffles? clean out the freezer night?

SATURDAY: Out with friends

On My Reading Pile

Started reading This Place of Wonder by Barbara O’Neal late last night right before bed. Not very far into it.

Last week I finished reading A Conjuring of Light by V.E. Schwab, the 3rd and final book in her Shades of Magic series. Gave it a kinder star rating than it probably deserved. Well-written, yes. Did she answer any of the pressing questions about the history of the main characters? No. Some of it felt like a “who shot J.R.?” ending so like I said, maybe not so well-written and a kinder star rating than it deserved.

The other book I read was a quick one from a “skip the line” library loan called Piranesi by Susanna Clarke. It was delightfully weird and I enjoyed it. Weird parallel universe stuff and a likeable main character. Quick references to a few favorite books/tv shows.

On My To Do List

Pretty much the usual at this point: laundry, clean the house, grocery store, Target (out of cat food)

Other random things:

  1. Figure out what husband wants to do for his birthday next week
  2. We’re doing a Galentines MNO next week so need to figure out small gifts for that
  3. Clean out my purse
  4. Plant lemon seeds in small pot I bought a couple weeks back

Plans This Week

This is (hopefully) a slow week before next week where I have MNO, husband’s birthday, and a work day. Other than having to take J a few places and figuring out things for next week, not much on the agenda. We do have our dinner out with friends on Saturday so I’m looking forward to that.

What I’m Creating

Hoping to create a small lemon plant. Will it grow into a tree? Who knows. Will the grocery store ever drop the price on their small Meyer Lemon trees? Apparently not. SIGH. (G put my small meyer lemon tree outside when it was too cold in the fall and it never recovered. I’d bought it on clearance at the grocery store for $10 bucks in 2021. Now they cost $40).

My Simple Pleasure

Attempting and sometimes succeeding at growing vegetables, plants, and flowers.

Lesson Learned This Past Week

To slow down, wait, and listen. So much more but the words aren’t there this morning.

Looking Around The House

Not awful if I don’t look at the kitchen table or the couch in the living room.

From The (Phone) Camera 

On My Prayer List 

Friends, family, strangers. Anyone who has no choice but to be outside in today’s cold weather. J to have a good day at school as well as good week and be back on track with things. My father-in-law’s wife who is recovering from chemo. Friends struggling with loss during the long winter months.

Quote For The Week

The most important of the Lord’s work you will ever do will be the work you do within the walls of your own home. (Harold B. Lee)




day 30/365




12 Replies to “Happy Homemaker Victory Monday”

  1. Your menu sounds delicious.
    And I really like your green plant.
    Good luck with the lemon!
    Have a blessed week!

    1. Thank you! I never used to have luck with green plants but this one’s been pretty kind to me. Hoping the lemon seeds sprout. I do miss the citrus fragrance. Hope you have a wonderful week as well!

  2. Glad you’re starting the week out right with a win! Go KC!! Send the KIWI my way – one of my favorites! We all have one of “those” family members – send the flowers (be the bigger person) to keep the peace and in the end give yourself peace. 😀 ABSOLUTELY GORGEOUS photo! Have a great week!

    1. Thank you! Oh, I wish I could send the kiwi to you AND I’d throw in some pomegranate seeds. Turns out I like the flavor and the juice but the seeds (or whatever they’re called), not so much. Sent the flowers, definitely worth the peace. Hope you have a great week as well!

  3. Hi Jean!
    The book Atomic Habits is so good, I highly recommend it. It is a book I will use my highlighter in the second go around. Your donut looked, while I am all about health and wellness, a yummy donut never hurt anything once in awhile…tee hee!!!
    You are so sweet to send flowers, I think you should 🙂 I love your plants so much. I have a Christmas cactus myself
    Your Friend,

    1. I’ll have to add it my library request list. My son gave me the Christmas cactus for Christmas a couple of years ago and I’m really enjoying it. Hope your Monday has went well!

  4. I only enjoy soccer, so don’t follow football, but am so happy for you and your team’s victory. Good luck!

    Your menu sounds yummy as always. Your plants are beautiful, and I just really enjoy catching up with your blog. Have a blessed week Jean ♥

    1. Thank you so much for such kind words! I used to love watching my boys play soccer when they were younger. We have a pro soccer team here (Sporting KC) and I’d love to go to a game sometime. Try to watch it when they are on tv/in season. Hope you are having a great week so far!

  5. Hello dear Friend!
    I’m so happy for you and your team. 😉 I was rooting for them in your honor.
    I need more plants around this house. I’ve been trying to get some leaves off of the one really healthy plant I have to sprout roots in some water – but it’s taking forever so maybe it won’t work? 😂 Or maybe I just plant them in some dirt and hope for the best.
    Love your pics of the lovely things you grow my dear. And I love all the KC colors through your post – clever donuts! Have a wonderful week ahead! xoxo

    1. Thank you! It was an exciting Sunday evening for sure. I was happy to get to see the game instead of listen on the radio (though I do love our radio announcers and turned them on in the kitchen while I was making dinner). My indoor green plant abilities seem to come in waves. Ha. Probably depends on the plant, dirt might work better. Hope you have a wonderful rest of your week!

  6. “Thank you for your beautiful blog and super interesting photos. I love indoor plants, so you made me happy. And birthdays, we all forget things sometimes but it can be seen as a bad thing. We need to be so careful sometimes. How was your week otherwise? It’s already Thursday now. I’m a bit late in responding, due to the passing of my father-in-law, but I still managed to read your blog post 🙂

    1. I’m so very sorry for the loss of your father-in-law. Thank you for taking time to read my blog post and share your kind words. It’s been a pretty nice week here complete with really nice weather.
