Hawk in Flight

It’s been a pretty lazy Saturday over here. And in continuing with that theme, I’m not going to share too much narrative (have to share a little bit) and just add a few bird-watching photos tonight.

Hawk in Flight

It seems a couple of crows might be looking into real estate near our backyard. Not sure they’ve decided though. I took these photos after watching a crow attempt to chase this hawk from our backyard area. The crow seemed mildly successful. Unfortunately, I didn’t get any photos of the crow chasing the hawk or even the crow.

Too Many Starlings!

A large group of European starlings passed through (hoping they’ve moved on to somewhere else) the front and backyards during the course of the week. The tree in the front yard was full of them. They are both loud and messy (my son’s car is now in desperate need of a wash) birds. Here’s a glimpse of just 3 of them in a tree.


And to end with something a little happier, here’s a view of one of many robins that have also decided our area is primo real estate. I don’t mind the robins as much.

What birds have you seen this week?



2 Replies to “Hawk in Flight”

  1. Hello, Jean! I enjoyed your bird pictures. I’ve been having a lot of goldfinches, house finches, chickadees, tufted titmice, and cardinals at the feeders, as well as a variety of hawks on the drive between here and work. I’ve seen a lot of crows, starlings, and blackbirds, too. The coolest bird I’ve seen in the last week is a couple of American bald eagles. I hope you’re having a good week. For some reason I’m not getting your posts in my emails anymore. :'(

    1. Thank you! I’d love to see some eagles! We went on a chase to see some a week ago but were too late. Maybe I’ll get up to the Loess Bluffs again in March, always lots of eagles there. I was excited to see a couple of bluebirds yesterday when I went for a walk. Did you get a bunch of snow down that way? About 7 inches or so here. Wonder why my posts aren’t coming in your email? Always something with a blog, isn’t it? Hope you have a wonderful weekend and are staying safe and warm if the storm is hitting down there as well.
