It Makes Perfect Sense

Just a short one today. Not so sure how well I’m doing with the wellness thing this week.

It makes perfect sense to fill this with Easter candy when trying not to eat so many sweets, right?

And it makes perfect sense to be making a cake using Peeps Pepsi when trying to accomplish the same goals does it not?

What? It does not.

Well, at least we’re having a chicken and spinach skillet for dinner. Perhaps the spinach will cancel out some of the candies and sweets? I can only hope.

This morning’s breakfast was a flip yogurt due to time constraints of getting to work. Need to plan out making the shakes the night before on work mornings. Can’t quite bring myself to wake the family with a blender at 7 AM. And today’s scale number was not in the right direction, see above, reason: candy consumption.

A few positives to end my post:

  • work was nice, a kid who seldom connects with me gave me a picture (“an invitation to my birthday and my house”)
  • I bought new tennis shoes, old ones had a hole in them
  • Finally picked up bird seed and a little pot of my favorite spring flowers (pics soon)
  • Took J for a driving lesson
  • Had a nap (We’re not going to call it a sugar crash)

Sometimes it’s better to focus on the sweet things in life that aren’t tempting things like jelly beans, Hershey’s cookies and creme eggs (I don’t even like white chocolate but these are so good and addictive),  and Reese’s peanut butter filled easter eggs.


Day 93/365

4 Replies to “It Makes Perfect Sense”

    1. They are a great combo unless of course, you are trying to cut down on the sweets. Then again, what is holiday time for if not sweet candy and naps? Hope you’re having a great Easter weekend!

  1. I love sweets too, especially milk chocolate. And I like white chocolate too.
    I love that you work with kids. I would have loved to do that.

    1. Yes, I think my watching my weight would go better if the sweets tasted like cauliflower. I came late to the discovery that I loved working with preschool kids (I’ll pass on any age above about 3rd grade) but now it’s hard to imagine doing anything else.
