Letting Myself Post Without A Photo

I read somewhere long ago that blog posts should always have a photo attached. Ever since then, I’ve struggled to post just text. Even the text had to have a Pinterest worthy sharing type button.

Not today. Tomorrow, there will be photos again, I promise. If I’m not too exhausted to post after a 4 hour work day. No promises that there will actually be a post tomorrow. So I suppose I should say my next post will have photos again.

Today I’m off work and letting myself have a slow day as I go about completing a few tasks.

Things I’ve done so far today:

  1. Cleaned up my email of unread messages and deal offers, unsubscribed from a newsletter that was too “go-getter” for my current state of mind.
  2. Laundry
  3. Slowly stacked my Christmas sweaters/pajamas/socks on a section of the bed to put away until next year
  4. Unpacked the regular coffee cups and packed away my Christmas mugs
  5. Put a few items of clothing in my donation box AND discovered a dress from long ago, forgotten in the back of the closet. It’s something I could easily wear to work/casually so I’m excited about it.
  6. Taken a coffee break at the cat’s insistence.
  7. Put away quite a few “hang to dry” clothes that’ve been dry for weeks
  8. Let myself use the Swagbucks points on myself. (I ordered a Google play card for my silly phone game)
  9. Fed the birds
  10. Brought the recycle bin back up from the curb

Not a bad list of accomplishments prior to noon for an unrushed day off work. And not a timer in sight!

Why I’m No Longer Using A Timer for Cleaning

Back when I first started blogging with my So Not Organized blog I was always singing the praises of using a timer. And almost all in on the Flylady system. Remember I even tried it again not too long ago as a 31 Days project (I don’t think I made it the full 31 days).

However, I’ve made the most amazing discovery recently. I do better at the tortoise pace in the race than that of the hare. Setting a timer stresses me out. While I don’t mind jumping from task to task while cleaning/organizing so as not to get bored, sometimes, I want to finish my project and not stop when an arbitrary timer tells me to do so.

Plus, it all gets done in the end no matter what pace. And if it doesn’t, believe me the dishes/laundry do indeed wait for any man/woman in the end.

And Now A Quick Short Rant

It’s the time of year when the all the organizing/cleaning blogs, actually all blogs that aren’t simple day of life ones, want to sell me subscriptions and systems. And they always try to hook you with that free download. Sometimes the downloads are nice and sometimes they make me roll my eyes (probably because I’ve been around long enough to go, they got me…this is common sense!).

I get that these bloggers are trying to run their blogs as a business and make money (I think that’s what did in the personal blogging day to day connections we all crave but that’s a rant for another time) but seriously, unless Hoarders is setting up cameras outside your door, you do NOT need to spend almost $100 (or more) on any systems that tell you how to clean your house/plan your meals/organize your life.

Just do a bit of Internet research/trial & error and find what works for you and your family.

*rant over*

How I’m Spending the Rest of My Day

  • Getting dinner together (need to marinate pepper steak)
  • Going for a walk later (I hope)
  • Putting away a bit more of the lingering Christmas
  • Reading in my book (The It Girl by Ruth Ware, really good so far!)
  • Doing whatever other housekeeping tasks catch my eye
  • Keeping an eye on the weather (looks and feels a bit promising for the first snowfall of 2024)

How are you spending your Thursday?


2 Replies to “Letting Myself Post Without A Photo”

  1. I worked 4 hours today, made a grocery run, have steak marinating, fed chickens and goats, fed ducks, carried in firewood, swept and mopped dining room and kitchen, and written my blog post for the day. I plan to go through the closet soon.

    1. Sounds like you accomplished quite a bit on your Thursday! Hope your weekend is going wonderfully so far!
