Happy May! Happy Homemaker Monday

Happy May! I’m excited to start a new month and move toward summer. At the same time, I’m acknowledging that I’m tired. The first part of this year (or maybe last year entirely) wore me down. Hoping that things continue to edge even more toward normal as spring continues and summer begins.

Happy May!

Before I begin this week, I want to say I’m very sorry I didn’t get a chance to visit everyone last week. Hopefully, I’ll get by and visit and comment with all of you this week. Now, let’s move on to the present week.

Linking up as always with Sandra over at Diary Of A Stay At Home Mom. Be sure and visit for some homemaking inspiration!

The Weather

Happy May!

It’s spring and again, Happy May! Welcome to the unpredictable weather season (more than normal). This morning, chilly and looked like rain. Now, the sun is starting to stream through this basement window. It’s supposed to be in the 70’s today and then, a cold front with rain and low 60’s for temps moves through. Will that happen? Who knows. I just enjoy the warm sunny days as they arrive.

How I’m Feeling This Morning

Happy May!

I’m in the mood to just spend all my time (and money, ha!) outside working in the garden areas. Trying not to feel too guilty about turning down a last minute request to go into work. Already had my day sort of planned out though. Working very hard on telling myself that even if I have plans to just be with myself, those plans also count. Also, need to do some things with J today as he’s home from school again.

On The Breakfast Plate

A bit different today, scrambled eggs with sausage, toast, coffee, and vitamins. Hopping back on the carb cycling bike, I think. Was very sad about missing my toast until I remembered I could have a few carbs with breakfast. Need to re-read the book. We’ll see how it goes.

On My Reading Pile

Last week, I finished Girl A by Abigail Dean. It was one of my holds at the library. Really, I’d hoped for more. It just wasn’t my thing. I’m also on and off reading but I’ve started picking it up more lately, When Less Becomes More by Emily Ley. It’s a “real” book and I tend to do more reading on my phone lately. Though I do love the feel of “real” books.  Finally, I’ve just started Reluctantly Home by Imogen Clark. Since I’ve enjoyed all her books very much, I have high hopes for it.

On My TV

With the exception of Prodigal Son because of it’s dark humor, I’m finding I need lighter viewing. Watched Moana on Saturday afternoon. And J and I started re-watching Phineas and Ferb, one of our favorites. Probably going to watch The Masked Singer on Wednesday night.

On The Menu

Trying to keep things simple as the weather warms up (well, maybe) and to make it easy with my unpredictable schedule.

MONDAY: Stuffed Peppers, salad

TUESDAY: *Cinco de Mayo* Steak and Chicken Fajitas, peppers *I work 7:45-4:15*

WEDNESDAY: Waffles, bacon, sausage, fruit

THURSDAY: Copycat Chik-Fil-A, French Fries

FRIDAY: Some type of pizza (homemade, frozen, or OUT)

Looking Around The House

Well, it’s starting to look pretty outside of it. Getting closer to getting the porch flowers done.

Happy May!

SIGH. I need to straighten and clean quite a bit inside the house.

To Relax This Week, I Will

Happy May!
I moved my columbine to the west side of the house and it gave me an encore blooming. Think it approved of the move!

You’ll probably find me outside working on the flower garden areas. Or dreaming of landscaping projects. Reading some magazines or my books. Practicing with the camera (I can tell from the amount of blurry photos I’m taking that I’ve not picked it up enough recently).

Something I Want To Share

As much as I love working in my garden areas, I’m still not very good at identifying the returning perennial flowers from weeds. And I’d been trying to use the Plant Snap app without much success. Even I know that I’m not growing a Japanese banana tree in the front yard, come on! However, I found another free app that I think is going to work well. It’s called iNaturalist and I’m very happy with it so far based on my limited use of it without signing up for anything fancy.

From The Camera

I’ll get back to my bird watching posts eventually. Right now, I’m trying to think about how to structure when I post (keeping Mondays, of course) and whether I want to be on-line at all on the weekends. Meanwhile, here’s my accidental dove photo.

Quote For The Week

I came across this verse more than once last week so perhaps I should share it.

Psalm 119:105: Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path.


How are you spending your first week of May?

14 Replies to “Happy May! Happy Homemaker Monday”

  1. What beautiful photos you’ve shared today! The accidental dove was a great capture. I hope your weather stays nice so you can continue to enjoy your time in the garden. Have a great week!
    Martha recently posted…This Week…My Profile

    1. Thank you! Well, it looks like the weather is going to stay nice. I really have mixed feelings as I’m excited to spend more time in the gardens but now I have to remember to water everything. Hope you have a great week as well!

    1. Thank you! Definitely need to get the camera out a bit more. Hope you have a wonderful week!

  2. Your photos are beautiful!
    We loved Phineas and Ferb!
    Have you ever seen Drake and Josh!??
    My kids and I watch it and literally cry laughing!
    Have a nice week, my friend.
    BillieJo recently posted…Monday Morning CoffeeMy Profile

    1. Thank you! Drake and Josh sounds familiar, I’ll have to ask my oldest son if he ever watched that one. Hope you are having a wonderful week so far.

    1. Thank you! I like the idea of house and work (well, kind of, rainy days at a preschool aren’t very fun, outside is always better) waiting until it rains. Hope you have a wonderful Wednesday!

    1. I wouldn’t mind a banana tree but they don’t grow in these parts (well, inside maybe). Hope your stuffed peppers turned out well. Have a great weekend (we can start it on Thursday, I think)!

  3. Hello my dearest Gal!
    Loving all of the flowers!! You’re such a kindred spirit dreaming on and wanting to spend all of your time at greenhouses and in the garden. I have such love too! That app sounds cool. I need to get better at identifying them as well. Lol
    I think it’s so funny that you guys love Phineas and Ferb. I used to love watching that with my kiddos too! 😊
    Have a blessed week ahead. xoxo
    Carrie@northwoods scrapbook recently posted…Happy Homemaker MondayMy Profile

    1. Yes, as soon as spring really arrives, it’s where I want to be. Outside. Planting flowers or enjoying them. It’s been nice watching the show again with my youngest son. Hope you are getting ready to have a wonderful weekend!

  4. I just love all of your photos. I need to get back into the habit of trying to take photos of my day.

    I have found using Google Lens does so much better on identifying plants than anything else. You can either search by image on your laptop or download the Google Photo App and there is this weird little square thing that can maybe be called a camera, when you click it the app searches the internet for things similar to what you’ve taken. It’s how I identified all of the wildflowers in my yard and it’s a God send for eBay.

    I understand about wanting to find a structure for the blog. I’m finally getting back to writing after an on and off again hiatus. I know I want to keep HHM but outside of that I just don’t know what I want to do.

    Hope your week goes splendidly!
    Felicia recently posted…Isn’t Life FunnyMy Profile

    1. Thank you! I go through spurts with picking up my camera. Oh thanks for the tip, I’ll have to look up Google Lens and see how it works. Glad to see you back blogging. Hope the rest of your week and the weekend is a wonderful one for you!
