Merry Christmas! Blogmas Day 31

We made it to the big day! And I *think* that even though I combined a few days here and there, I posted for every single blogmas topic. It’s a blogmas miracle!

Another short quick one today. I’m taking a few minutes while waiting on the dishwasher to finish up so I can make my chocolate pie. And yes, I could take the pan out of the dishwasher but I needed this 20 minute break.

Even have a couple pictures to share with my post. The topic is Christmas Day Traditions.

And really, we don’t have much of any here lately. We do open stockings/presents in the morning (or early afternoon depending on when people get out of bed).

Dinner with family usually.

We used to do breakfast with my husband’s family and I hope we get back to that some day as I miss it. (I’d settle for brunch timing though).

Hope whatever you’re getting into today, it fills you with joy and wonderful memories!

Merry Christmas!


2 Replies to “Merry Christmas! Blogmas Day 31”

  1. MERRY CHRISTMAS (a day late), but thought and felt yesterday! I really appreciate your playing along with BLOGMAS and I WILL be catching up on EVERY single post today! As the years move on the biggest thing I’ve come to appreciate is “rolling with the punches” (and there will be punches). Traditions seem to be one of the first things that gets “punched” lately so I love your ability to adjust! I love the cat checking out the stocking!

    1. I enjoyed playing along so much though I didn’t do a great job of commenting on all your posts, a goal for next year 😉 It took me a few years to be able to adjust like that, didn’t come easy as I’m someone who typically does not do well with change at all. Our cat keeps us on our toes. She for some reason, out of the blue, was chewing on all our Christmas presents this year. The kids said it was b/c I didn’t decorate the tree and she didn’t have her usual bottom ornaments to play with…maybe? Anyway, Happy New Year!
