Monthly Review of List Progress

I saw this on another list somewhere and thought it seemed like a good idea. Of course, the idea was to do it on the 23rd of each month. However, yesterday was Happy Homemaker Monday so we’re a day late with the review this month.

The List:

  1. Clean our basement a tub at a time (I’ve already told my husband of the plan) *We are making progress on this one! Have even sometimes been doing 2 tubs on a Sunday afternoon*
  2. Participate in every Happy Homemaker Monday for 2023 *So far so good*
  3. Read 92 books *In progress, Goodreads says I’m a book behind, not really worried*
  4. Create a cozy, inviting home filled only with things I love (though I’ll probably have to allow my husband/kids to keep their things as well) *In progress, checked out a couple library books to help motivate me* 
  5. Get my ears pierced (again, I had them done a long while ago but haven’t had them in years) *Not yet, to be honest, I’m a little scared but determined to do it*
  6. Get tubs to store the Christmas books *Not yet though I should be looking as I’m sure I could find some on clearance this time of year*
  7. Unsubscribe from at least 3 junk newsletters every time I clean my email *In progress*
  8. Throw away any broken or worn out items! *In progress though sometimes this is harder than it should be*
  9. Re-watch the David Tennant episodes of Doctor Who, old school style…just one episode a week *In progress, I’m enjoying this list item*
  10. Rediscover the lighter, fun-loving open to (almost) anything adventurous side of my personality *Trying*
  11. Celebrate our 25th wedding anniversary in August with either a trip or a party *Need to discuss this with my husband, step one: remind him it’s our 25th wedding anniversary coming up*
  12. Join in for the Blog365 challenge and post every single day in 2022 (in progress already!) *In progress, so far so good*
  13. Buy 2 Christmas presents for the boys each month (and one stocking stuffer for myself) *Need to update this one a bit: It should read Buy ONE Christmas present for the boys each month (and one stocking stuffer for myself). Might make this a thing to do the 25th of each month.*
  14. Be better about reaching out to friends/family members. Make an effort to call/text someone once a week. *Trying, need to do better*
  15. Put space between the holidays to make each one feel more special (example: don’t eat Valentine’s Day candy/treats until it’s actually Valentine’s Day) *I feel like I’m doing okay at this but it’s early. I did buy candy hearts but have hidden them away instead of already filling the candy dish. Waiting to decorate until Feb 1*
  16. Make individual binders for our bank statements *Not yet*
  17. Frame the photos from when J was in the all-district bands *Not yet*
  18. Leave a review for things I purchase (I’m so bad about doing this and yet, I always read them before I buy things) *I did leave one review on a Kohl’s item though just a star rating. Maybe I should set aside a day to do this*
  19. Figure out a way to either subscribe or keep all the blogs I enjoy reading in one place (Bloglovin’ isn’t really working for me anymore) *Not yet and I really need to do this. Any suggestions? How do you keep track of the blogs you follow?*
  20. Take at least 2 people photos at each holiday/special occasion *Not yet*
  21. Get storage containers for our DVD collection, sort, and store them *Not yet*
  22. Accept that a some family situations aren’t likely to change and realize I’ve done enough. *This is a tough one for me but I’m working on it*
  23. Invite people to our home (family, friends, etc…been too long since I’ve done this) *In progress, planning to invite a friend for coffee here and family to husband’s birthday. Can’t believe this is suddenly a hard thing*


I’m hoping that doing a review each month might help me accomplish a few more items on the list. Did you make a list this year? How is your progress going?

day 24/365

11 Replies to “Monthly Review of List Progress”

  1. #3 – 92 books! Go, you! I’m such a pokey reader. My goal for last year was 10 books and I didn’t even make that. LOL

    #19 – I’m curious about this. If you find something, please share. I’ve always just used the blog list widget that Blogger has but I’m frustrated that I can’t get it to show more than 10 blogs. I’d heard some time ago that Bloglovin was dead. I used to have my old blog registered on it but never bothered with my current blog because I thought it wasn’t a thing anymore. I still see people mentioning it though. Maybe I need to look into it.

    #22 – I’m really struggling with family stuff. It’s been a downward spiral for several years now but really seems to be coming to a head for me the past 6 months or so. I think it would be easier to just cut ties at this point, but I can’t seem to actually do it. I’ve gotten tired of being the one to reach out, to send cards, to try and keep in touch, only to have none of them ever reciprocate. Kinda says it loud and clear, they just tolerate me.

    1. I read super fast thanks to a speed reading course my senior year of high school. Plus quite a while ago, I downloaded a kindle app on my phone and so reading is my waiting activity of choice. Bloglovin was convenient for me to track blogs I read until early last year. Then, it started getting spotty when it worked/didn’t work. Right now, it seems to be taken over by spam. I’m so sorry your also struggling with family stuff. It is exhausting to feel like you’re the only one making effort.

  2. For me, I use the blogger setting. I find this to be a very simple way to follow the blogs and new posts.

    *Log in Gmail- go to blogger- add blogs to follow- scroll to above settings(left)- you will see reading list.

    1. Thank you! I am going to try this when I finish with my blogging commenting/writing a new post.

  3. Well it seems that you are staying on track with most of your goals currently. 92 books is a lot of reading and if I had time I could possibly do that. I am working on several of these types of things as well. I would just like to feel like I am spreading kindness and being a much happier individual this year. I hate that I have allowed circumstances and other people to steal my joy.

    1. I love reading and probably do some of it when I should be doing other things. However, I also use it as my waiting activity. So if I’m waiting on picking up my son from an activity, I’m reading. Spreading kindness and being happier sounds like such a wonderful thing to work on for the year. I hope you do find your joy again.

  4. Well you’re on track with a lot on your list. I related to a few things, the book reading definitely, the family situations, absolutely. Staying in touch is a tough one for me, time gets away and before I know it it’s been weeks.

    1. Feel free. Maybe 2 of us having the same items will mean that we’re both successful with them 🙂
