More Thanksgiving Thoughts

Having a few more Thanksgiving thoughts about how we’ll be spending the day. I think I’ve finally accepted the fact it’ll just be the four of us this year. And I’m finally starting to get a bit into the spirit of the holiday.

In case, like me, you have no idea how to plan and prepare a scaled down celebration I came across this fabulous planning resource. I love how she breaks it down.

We’ll have turkey, of course. And I love the idea of adding an appetizer. A special table setting using real dishes, might even spurge on a “fancy” setting (nothing over the top think melamine). I’ll let everyone pick a side, my choice is going to be cranberries. To me, it’s not really Thanksgiving without homemade cranberry sauce on that turkey slice.

Probably sweet potatoes. I’ll see if my husband wants mashed potatoes as well. He’s the only fan in our household. Dinner rolls. And something, green. Perhaps just a simple salad?

Pie Problems

Dessert is where things get a bit dicey. Another it’s not Thanksgiving without it for me is pumpkin pie. However, G and I are the only fans. And he’s just as happy with chocolate or apple. Of course, I can freeze any leftover pumpkin pie. Decisions. And more Decisions to make.

Plan For The Day

Since it’ll be just us, I’ve been pondering a bit of an itinerary just to make sure we keep the holiday special and don’t all wander right back into our rooms or doing our own thing right after the eating.

Right now I’ve got this rough outline for the day. Most of the times are flexible and I’ll need to discuss them with the family:

9ish Watch the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day parade (probably just me)

10-2ish Prepare the meal

2:30 Eat our Thanksgiving meal

3:30-5:30 After dinner, nap time/outside stuff/clean up

5:30: Light snack/leftover dinner plus dessert for anyone hungry/Game time (UNO most likely)

6:30: Charlie Brown Thanksgiving on PBS (This is my favorite and I’ll watch it by myself if they aren’t interested) *UPDATE: This is on PBS tonight not on Thanksgiving Thursday*

7:30: Maybe start on Christmas decorating to begin the next festive season?

A Bit Off-Topic: Thankful For Returning Birds

Since I typically post a bird-watching post on Saturday, here’s a glimpse of my white-throated sparrow who returned earlier last week. Other than him, I’ve not seen a lot of birds this week, probably due to my hectic days combined with some crazy winds blowing out there. Thankfully, those winds seem to have calmed down for today at least.

more thanksgiving thoughts
white-throated sparrow


Have you made your Thanksgiving plans yet?




