On Today’s List and Other Random Bits

Thought I’d share my to-do list for today and what I’ve been up to the past two days.

Still focusing on my 2021 word of Less, I only wrote 5 things on today’s list. Most of them already accomplished, the last 2 in progress as I take a small break to start this post. And that list of errands at the bottom? I crossed them off my list, saving them for the weekend.

Should I share my thoughts about yesterday?

I go back and forth. The desire to not comment on politics versus the internal need to say something. I heard about the storming of the capitol while I was happily visiting Narnia via Disney plus. Seemed surreal and I returned to Narnia for a bit. Personally, I think former George W. Bush gave the most eloquent statement on the disappointing display within our capitol: if you want, here’s the link to his words. 

Surely, I’m not alone in missing a country where politics didn’t drive people apart from one another and incite them to violence. So much more we could focus on doing within our own states, neighborhoods, and homes than shouting at each other over the “leaders” of the moment. Also, though I’ve chosen less for my word, can we all strive to be more?  Let’s be more than one issue/one party voters (something I have never understood).  Show more kindness to one another.  Strive for more understanding of different points of view.

My final thought is I hope our leaders who incited the violence as well as those who participated, face proper consequences.

Back to My To Do List Items

The laundry mountain is on-going, of course. And I had Christmas clothing in the wash so sweaters are drying.

I safely packed the Nativity away for next Christmas.

Sorted out all those candles.

Gave myself permission to feel less guilt and throw away some that weren’t entirely consumed. Especially if I didn’t like the scent. I threw away 3-4, seems okay. The rest I returned to the shelf, sorted seasonally. I need more January candles.

Cleared out the cup cabinet. Mainly, re-arranged it though I did add a pile of grey plastic cups we all hate to the donation bin.

Sneaked in a different type of project. Since I’ve decided to do a Rudolph day on the 25th of each month, I found an empty bin for projects. Quite by accident but hooray for the discovery of an empty storage bin in the basement! Had some Christmas stickers lurking in an upstairs cabinet and so made myself this:

It’s just a blank spiral notebook I took from the kids’ school supply stash. Even jotted a few ideas in it before stashing it in the aforementioned empty storage bin. By the way, did I ever share that I’m a left-handed blogger? So, I also decorated the back as I find it easier to turn spiral notebooks over to use them.

The Random Bits

I guess the left-handed part was kind of random, huh? Going back to yesterday, I made our traditional 3 King’s Cake. Kept things simple and used a yellow cake mix and can of vanilla frosting, just adding some colored sugar to the top of the cake. We typically use a cashew to represent baby Jesus and I kept that the same.

Can you believe my husband found the Jesus cashew (I hope saying Jesus cashew isn’t blasphemy) in the very first piece of cake?  I’m glad he’ll have the prosperous year and all that but it kind of takes the fun out of searching for it.

In other news, J and I have been enjoying simple hot chocolate. The kind from a packet. It’s nice. We’re down to one packet so if he wants hot chocolate after school again today, I’ll have hot tea instead. Yes, with cake. Are you a hot chocolate fan? Favorite brand? We like Swiss Miss around here.

Not much else going on, I work a full day tomorrow, my first working day since Christmas break. I’m looking forward to going back and yet still going to miss having another lazy day at home.

Now, if you’ll excuse me, I hear Prince Caspian might attend my laundry folding party.


4 Replies to “On Today’s List and Other Random Bits”

  1. I have to tell you – I never make lists, other than shopping lists so I don’t come home without something we needed, but everything seems to get done as far as I know, and if it didn’t it obviously wasn’t that critical. I just asked Miriam and she says that she makes lists of books to be read, but not much else. I guess we are two people who don’t make lists!
    David M Gascoigne recently posted…Two-barred Crossbills (Bec-croisé bifascié) Invade Southern OntarioMy Profile

    1. I didn’t used to make lists. Really depends on my mood but I find as I get older, they do help me stay motivated and keep track of things. Ironically, I hardly ever make a grocery list (seems every time I try it winds up sitting on the kitchen table at home instead of with me at the store!).

  2. Can I be honest and say that I only completed 1 item on my to do list today?! LOL A friend of mine kidnapped me this morning and we ended up going out for breakfast and then grocery shopping together. LOL Great job on completing some of the items on your to do list and your cake looks yummy!
    And I agree completely with your sentiments about what happened yesterday. Everything you wrote was spot on.
    Rachel recently posted…Life so far in the New YearMy Profile

    1. That sounds like a great day! Thank goodness these to do lists aren’t set in stone, huh? I’m still finishing up yesterday’s list today (in a weird turn of events, I have the middle of my work day off). Happy Friday!
